at opened on the garden. Each was engaged in some peculiar task, and each seemed bent upon her labor in th
ots over him, Polly seemed oftener to contemplate than continue her handiwork; while Josephine's looks strayed constantly from the delicate tracery she
Fifine," said Miss Dinah, "
dering why one should devise such impossible foliage, when we
ight of a real tiger would not put
; while she added, in a faint whisper, "for
in her study of nature, as applied to
pleasure, ma'am. Wh
arieties; take the accidents afterwards, and close with anything
d fox-hounds, where three riders out of a large field came in at the death; when Miss Dinah stopped
recent tragedy at
the fashions,-how are bonnets worn? What's t
m; a little off the sk
e," said Miss Dinah, with a
!' Would you like to h
ll me
the corps, the son of one of our most distinguished generals, had thrown up his commission and repaired to the Continent, to enable him to demand a personal satisfaction
that vile newspaper s
passage in a clear
g pieces of intelligence which excites curiosity, and a
himself under his position towards u
as a reflection, she addressed he
hine, promptly, "the Major may fight the monster
ation, and on the same night made his escape from the hospital, has once again, and very unexpectedly, turned up at Boulogne-sur-Mer. His arrival in this country-some say voluntarily, others under a warrant issued for his apprehension-will probably take place to-day or to-morrow, a
all this for us?" ask
Stapylton was said to have wounded; and whose escape scanda
ut it appears to me that Major Stapylton occupies
m, aunt," said Josephin
thing that says, 'I have more in my head and on my heart than you think
might say the
h something of the galley-slave on their conscience, they assuredly impress us with an amount of fear
s it as heartily as I do." The passionate wrath which she displayed extended to the materials of her work-basket, and while rolls of w
creet! You know, far better than I do, ho
ffecting it. You may remark that whenever she gets into a rage, she rushes out into the flower-garden, and walks round and
you wish her
fliction. You reason, and say, 'How absurd, how childish, how ungenerous,' and so forth. It won't do; for as you look round he is there still, and by his mere presence keeps up the ferment in your thoughts. You fancy, at last, that he stands between you and
t is
like Major
o like som
wly, and dividing the sy
ur own mind, at least as to the man you do not care for, why don't you declar
said, 'If you only knew, Fifine, what a change in our fortune would come of a change in your feelings; if you could but imagine, child, how the whole journey of li
l, g
he kissed my cheek as he got thus f
crifices the world has a high admiration for; but do you know, Fifine, the world limps a little in its morality sometimes, and is not one-half the fine creature it thinks itself. For instance, in the midst of all its enthus
broke in Fifine, boldly. "Your lec
, Fifine," said
e might have, but has not committed. It's like saying
eans, don't fall
y, "I have a sort of suspicion that you don
rather, he puzzles me, and it piques my ingenuity to read him, just
ld never inspire a tender i
ans inoculated themselves with plague, the better to note the phenomena, and trace the cou
ut very bad in morals! At all events, don't
the interests of science solely; not but that I hav
hat can it p
we, poor people, all delighted with the flattery of such high notice, and thinking of the effect upon our neighbors so splendid a visitor would produce, made the most magnificent preparations to receive him,-papa in a black satin waistcoat, mamma in her lilac ribbons. I myself,-having put the roof on a pigeon-pie, and given the last finishing touch to a pagoda of ruby jelly,-I, in a charming figured muslin and a blush rose in my hair, awaited
ally liked
I thought what an awful humiliation it would be if so great a personage were to be snubbed by the doctor's daughter. I wanted to give a lesson which could only be severe if it came from one humble as myself; but he defeated me, Fifin
re comes my aunt back again. Make your submission qui
rial go on in my absence;" and with this she stepped o