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Grace Harlowe's Overland Riders on the Great American Desert


Word Count: 1469    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

g!" shoute

ing Pong?" added

round, rocking back and forth holding the thumb of his right hand. A brie

ve started in early,"


want to know,"

und, then you can qu


d placed with his back against a rock where the

happened!" dem

ng. Him clawl like dog.

re saying!" in

m bad pi

nquiry. Each was wondering what the mean

n!" urged

awl lik

id," piped

imee me tlow can tlomatoes an

dded the guide, whereupon Emma Dean laughed, but no one p

im shoot-blam, blam! and run away. Hab hit thumb. Hab makee m

are trying to find out," answered Grace Har

man shook

advise, Mr. La

surprise us. I will get out the rifles, but be careful that you don't shoot each other. In case you discover some one prowling, ma

h to accompany y

enant will go, if

Elfreda, you will please watch the camp," direc

mbersome to carry, and that their revolvers would be much more serviceable. After Hi Lang had given final inst

cast by rocks and trees. The stalkers laid their course by the moon so that they might keep going in one direction and not get in eac

uiet in her movement, but now and then Hippy Wingate would stumble, followed b

o pairs of ears were alert for any fumbling on his par

ly before attempting to cross the open spot. Crouching low, she gazed and listened, every faculty on the a

then leveled the weapon as somethi

spered to herself.

s tilted forward as the beast halted; then h

keen-eared coyote without disturbing it, how much easier would it be to stalk a human being. Having

e other side, and plainly at close range, a revolver banged. She

by the other weapon, then throwing herself on the ground, wriggled away into a shadow and

e place where she had thrown herself down. To the last two shots Grace made no reply. Sh

tone, and, finding a small piece of rock, flipped it into the air, so that it m

no response fr

ing all this time, afraid of what proves to be nothin

me little distance, until she was in a heavier shadow. There she arose cautiou

on with still greater caution than before, but rather more rapidly, believ

e enveloped in darkness, though she was certain that she could find he

arted for the scene at a long, loping trot, now and then giving an a

p his position and continue on until directed to stop. As

d the guide. "The man may run along the ridge. Wing him if you see him. He may have s

amazement, a man stepped out into the light a few yards to the rear of her. She saw him the

, taking a cautious step toward the man

have you covered!" s

. Grace fired almost in the same instant. So close was he to her when h

ry and make a more difficult mark for him to hit. He pulled the trigger of his revolver, and, at that secon

d she hear a rattling exchange of shots that followed almo

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