A Night on the Borders of the Black Forest
her arrival, without having the faintest remembrance of the forest through which he must have come, the gates through which he must have passed, or the staircase which he must have as
housekeeper, or of a simple and untaught peasantry. Seeing nothing for long years beyond the narrow limits of his own little world-his parsonage, his chapel, or his parishioners; familiar only with
of exquisite shape and colour, with long drooping leaves and heavy white and purple b
zure deep'nin
e of her favourite books; all around, draperies of pink silk fe
head upon his hand
with an unwonted trouble in her face-a trouble that might hav
tated; her voice trembled, a
used from his dream. The lover
se ab
ds. I know why you have sent for me to-day, and I tell you that the All-Powerf
ce at the gloomy countenance of the p
Curé, the All-Pow
steady voice-"you will not die. Heaven, which gave you strength t
tess, in a piercing tone, "I
or the wounded heart; but now that he had it before him, trembling and bleeding like the stricken bird which had nestled in his breast the night before, he had not a word of comfort or pity to soothe her ang
altered, "do you the
all my life!" she
indow, and suffered the evening breeze to
he re
name of the living God, I release you from your vow; and if in this a
hs, and sealed their faith with blood-so André Bernard stood in the glory of the setting sun, rapt, illumined, glorified. And Marguerite de Peyrelade, dimly conscious of the
from her lips, and pointing upwards. "It is not I who give you happiness. C'est
mblem in speechless gratitude, and when s
joy in his countenance that replaced the bloom of health. He was seated in an easy chair, and wrapped in a large military cloak. The other was a woman, young and be
th all the hues of autumn and golden in the sun. No traces of the late storm were visible, save that here and there a tree
hered clouds faded into grey; the mountain summits grew darker, and their outline
hen resumed her lowly seat. And so they sat, looking at the stars and into one another's eyes, list
at the dear head laid against his hand-"methinks, that in an
his brow, and looked at him with eyes t
de Pradines set off