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Micah Clarke

Chapter 23 Of the Snare on the Weston Road

Word Count: 7288    |    Released on: 18/11/2017

awaiting me downstairs. Having dressed and descended, I found him seated by the table in the sitting-room with paper

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1 Chapter 1 Of Cornet Joseph Clarke of the Ironsides2 Chapter 2 Of my going to school and of my coming thence3 Chapter 3 Of Two Friends of my Youth4 Chapter 4 Of the Strange Fish that we Caught at Spithead5 Chapter 5 Of the Man with the Drooping Lids6 Chapter 6 Of the Letter that came from the Lowlands7 Chapter 7 Of the Horseman who rode from the West8 Chapter 8 Of our Start for the Wars9 Chapter 9 Of a Passage of Arms at the Blue Boar10 Chapter 10 Of our Perilous Adventure on the Plain11 Chapter 11 Of the Lonely Man and the Gold Chest12 Chapter 12 Of certain Passages upon the Moor13 Chapter 13 Of Sir Gervas Jerome, Knight Banneret of the County of Surrey14 Chapter 14 Of the Stiff-legged Parson and his Flock15 Chapter 15 Of our Brush with the King's Dragoons16 Chapter 16 Of our Coming to Taunton17 Chapter 17 Of the Gathering in the Market-square18 Chapter 18 Of Master Stephen Timewell, Mayor of Taunton19 Chapter 19 Of a Brawl in the Night20 Chapter 20 Of the Muster of the Men of the West21 Chapter 21 Of my Hand-grips with the Brandenburger22 Chapter 22 Of the News from Havant23 Chapter 23 Of the Snare on the Weston Road24 Chapter 24 Of the Welcome that met me at Badminton25 Chapter 25 Of Strange Doings in the Boteler Dungeon26 Chapter 26 Of the Strife in the Council27 Chapter 27 Of the Affair near Keynsham Bridge28 Chapter 28 Of the Fight in Wells Cathedral29 Chapter 29 Of the Great Cry from the Lonely House30 Chapter 30 Of the Swordsman with the Brown Jacket31 Chapter 31 Of the Maid of the Marsh and the Bubble which rose from the Bog32 Chapter 32 Of the Onfall at Sedgemoor33 Chapter 33 Of my Perilous Adventure at the Mill34 Chapter 34 Of the Coming of Solomon Sprent35 Chapter 35 Of the Devil in Wig and Gown36 Chapter 36 Of the End of it All37 Appendix