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Blue Bonnet's Ranch Party


Word Count: 2459    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

as Amanda remarked; Debby hobbling about in padded bedroom slippers; and Grandmother

d the Se?ora, noting Alec'

g loaded for big game," said Unc

Clyde spoke with a shade of worry in

rent takes one to bed with him. He's been practising on the snubbing-post in the corral for hours ever

at lassoing," Blue Bonnet declared. "He mu

his sling, I notice," Uncle Joe remarke

et," she insisted, igno

tty. "Alec looks as excited as if h

places. Both boys were ravenous; Blue Bonnet and her grandmother exchanged a significant glance as Alec passed his plate for a

e bagged to-d

itty said i

Blue Bonn

but we didn't do any

me prairie-hens," suggested Uncl

l right-made a neat job of it to

s at Knight's praise. "The steer thought I looked so harmle

ue Bonnet, going back to the origi

amused glances. "Never t

?" Blue Bonn

hey're out in the barn," said A

e. "Oh, do hurry, everybody,

it did not. It was impossible to leave any of Gertrudis' raspberry tart; equally impossible to keep their hoste

, but now she seemed to drop at least six of them, as she raced across the y

nal shrill bark; Blue Bonnet went straight to it and peered down. It was too dark to

put an exploring hand down to find the source of the

e spoke and lifted two little furry bundles an

them to the light, the other girls crowdi

arah gave an exclamation of surprise

," said Alec,

lue Bonnet ecstatically.

calf a few nights ago," he said in extenuation, "and Shady was 'laying for' her. She made for her hole after she w

never saw a real live coyote before. Here, Sarah, you carry one." She generously held out one of

away as she spoke. "But I don'

ings!" exclaimed Blue Bonnet. "Here, Alec, you take

nda. Grandmother did not look in the least delighted when the two sharp-nosed, long-haired puppies were dropped into her lap; and

she said. "And Don and Solomon

is willing for you to keep two

sked Uncle Cliff? Why, Grandmother, I brought him up a

ning! Two new pets is quite a modest demand. I've known her to have a dozen o

snakes," Blue Bo

never made pets of s

eauties, too," Bl

d of them?" Sarah

such pretty little things. But the magpie had fits over t

of the magpie

cyanide of potassium I had put out for ants. We had a most impr

orite spot-under a dewberry bush. No

xas babies,' why not call on


d, "but they're as apt as not to be positively brilliant when they get here! Texas and Massachusetts t

s," Alec suggested. "Pancho's twins

a, were hanging about her in an eager, admiring circle. Every little "greaser" on the ranch adored the Se?orita, and she was godmother to half the babies born on the place. Alec bade fair to be almost as popular as she, for he was always ready for a romp and had an unfailing

venturesome babies from falling out. It was almost dark as they strolled back towards the house, lingering and chatting and drinking in the beauty of the night. The lovely southern sky was studded with stars; the breeze lad

a deep breath. "And y

orry. Think how much richer I am this summer than last, with

lec laughed an

r reason. I reckon you have to know other places before you

o my appreciation of-Woodfo

w the elms look on Adams Avenue, and yearn for a glimpse of the Boston Common-just as I used

of ravings about automobiles and scenery and pictures. Pictures!" Alec pointed to the meadow ahead of them where a million fireflies flashed their tiny lanterns, "-I wish he could see this! An

the heart-could Alec mean-? She opened h

et." And then, as if fearing he had said too much, he added: "But don't say anything to the others, please. It's too soon-I may feel different by the end of the summer. Let it be a secret between us two-three rather, for I've already told Knight." T

ave his mind turned from introspective subjects, she took h

d Alec. "He's so big-mentally, y

lated Blue Bonnet. "That

ibes him

an expert horseman came to be throw

" laughed Alec. "I'm so glad something happened to bring him my w

greased lightning' with a

in my heart to envy him that accompli

ting quite expert yourself,

out of the way!" he retorted. He still clung to his l

rls waiting for us-lasso her and see how s


the magnolia,

ir rope spread into a circle, hissed and flickered for a moment in the air, then dropped straight over the victim. It was a good throw. Alec gave a twitch-not too hard-to the lariat, and the thing was done.

f surprise and apologies, they saw-Juanit

nd then the boy made a handsome apology. Juanita hung her head and was silent, but Miguel, af

out of ear-shot before giving way to their wild mirth. As they drew near to the

ta, ask thy soul

rom Uncle Joe and

e Bonnet collapsed i

been singing that,-only he ought to have said-

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