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The Young Engineers in Nevada; Or, Seeking Fortune on the Turn of a Pick


Word Count: 1354    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

" yelled Dolph Gage, s

Tom bellowed back in

right on th

ow," Tom continued. "You haven't

ou know w

ed Tom amiably, as he and his co

t would take him but an instant to s

ued, lowering his voice somewhat as they drew nearer to

ut we've got our notice of claim nailed up here. We got it here first, and

ritten in the prescribed

we'll shoot you so full of holes that you'

sisted, "I'm going to look over your notice of claim and

roared Dolph Gage, swinging his rifle

him. The guide was gazing at his

ou where you stand!" sounded Jim's voice, low and businesslike. "If any

a as a rifle shot the others hesitated,

mile, as he continued to move forward. "Now, Mr. Gage--I believe that

ed Dolph sullenly, p

through under his

thing before, I guess, G

ind it all reg'lar

can tell, it i

claim i

file the formal p

rst thing tomorrow m

step off the dirt that

the borders that you

y. "Going to start your claim

led, "I don't believe I'll tell

laim is a pretty valuab

n't sa

e staked if we had

've got to guess

aim, tell us some thing strai

ed Tom. "Certainly. I'll tell you som

t, "you said you'd tell

ghed Tom. "It's just

e're going to be on neighboring claims you may find it a heap

idly covering the statement of locati

p a lot of ore stuff


nquired. "Di

lso saw you ma

u d

ay, friend, how did

furnace," Tom answ

But say, how did

y, bless me, I never knew

meant, younker. H

d Tom, "an assay is as much una

ph," growled another of the group. "He won

aybe he'll miss something. See he

h of your informatio

ing up wi

and sociable. You've missed staking this claim, but I

I'm sure," nodded Tom. "But I c

ll lose so

or my partner, he's a real wonder in the way

another such claim in Nevada. Now, if you two want to make any real money you'd better beg

se,'" laughed Reade,

u're going to stick the winter through on this Range you'll be hungry once or twi

ting and looking squarely ba

him. Jim Ferrers all but walked backward, holding his ri

r minds are now set on their new claim. They expect to dig out gold enough to ena

rned and walke

out behind them, the bullet striking t

, Jim, and---

oke Ferre

ide dryly. "Now, if he fires again, it'

king for trouble is alwa

world, yet a fellow who goes looking for it is alway

, Harry, whose face had been growing gradually "longer" on

the best in this part of Nevada. And, just because we were too slow,

w that we've made a start and lost, my mind is made

it?" Haze

. We'll engineer our own mines, with Jim for a partner. Harry, we'll get u

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