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The Boy Allies Under the Sea; Or, The Vanishing Submarines


Word Count: 1792    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

Lord Hastings announced that the start would not be made until

order for my motorboat and you can go to Gravesend during the day if yo

was de

ere all day, waiting for night to co

you," replied the l

stings; "and, above all, hang on to that moto

never fear," replied F

Hastings. "You'll need this

ten, sir,"

apidly on a piece of pape

" he said. "Now rememb

eir things together, they hurried to the river, where Lord Hastings kept his mo

r get in here," declared Frank, a

"Look at the boats. You wou

of them to make it hot for any hostile fleet. But it's a wonder to me s

eplied Jac

we took a pretty long jaunt up the Dardan

t, we're pretty lucky to be here

you look at it. However, I wouldn'


ere was little more talk during the trip. They stopped more than once

a sudden flash of light-gone in a moment-followed

n exclamation o

t?" he d

could it

ing toward the open sea. Grea


ne business. Maybe this fellow has been spying about. May be

r follow and have a

uld be a good

headed after the one that had so recently dashed by th

eedle in a haystack,"

red Frank. "He showed no light and was going

that way,"

go?" demanded Frank. "We won't ever ge

to fly over the dark water. This terrific speed

e," he said; "and that would settle th

ank. "We won't find tha

y good if we did find him," argued Jack. "Fir

ered this po

e right," he

t, and, turning quickly, Frank saw a

ne the other way,"

"There is something up here, and

match, lighted the searchlight, which, unt

ad ahead, upon which signs of life became apparent. Jack saw figures gesticulati

Jack quietly. "The

ed Frank. "You run the

less you have t

made n

He could see several oilskin-clad figures and that w

you wan

English. Jack a

" he demanded. "We are British off

" was the response. "Heave to

get a warm welco

boat and drew h

ried, as the other

e other boat made out the boys' uniforms. The boa

uniforms," said o

they are English

e the countersig

il came fr


ack, and would have said more, had not a

ds up now or you ar

ch as he would have liked to fight it

said quietly. "They'

his hands

so F

ht," declared the lad angrily, a

et me, if y

t he raised his r

grily, "don't be a fo

st and wrenched the r

urned on his

"Have you turned coward, that you surrend

lied Jack quietly. "They are

ide now and an officer ste

" he said in p

my boat. You shall be tak

take us to a better place. But if you ar

. "You know we are English

officers and we thought you were German spies. That's why I fired at you.

ck in warning, bu

So you have given yourselves away. Who but a German spy

l you--" b

trayed yourselves, and that is enough. I give

a laugh. "I guess Lord Hastings will


pen to serve unde

an with sarcasm. "I am not asking you t

right," s

boat," ordere

ds com

motorboat. He told us not to lose it. Tie

ied their captor. "Now the best thing

command, for they had nothi

nd and the boys were ordered to climb out, which t

now?" as

ll you," wa

uck by a sud

s, sir?" he asked the leader of

wouldn't tell this other fellow anything. He's too smart." He produc

nd we were to meet Lord Hasting

k," replied the leader of the capturing party, "but w

re taking us th


ke in Frank. "We'll be all rig

the morning, I can guarante

er ahead of him. They did so and the first per

latter began, and then broke off a

d Frank with a smile, "and we have

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