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Carl and the Cotton Gin

Chapter 4 PROBLEMS

Word Count: 3425    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

gedy in the world in which he lived. He knew only too well how indispensable was money and that the necessity of it was even greater in the Harling home than in his own. The Harlings, alas, h

ndoubtedly he would not be forced to bear it for long. Louise would find employment-she must find it. Did not the need compel it? And was she not f

o. Even Mrs. McGregor who was ordinarily able to straighten out every sort of tangle had no remedy for the present pitiable dilemma. The only employment it was in her power to secure for the girl was fine sewing and Louise, restricted b

now?" bewailed each in turn. "Whe


extra job evenings, that of delivery boy for the local grocer. It did not bring in much, to be sure, and it kept him on his feet at the end of the d

emarked Carl dismally. "She says you will be gett

n't you see? It was I who landed us in this plight and I



tify him by letting him know how hard he'd hit us? Not on your life! For all he knows the Harlings are rich as mud and do


characteristic attitude of mind. "But sometimes you can't afford to be

ruth and I'd say it again if I got the chance. You'd have said the same your

out themselves, old man," observed Carl with a wisd

person told me straight to my face what he th

trying to do no

's lips curve

wrong to light into Corcoran as I did. Of course he is my superior and I really had no business to sarse him, even if he was wrong


what would you do? Come now. G

ppose you oug

rupted Hal hotly. "No, I don't.

grandfather, your

mean. You can bet your life on that," cried Ha

be doing it

o you

eyes in my head? You're

g round with bundles. I was too fat, anywa


ed stuff into that loom from morning till n

exercise or no exercise," was the dry response.

wouldn't go and bo


him? I'd cr

satisfaction at

he. "You are every whit as rabid as

id when things hit you a

peaking, the mind of each b

ancial crisis. If only he were rich! If only somebody would suddenly leave h

friendship and affection? Instead of offering them money that was dropped into his hand why should he not test out his real regard for them by earning it? Man

ith eyes fixed on the clouds we lose sight of the things just beneath our noses. Perhaps that was the explanation of Carl's lack of thought. Be that as

awakened altruism and was not yet ready to have his roseate dreams disturbed. Or he may have been pondering so deeply how to put his impulses into action that he failed to heed just where he was going. At

fortunate lives that made leisure and luxury things to be taken for granted? Even now he started at finding himself in a location so

t at this instant that a trim racing car drew up

r way, yo

ced at th

ccoon coat that almost met the fur of his cap there was a splendid vigor about him that breathed health, energy,

answered. "I just got to thinking and have

ing back to


d I'll give

nvitingly the stranger

st too surpri

"I should be glad of a ride. I don't often get one

y pleased the motorist for, smilin

do yo

erry Cou

on't quite know

tenement house off Minton Stre

r was," the man

de. "Of course it isn't like this. We've no trees. But in winter tr

n his companion agreed with a

ghfares, were on every hand white and sparkling, and each little shr

g breath, drinking

sively. "This is great. I

the car shot h

said he. "So you were o

inch of my life," owned

ng some

ot; but my

s the

the foreman, Corcoran, a jawing because he got too fresh with one of the girls. Corcoran didn't say a word at the time but a coupl


and a thing. But whether she does or not, her brother isn't going crawling to Corcoran. He's not afraid of the old tyrant. Hal Harling isn't afraid of anything. Why, only the other day he tore into the street and saved a li

uestioned the man besi

us to get out of the crowd and we were late home anyway

led: "I see!" fr

in all this tangle?" queri

impossible to explain to anybody just what Hal Harling was to him. "I chase rou

o that

ing to do, poor kid. She's been out of work over a week now and they've got to have money or Mrs. Harling and Grandfather Harling wil

led car did not speak at onc

to school to-m

Not on yo

to my office to-morrow morni

e me a job? Sure I'd come!"

97 Dalby Street, to-morrow at ten o'clock. Gi


a piece of paper and give it to the man you will find at

up to the cur

said Carl, as he leaped out. "

miled the man in the fur coat. "You

. I'll be hom

forget abou


dently amused him very much th

one of the most flagrant of sins. To be sure he was not often late, for miss what other functions he might he seldom missed his meals. To-night, however, t

ng from his run up the long flights of stairs. "I've been worried to death about you. Go wash

enitently. "I'm mighty sorry. I'd no

've yo


Mercy on us! Not just wa

raid so

as wit


McGregor looked se

e, addressing the younger children who clustered about t

Ma. Just a fr

go bring the milk; and, Timmie, you fetch a clean saucer from the pantry. Martin, stop pestering your brother until he eats somethin

s with affectionate pride. They were indeed a husky group, red-cheeked, high-spirited, and ha

ue material a-glitter with silver beads that twinkled from its folds like stars. Every now and then little Nell, fascin

ters would intercept the child, catching u

must not trouble mot

, her basket of gayly hued spools beside her, and a cloud of shimmering splendor wreathing her feet. Sometimes this glory was pink; sometimes it was blue, lavender, or yellow; not infrequently it was

immie would bewail. "And gray beads, too! Do hurry u

iant blue or a red tulle and insta

d the scintillating jet

t, Ma!" Carl would cry.

aracters of her children was inestimable. Not alone did it answer their craving for beauty, but far better than this ?sthetic gratification was the education it gave th

er from secrets her children might amid greater leisure have bestowed on her, the circum

e things that could not be delivered in a hurry or hastily fitted into the chinks of a busy day. Confidences depended on

bed, brought in the kindlings and coal for the morning fire, it was time for him to tumble in between the sheets himself, and he d

mall brothers and sisters whose little ears drink in the sto

affection and happiness; but, alas

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