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The Young Engineers in Mexico; Or, Fighting the Mine Swindlers


Word Count: 2048    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

, Gringo," bellowed P

m, sternly, though he did not

d Pedro Gato. "Tha

feel rather debased to have used such a word. Gato, if you make the mistake, again, of usi

e humor of the situation appealed to him.

he began,

senor' or 'sir.' I am not usually as disagreeable as this in dealing with my fellow men, but you have begun w

g, wondering Mexicans of the usual type. The talk had pr

r, his bronzed face wa

orehead were swellin

ward, aiming a blow w


d to land. It was Gat

ack, striking the gro

say?" whispe

on Luis, with a shr

as red now before his eyes. He rushed forward bellowing like a bull,

followed, and Gato, big as he was, staggered back. Tom's right foo

e coolly. "Just because we have had a bad introduction is no reason why we should

d of him, Gato had never felt the need of carrying weapons. But now he plunged to the doorway of the

ted Dr. Tisco, rushing f

ng cautiously around the young engineer. Harry, though not at all m

d Don Luis. "It is I

your knife o

ager held his employer in awe. He was about to

to be settled right before we can proceed. This fellow is only a cow

my good Gato," purred Don Luis,

ted. "I couldn't, an

fraid of any one to

ife. If he fails, then

rm a

eriously. "And you, Gato, throw down your knife. I wil

red before his eyes. He must have this Gringo's life, and that

e will shake hands and


afraid?" sneered

if you prefer tha

is pockets a silver-mounted revolver, but Hazelton caught the flash and

fight, Don Luis,"

stol instantly,"

Harry rejoined. Slipping the weapon into one

der, and the knife did not descend. Like a flash Tom bent as he wheeled. Gripping the mine manager by the captured arm, Tom threw him force

ending the Greaser bully to earth. The big fellow made several efforts to rise, b

on here with you, for I realize, of course, that I cannot hope to go on with any such man in a position where I would have to depend so much upon his cheerful and friendly service. I would have resign

ou again," promised Don

ll the time. Don Luis, I shall have to crave your indulgence to the extent of discharging

Luis, quickly. "He is too old an employ, too valuabl

y find the best way to avenge myself on this miserable Gringo. Don Luis, do not think of attem

tated his case, and the decis

, "let Gato go. For either good or bad

odded the mine owner quick

d my words. I let you go because it is your wish. I do not so decide that I may humiliate you, but because you ha

t "little Gato," and was used as a term of affection. It was a form of telegraphy that was not wasted on the departing mine manager, eith

unutterable hatred flung in Tom Reade's direction, Ped

forth the silver-mounted revolver

apologize for having snatched it from you so rudely. I did not know wha

" asked the Mexican mine owner,

it. When he does find himself in one I have learned, from long experience, not to interfe

Gato is one who never forgives an injury. He will devote himself to thoughts of a revenge that

ed as he

hat I have seen the

ave not seen the last

with Gato," smiled

ffended you in this

to withdraw, and I

ave incurred in b

, "unless you feel that you no longer wish t

ered my mind, sir," Reade

n," nodded the Mexican. "And now we will go down into the mine

elevator cage was at the foot of the shaft. While they wait

gly on your guard against Gato. In these mountai

then Gato should turn ban

ge it is no uncommon thing for him to turn bandit until he has accomplished his hope of a terrible revenge. Then, afterwards, if the bandit ha

started downward. Three hundred and sixty feet from the ea

uis, "something of the problem that c

y be wholly wrong, yet, somehow, I can't quite rid myself of a notion that Don Lu

ected Dr. Tisco. "I half suspect that they will fo

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