That Prince Is A Girl: The Vicious King's Captive Slave Mate.
The Jilted Heiress' Return To The High Life
Rejected No More: I Am Way Out Of Your League, Darling!
Between Ruin And Resolve: My Ex-Husband's Regret
My Coldhearted Ex Demands A Remarriage
His Unwanted Wife, The World's Coveted Genius
Requiem of A Broken Heart
Don't Leave Me, Mate
Pampered By The Ruthless Underground Boss
The Unwanted Wife's Unexpected Comeback
I don’t remember much of my Childhood. Most of what I do know, was what I have been told. Which still doesn’t account for much. I know that when I was 8 my Parents were murdered, but I do not know why. I know that when my fathers body was recovered it was torn to shreds, that not anything human could have done the terrible things to him, my mother’s body was never found. I know that I was found 3 days later hidden behind a secret panel in the basement of my parents lakeside home, but I cannot remember being there. I know that my Dad was apart of an elite group of humans known as the Hunters.
I have been told my Dad was the best fighter in recent history, accounting for well over 100 kills during his time as a warrior, but I cannot remember him. If it were not for a single picture of the three of us that sat on my bedside table, then I wouldn’t even know his or my Mums faces. I know that my Dads best friend and fellow warrior was the one to find me. He is also my Godfather. He took me in and raised me as one of his own. His son, Ben, was my best friend, as our parents were before us.
It was Darren Richards who filled in the blanks for me. He put my memory loss down to childhood trauma. That witnessing my parents brutal murder had been the trigger. My mind blocked out everything as a way to protect myself from the pain of loss.
The last thing I know, is that we are not alone in this world. That living amongst us are all manner of creatures that would do us, humans, harm. That the Hunters were created to protect humans from these creatures. I found this out when I turned 10. Darren brought me and Ben to his headquarters, he explained to us that it was creatures that killed my parents. That if we wanted to, we could train in the academy and become warriors ourselves.
Well of course we both agreed. Joining the Hunters Academy filled me with a sense of purpose. One that would drive me to excel and become the best, like my Father. One day I would find the monsters who murdered my parents and I would avenge them.
After almost 8 years of training, I was strong. My slender build was framed with muscle. Being 5 foot 2, I was shorted than the average warrior, but what I lacked in size I made up for in strength and agility. Even Ben struggled to best me in the training ring.
Today was the day we graduate. In a few short hours, I would officially take my place in the Hunters.
I woke before my alarm this morning, excited about the day ahead, after all, this is what I had been working towards for the last 8 years. I achieved my every goal that I had set and I would be leaving the academy as the best of the best. I couldn’t wait to get my first assignment and finally leave the confinements of headquarters grounds.
You see the Academy was not actually on earth as such. Or at least it was but it was hidden on a different realm. Shielded from sight of those that knew nothing about us or that would do us harm by a magical force field called a ward. Only Hunters could cross the bridge that connected us from our realm to the mortal one. Seeing as we were not yet sworn in to the Hunters, we could only cross to the mortal realm with a fully fledged Hunter crossing with us, and well Darren wasn’t likely to allow me to do that. He always reminded me that what had killed my parents was still out there. And until I knew how to handle myself, I had no business walking around where I could be found.
I never questioned him, I knew that keeping me at the academy was to keep me safe. I also had no interest in crossing over. Devoting my energy into training and honing my skills. So I stayed, not once ever leaving this place in 8 years. Not that I could remember anyway.
A strange feeling washed over me. I guess it only just clicked in my mind that after today this would no longer be my room. I had no idea where I was going to stay. I had never thought about the nitty gritty of graduating. Only that once I had I would be out there killing the monsters who killed my parents.
I took a look around my room. My few possessions had already been put into boxes. I didn’t have much, I didn’t need anything. The only things left to pack were a few toiletries, and the picture of my parents and a few stray pieces of clothing.
I went about getting ready. The graduation itself was nothing fancy. Its not like the human world where we all got dressed up and threw caps in the air. We were trained killers after all. It was straight forward and no frills attached. Our name is called, we take the oath and then we accept the Hunters mark which is what gives us our heightened gifts.
Everyone’s gift is slightly different. Some may get heightened hearing or eyesight. Others may get more strength or stamina. Few get the ability that rest within the mind, for example telepathy or even reading minds. Generally the gift will be a continuation of your strengths as a warrior.
I pull on some comfortable fitted leggings and a sports bra. Basically the same sort of outfit I have been living in for the last 8 years. Pulling my hair up into a high ponytail. I take a quick look in the mirror. Many people have said that I look like my Mum. I wish I could see it, but I guess I can’t really remember her to be able to agree or not. The one thing that I could say I definitely inherited from her is my hair. My raven black locks were the exact same shade as hers in the photo I had. I turn and face sideward, checking out my athletic figure in the mirror. If I were a girly girl I would be thinking that my arse looked amazing in these leggings, but I’m not so I simply shrugged an I will do and took off out the room.
I pass several girls in the hallway all giving me a quick greeting and ‘good lucks' as I passed. I’m not really paying attention to them. I was never a girl that craved attention or companionship. I had Ben and he was all I needed. For the 2 years we spent together before entering the academy we grew to be inseparable friends. More than that, we were like brother and sister. He was all I needed, we entered the academy together, and now we will join the Hunters together. Don’t get me wrong, I spoke to other people, I wasn’t a complete loner, I just never felt the need to befriend anyone else. People sought me out because they looked up to my abilities, not to have small talk and braid my hair. Its the way I liked it.
I made my way into the training gym. Trainees had already started to gather. I took a quick look around, catching a glimpse of Ben talking to his Dad. His fiery red hair hard to miss even in a crowd. He also stood a couple of feet taller than me, with broad shoulders rippled with muscles. He had deep set green eyes, most girls fanned over him. His Dad was pretty well known by most Hunters, so his good breeding and good looks pretty much made him a god in the academy. Me, I could never see it, but that would have just been weird, he was like a brother to me. I made my way over with smile on my face.
“Hay Darren,” I called out as I got closer “Its so great to see you.” I reach around and give him a quick hug.
“You too kiddo.” He beams back at me, “Your Dad would be so proud of the warrior you've become Avalon.” Ben did not get his hair from his Dad, but he did get his build. Darren was a powerhouse. His size dwarfed me. Even his wife Marlene looked like an insect next to her husband and son. His face was battle weary, sporting a large scar that ran from his forehead down his cheek and finished just at the opening of his shirt collar. His dark brown hair peppered with silver. He was the definition of Hunter. Badass and not afraid to show it.
“Thanks Darren,” I reply. Most girls my age would shed a tear when talking about the pride of a dead parent. But for me I hadn’t cried since, well, since before I could remember. Maybe its another side effect of my so called “childhood trauma.” Some may call me heartless, maybe I am. Its not like I didn’t get sad or whatever, its just that I didn’t have it in me to cry. Even a laugh was a rare occurrence from me.
“Hay!” Ben interrupts with a pout “don't I get a hug?”
“Oh God Ben, don’t be such a girl.” I reply with a smile before pulling him into a big hug.
“I am not a girl.” He shoots back with mock offence. Holding a hand over his heart. I roll my eyes, the speakers in the gym crackling into life. Ben on the other hand was an epitome of emotions. He laughed and cried enough for the both of us he often commented on how I was like a black hole of emotion and that he had to compensate for my lack there of.
“Attention please,” the speaker echo around the room. “All graduates are to report to the front stage immediately and take their seats.” A brief pause. “All parents please take your places in the viewing seats. Please be aware that joining the proceedings today we have the top recruitment Hunters and team leaders to overlook. At the end of the ceremony any official requests for transfer into team can be made. The ceremony will being in 5 minutes.” The speakers crackle once again before going silent once more.
“Well I guess that’s us up.” Ben slaps his hands together, a flash or nervousness crosses his face as his Dad gives him a slap on the shoulder and wishes up both luck. He disappears in one direction to find his seat whilst we head to the main stage.
I follow Ben to the benches lined up one in front of the other. I felt a small burst of excitement but it soon disappeared.
We take our assigned seats, seating was in alphabetical order. With me being a Taylor and Ben being a Richards we always managed to sit with one another. Luckily we never had the issue of a student with an S surname in our year. Being a small class of only 12 certainly had its benefits.
Bens leg starts to bounce up and down as we wait for the proceedings to start.
“Will you stop that?” I whispered yelled at him. “Your nerves are making me rattle about over here.” I playfully elbow him in the ribs.
“Oh sorry, I guess I am a bit nervous.” The tips of his ears start to turns a puce as his eyes study room. There were hundreds of people in front of us. Not just parents, but Hunters from all over the world. They have come to see what the new recruits are made of. They have been here all week watching and studying us in the hopes of recruiting us into their teams.
Once we have graduated, each recruit will be handed offers from all the teams who wish to take us on. The more skilled you are, the more likely of getting a better combat position. For those of us who didn’t fare so well in hand to hand, could go to intelligence. With such a small pool of graduates to choose from, the likelihood of getting more than one offer was pretty high.