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A. D. 2000

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 5112    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ts of rain poured down, flooding the streets

m the little, old-fashion

in that room since the last ev

lowed with all its former heat and cheerfulness, yet an air of

trying to solve some abstruse problem by their aid. Hathaway lay at full length upon the long sofa, near the furth

abstracted manner, and had seemed to be totally oblivious to his surroundings. His friends had, with great perception, unde

illed a glass tumbler with whisky, and drank it to the bottom; then,

seemed that the liquor had revived him and the depressing sense

I must admit that I am terribly loath to undertake the ordeal. O my friends!" he cried, "it is certainly impossible for you to understand my feelings! I am like the condemned man on the scaffold about to leave this world, with its pleasures and sorrows, never again t

his face in his hands,

most overcoming them, but waited the passing of

"there, let it pass. We are convinced, that if it was required of you, you wou

; there is no need for you to suffer, no need for you to imperi

oked at them a minute in silence; t

through this ordeal! Were I to stop now, what would you think of m

nt, and then his

bb once more! Were I never again to see the light o

of his eyes f

ess to argue the question with him, and

match, the

ore your undertaking, b

ith us, as it contains papers and valuables which I hope to again see and use. This valise is packed with a few articles necessary upon our arrival at the chamber; with these exceptions, everything in all my rooms belongs henceforth to you both. In my laboratory you will find many interesting works and many valuable instruments; make such use of them as will improve your minds. My manuscripts are there also, and you will find much information in them. I wish you, Hathaway, to go to town and get the same teamster that we had before-you


y arrangements fail to fulfill my expectations. This safe has been sealed, and the key thrown away by me. Upon the door is the legend: 'Intrusted to the care of the Treasurer of the United States, and to be opened by him in the presence of the President and his cabinet, on January 1st, 1988.' With this safe is a letter explaining that the contents are of the greatest importance, and that it will be for the good of the nation that the same be well taken care of; and further, that it is

every detail as desired by him, not only in this, but in

pon your mission. Craft and I wi

d out into the storm, while Craft settled

C. card, and laid

ver before did I leave a farewell card with such feelings of sadness! They will take it in their hands, read it, and cast it aside with the single remark, 'Well, he'll be back soon.' Will be back soon! Yes: when their bones are dust; when their souls have passed out to their

in sad contemplation of the future. His thoughts

nd live among men again. Have you completed everything that is necessary to be done? or are there s

pe-aye, I know-I am ready myself;" and he rais

Oh, Cobb, I wish you would give th

e my steps, yet God knows the heart-pains which rack my breast; He alone can fathom the utter misery of my position. From father, m

king, came the last words, ending in a sob, as he sank i

smile upon his lips, now cried at simple separation. But,

brooding. Raising his head, he glanced through the window

ort at firmness; "there is our hack. Take that bo

other room, he put out the lights. Returning to the front room, he and Craft took

ain. The quarters that had sheltered him for many a day and many a night, were being left behind, never again to be occupied by him. His books and instruments, the companions of many happy hours,

! Good-bye to all that is

uttered the words, and his

ghts flashing out upon the night. There was no thought of the water that was streaming down upon them; other feel

tions," he said to the driver; a

window, raised his hand gently toward his old q

down the road to

d and forced, but it was evident that he was de

warmer and drier are we in this hack than if we were outside

past eleven o'cloc

f-past eleven o'cl

he posts, the answers coming clear a

n guardhouse, where number one was walking his lonely and solitary beat. As they passed t

l's w

way, then, with all sorrow, and let me feel that this is my bridal trip, instead of my funeral voyage. Come, Craft, we a

th in the strains of that old song so dear to the hearts of eve

asses, fellows, and

mentally, we're

's sobriety promo

reminiscences of

full voice joine

ns, oh! Oh! Be

reminiscences of

sung, the lamps of California stree

eached McAllister street. Here Cobb caused the driver to pull up, and alighted,

box into the express wagon, dismi

ppointed place," he said,

is hand to the spring, and was soon inside of the chamber. Striking a light, he was enabled to ascertain that everything was just

two-quart bottle of a thick, dark-brown liquor, several rolls of s

had been completed, Hathaway

wo men unloaded the conten

xt was a very heavy iron cylinder, and then a barrel of plaster of Paris and a ten-gallon ke

iting with the driver. The team was quickly transferred, and the driver dismissed, and

ock in the morning

ining of the heater, and soon a bright and c

board for the plaster. These things being satisfactorily arranged, the plaster was mixed by Hathaway and Craft, while Cobb commenced undressing. Stripping himself to t

et?" he asked, as he stood

t, adding a little m

upon the glass door, to

inches. As soon as this was laid upon the former mass, Cobb carefully stretched himself upon th

u have made it about five inches high, and I

nutes Cobb arose from the door, l

, and up to the lower parts of the breasts, with some fifteen wrappings. This bei

de of the case, near the upper part. Cover my face and bandages well with plaster of Paris, so that no entrance may be given to the ozone. Take those eight bottles of ozone, and quickly empty the contents upon both sides of my body, into the side troughs which you see, and at once close the door. I will take this position at 2:30 o'clock, and immediately take a dose of five grains of opium. In twenty minutes after, by your watches, you will turn this wheel on the side, one point, and every minute thereafter a point, until the forty-five points, or full revolution of the wheel, have been passed over. This is to shut off the supply of air gradually as the ozone commences to enter through the pores of my body.

upon it. The needle now pointed to 1,007.8

iving at 4 degrees 34.85 minutes on January 1, 1988; but this will be still 14.85 minutes from the little catch which you see hanging down. In one year from that time, it will strike it. The instant that it does do so, the fine wheel-work is released, and the heavy weight will cause it to move; this movement will drop the large beam upon the glass bulbs of the batteries, break them, and drop the zinc into the electropoion fluid. The batteries will then work, and I will have my power. The flask of alcohol is broken, its contents saturating the asbestos feeder, while a current heating to a white heat the platinum strip, starts the fire. At the same time the same current through these magnets withdraws the bolt holding the under door of the glass case in which I am: it falls by my weight, and I roll upon the bed-springs, while the door, relieved of its weight, closes again, thus shutting off the escape of the ozone. In descending through the bottom of the case, the bandages are torn off of my face, and another current of electricity passes through my heart by means of the proper discs. Thus, you see, I am released from my ozone prison into good and fresh air; the ozone is shut off, and my

o all this trouble with that compass, when you

s could not be thought of at all, as they would not keep so long. In fact, I had to get something that was as sure in its work as the earth is in its movement around th

r," said Craft. "It is a most marvelous and ingeniou

out of his pocket

t once to our work. You both k

terial were placed over his whole face, leaving but a small opening for the platinum tube between his lips. He had previously thoroughly saturated the bandages about his loins and b

ion. Craft and Hathaway, by hard work, got it on to the hinges, and fastened th

l. I thank you, dear boys, for all your kindness to me, and it grieves me sorely that I will never again see you; but such is fate! May God bless you a thousand fold, and

imed, while the tears streamed down their ch

bottles, while Hathaway placed the perforated ve

of the ozone gas, scattered the contents on either side of the body, but not touching the door upon which Cobb lay. Taking his arm out, the doo

of recognition of their last farewell, Cobb

in a regular manner, while a slight tremo

hat moment on, not a word was spoken by either of them, nor a sound made, sa

eaving of the chest became less and less, the breathing

n took a spoonful of plaster, and, inserting his hand carefully inside of the case, pulled

s; the same thing was done around the edges of the lower door. They then put out

t, and then, kneeling at its side, gave way t

t is all over. We have performed our part, and, perhaps, are accessories to a man's suicide

le door swung back upon its hinges, the inside catch gave a sharp so

ad done to the glass case inside, the two friends, seeing that i

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