The Rover Boys on the Great Lakes; Or, The Secret of the Island Cave
Author: Edward Stratemeyer Genre: LiteratureThe Rover Boys on the Great Lakes; Or, The Secret of the Island Cave
to the stick of lumber, but his hands were numb and withou
ger," was his dismal thought
expanse of water, with here and there a solitary stick of lumber.
d," he thought. "Heaven h
As the waves went down he changed his position on the log, and this gave him temporary relief. Soon the sun made his head ache, and he b
e was now too weak to pull himself up. "It's the end," he thought bitte
over! Is
n another log, and as the two sticks bumped together he caught
on any-any longe
d of a boat is bound to
ue-I'm numb myself.
ick continued to hold on, and a few minut
r! Saved
am had hailed was approaching, the castaways hav
observed Captain
" returned the mate. "He must be the
than l
eight steamer drew closer, and
and then made the discovery that th
and caught the youth just as
r. But it was accomplished at last, and, still unconscious, he
ture, and his chief anxiety was for his friend
Rollow was viewed with much astonishment
were Arnold Baxt
do, and it may be as well to state right here that they were bound East in order
will be disclosed a
Dan Baxter, after having seen th
ow it," whispere
e wasn't drown
ead, and we'll have to keep out o
d the bully, for, as old readers kno
sees us he may-ahem-ma
ngs in Colorado? What
s, Dan, you must rememb
ate are sti
ven't forg
e left Detroit," went on Arnold Baxter. "But I hated to put the
put the
ow my real looks. I will have
know what he is
ure trip, m
hed one of the mates of the freighter, who had just
fellow getting on?"
shape," was
think he
y out of his mind. The hot sun, coming aft
? Doesn't he rec
cries out to be pulled from the wate
n Baxter hypocritically.
ht a couple of hours ago. A lumber raft struck the yacht and the
who was save
e strangers;" and with this remark the
ther of what he had heard. Ar
enough," he said. "I presume they'll put him
where that
left her mi
will we reac
ur, so I heard one of
father and son set to thinking deeply, and the
amer was about to make
touched his
r ashore, let us go ash
Dan's answer. "Was you thinking,
can't do it-if he is
quick, for more than likely his brothers will
freight for Cleveland, so t
ought up on a cot, st
aid to Captain Jasper. "If there is anything I can
ng through to Buffalo," retu
attended to. I'll take the train for Buffalo to-morrow. If you want me t
d one, and relieved Capt
"It isn't everyone who would p
rnold Baxter. "And I know how miserab
will take him until his bro
tution. I will see to it that he gets to a firs
, and then Dick was carried
was ready to leave, and a minut
ooked around and saw on
Luke Peterson, wh
asked the lumbe
open for that yacht,"
ere are you going t
n there, and can easily get him a good r
he yacht, I'll send his broth
driver of the coach. "To the Commercial Hotel," he wen
er leaped in and banged the door shut. Soon the coach was moving away from
e Commercial Hotel," observed Dan,
as Arnold Baxter's reply. "We g
he future, Da
o far as knowing an
ains so, for a
tly came to a halt in front of t
Baxter to his son and to the coach drive
he spent a few minutes in loo
o the coach. "I've a good mind to take him to some private hospital, after all.
e us to th
, and it took half an hour to reach it. It was an old-fashioned building surrounded by a h
mmons, and ushered him
d-up, bald-headed,
r you, sir?" he asked
nted to meet," tho
er, and saw that Dr. Karley wou
d men, put there by their relatives merely to get them out of the way, and an old
ducing himself as Mr. Arnold. "A young friend of mine has been almost dro
l, I
for your services," w
e him wi
f his head on account of exposure to the water and the hot sun. I think a
bed his head. "I will go
er room of the sanitarium, lying on a comfort
Baxter had gone out and
stand down by th
I had just brought down a passenger when you ha
a carriage, and I will hire that later on,
, sir; the
t of sight Arnold Baxt
"I don't believe the Rovers will find thei