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The Happy Family


Word Count: 2353    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

uck-wagon engaged in uneasy discussion as to what Luck would say when he found out about their intention

s held off this long. Two hours is a dang long time fer Luck to git in action, now I'm tellin' yuh!" He took off his hat and polished his shiny pate

in premature self defense. "We ain't left the ra

to do it with," Pink could n

he'd have a fat chance borryin

l outfit," Big Medicine asserted. "We might a knowed Luck'd come back loaded fer bear; we WOULD a

ances are," Pink a

ibbled with figures. He had a cigarette in his lips, his hat on the back of his head an

much you put into the game when we started out to come here and produce The Phantom Herd, don't you? If you don't, I've got the figures here. I guess the returns are all in on that picture-and so far She's brought us twenty-three thousand and four hundred d

voice gulped faintly.

e it himself and check up after me. We all put in our services-one man's work against every other man's work, mine same as any of you. Bill

ght," Bill answered

," he informed him drily, a little hurt by Bill's lack of appreciation. For when you take a man from the streets because he is broke and hungry and homeless, and feed him and give him work and clothes and three meals a day and a warm bed to sleep in, if you are a normal human b

her ten a week besides her board. That's good money for a squaw." He count

on. Here, pard-how does this look to you?" His own pleasure in what he was doing warmed from Luck's voice all the chill that Bi

r him the amount he had jotted down opposite his name. "That there's moren the hul

-now, close your face and let me get this thing wound up. Now-W

owin' ME out the window," Applehead boasted, and backed

orward and with exaggerated deliberation peeled off fifty-dollar notes

ur more eagerly than any of them guessed; he had, with his eyes closed, visualized this scene over more than one cigarette, his memory picturing vividly another scene wherein these same young men had cheerfully emptied their pockets and planned many small personal sacrifices that he, Luck Lindsay

tempt to conceal his delight when his name was called, his investment was read and the

pan out," Weary declared gleefully. "Mamma! I di

asserted facetiously, thumbing his small fortune gloatingly. "Ho

held mine out first. That wipes the slate-and cleans up the bank-roll. I maintain The Phantom Herd

der the wing of Excelsior, and our brand name will be Flying U Feature Film-how does that hit you? You boys are all on a straight board-and-salary ba

on, as I said, is another assistant in another capacity, that of scenic artist and stage carpenter. Pete Lowry, here, is camera man and Bill Holmes will be his assistant. The rest of you work wherever I need you-a good deal the way we did last winter. Annie-Many-Ponies stays wi

lessly camera-shy, but he could use her in background atmosphere, and when it came to looking after the phy

cook and dishwasher, Luck Lindsa

longer. I've got a Mexican hired and headed this way. There'll be

he light, all the way out from town. I've got a range picture all blocked out-did it whi

Luck so deeply stirred by the money laid in his big-knuckled hand, shuffled his fe

stuff I want, we can gather and brand your calves. That way, all my range scenes will be of the real thing. I may want to throw the Chavez outfit in with ours, too, so as to get bigger stuff. I'll try and locate Ramon Cha

runnin' gear," Applehead confessed shamefacedly, rolling his e

ires need setting

boys set the

hings in shape while I was gone! How about the ho

all two apiece," Applehead admitted, perspi

en reading my mind, Applehead.

and loaded 'er up with grub fer two weeks," b

to backing a man's play. If I haven't said much about how I stand toward

symptoms of apoplexy. Their confusion Luck set down to a becoming modesty. He went on planning and perfecting details. Standing

an could want. He had a salary that in itself gauged the prestige he had gained among producers, and as an added incentive to do the biggest work of his life he had a contract

ruancy from the ranch and his parting instructions to "sit tight." I also know that the Happy Family was not at all likely to volunteer information of their lapse. And as for Applehead, the money burned his soul deep with remorse; so deep that he went aroun

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