A Little Union Scout
and at night went into camp, the men and horses getting a good rest. Scouts were coming in to make reports at all hours of the night, so that it was prac
onsiderate, however-a fact that was due to a letter that General Maury had intrusted to Harry Herndon's care. We were permitted to ride as temporary addit
But he seemed satisfied when Harry told him that the negro's forebears for many generations back had belonged to the Herndons. We h
ery, with instructions to reach the river ahead of the Federals and hold the ford at all hazards until the main body could
ed General Forrest somewhat grimly, "and he'll either fling up
al Forrest laughed; he was evidently very sure that a negro would never stand up before gun-fire. A sco
e number of my men in the woods back yander he'd 'a' whipped me out of my boots." And then his eye fell again on Whistling Jim, who was laughing and joking with some of the troopers. He called to the negro in s
, suddenly cleared up and became illuminated by a broad grin. "You hear dat, Marse Harry!" he exclaimed
ther road, with the evident intention of harrying the Federals at a point where they had no intention of crossing. So well assured was he that these reports were trustworthy that he was seriously considering the advisability of d
t precipitate manner. Then the attack ceased as suddenly as it began, and the Federal commander concluded that
battery, operated by young Morton, opened on them from the ambuscade in which it had been concealed. The thing to do, of course, was to charge the battery and either capture it or silence it, and the Federal commander gave orders to that effect. But Forrest, looking
sent a very strong front where the rear had been, and he made desperate efforts to protect his flank. But he was too late. Forrest said afte
no commander could have foreseen it, joined his force with that which was supporting Freeman's battery and charged all along the line, bringing the eight and twelve-pounders right to the front. No men, however brave, could stand before a battery at close range, and the inevitable result ensued-they got out of the w
lish, and more. He had emphasized the fact that it was dangerous work for the Federals to raid Northern Alabama while he was in striking distance, and he had cap
yours done about as well as any of the
fighting," replied Harry, "but I tol
and I expected him to go over to the Yankees. May
Shannon!" I answered him so that he could find us, and he came up puffing
an' Marse Cally Shannon by yo'se'f? I done
ret of it," said I. "Out
ne gone an' shot M
rd!" cri
knock my han' down des ez I pull de trigger, an' de ball cotch him right 'twix de hip an' de knee. He call me by my name, an' den it come ove
quired Harry, his voice shakin
anter, I went back an' put 'im on my hoss an' tuck 'im ter dat little house by de river. Dey's a white lady dar, an' she say she'll take keer un' 'im twel somebody come. Does you reckon any er his si
d his face in his hands, and appeared ready to give way to grief. General Forrest turned to an orderly: "Go fetch Grissom here; tell him to come right a