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A Boy Crusoe

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 662    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

de; A Crus

er than cocoanuts and oranges. More substantial nourishment I must have if I was to continue to work and retain my health and strength. But my extreme anxiety to carry along the construction of m

these to the house, I lashed one across the upright palings midway between the upper pole and the ground, lashing them firmly to each of the palings

s on an island somewhere to the northeast of the Caribbean sea, in fact, I reasoned that I could be nowhere else; and from this,

of the stream to cut a quantity of wild canes which I proposed to weave in the

, and by sunset I had a great p

the brook, I cut another notch in the cocoanut-shell calendar, and after sitting and listening t

pretty well worked out in my mind; and the desirability of surrounding my abode with some sort of a stockade occurred to me. I had little fear

be totally uninhabited. Whether the islanders proved friendly or otherwise, the idea o

ly. Perhaps only cocoanuts and oranges abounded in my near vicinity; at any rate, I resol

ve the rough usage which it was now receiving, and to which it would hereafter be subjected in the bush. I even thought it m

ch, among them the project of starting out upon a tour of discovery in an endeavo

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