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Shadowed Destiny

Shadowed Destiny



ALyssa Hemming's life took a drastic turn when on her sixteenth birthday she transformed into a werewolf. This led to her finding out finding about her true heritage and meeting her real father, an omega and his pack. After being rejected by Chris her Alpha mate and ambushed by rogue wolves, she finds solace in Ryan law, the Alpha of the iron claw pack. As she trains to control her new powers, the heartbreaking news of her father's death leads to the release of an ancient power within her. Can she find her place in the werewolf world? Will she end up with Ryan or will Chris come back for her? Find out in "Shadowed Destiny" A tale of identity, courage and love

Chapter 1 Sweet sixteen

Alyssa's POV

The Night before it all began

I was Standing in the middle of a forest, above my head the moon shone brightly, the tall trees casting shadows on the ground.

Suddenly a movement caught my eye, I moved towards the trees to see what was there and a large wolf came out of the shadows. Its fur was as black as night and its eyes a deep piercing blue, our eyes met and I felt a shiver run down my spine and I became scared.

It moved slowly towards me as I backed away. "Stay away" I screamed, putting my arms in front of me.

I tried to run but a vine pulled my feet and I fell on the ground, as I tried to get up it came closer. I sat frozen on the floor as it brought its face close to me.

"We are one" it seemed to have spoken without opening its mouth, the words echoed in my mind and as I tried to process what it meant I heard another voice, my mother's voice.

"Alyssa!! Time to wake up sweetheart" she said as she nudged me gently.

I jolted awake, gasping for my breath, the dream fading away but the wolf's words lingering in my mind.

My mum sat at the edge of my bed, her face a mix of concern and affection."Happy birthday sweetheart," she said, her eyes sparkling as she handed me a small red gift box.

I yawned, stretching my hands and feet and took it "Thank you Mum, what is it ?" I asked giddy with excitement.

"Calm down Alyssa and open it" she replied with a wide grin.

I sat up and eagerly tore the wrapping paper open revealing a silver necklace with a full moon pendant. "It's beautiful Mum, thank you," I said, " I've never seen a full moon pendant, it's usually a crescent moon ".

"This one is unique, just like you," she said and kissed my forehead.

"Alright, now get up and get ready for school, your birthday is not an excuse for truancy," she said as she stood up and walked out my bedroom door. " I made your favourite breakfast, come downstairs when you're ready" and she left.

"I'm coming mum" I replied absentmindedly, as i traced the details of the full moon pendant, it was finely made with tiny unreadable engravings that mimicked the texture of the moon's surface.

The shrill sound of my ringtone startled me, and I checked to see that it was my best friends Ethan and Laura on a group call then I answered.

"Happy Birthday Lyssa!!!" They exclaimed together, beaming at her. "Hope you're having an awesome morning" Ethan said as he held up a piece of paper with Happy Birthday writing in bold, colourful letters.

"Thank you very much," I replied, smiling."Look, my first present," I said, raising up the necklace for them to see. " My mum gave it to me. It's beautiful, isn't it?

"Yeah it is, Is that a full moon ?" Ethan asked squinting to look at it.

"Yeah, it is, very unique right ?" I asked.

"Yeah, it is a very beautiful gift, Lyssa," Ethan and Laura agreed.

"Thank you guys, well I have to go shower and get ready for school" I said "See you guys in school."

"Alright, bye," they said and hung up.I jumped down from my bed and ran into the bathroom.

After getting ready for school, I packed my bags and headed down the stairs. As I got to the kitchen door my senses were overwhelmed by the warm aroma of cinnamon mixed with the scent of freshly brewed coffee.

When I entered the kitchen, I saw two loaves of cinnamon bread cooling on the counter, along with a plate of scrambled eggs and two mugs of coffee. I turned to see my mother at the sink, washing the dishes.

"Ahhh cinnamon loaf, my favourite, thank you, Mum, " I said as I carried the plates and mugs to the dining table and sat down.

My mum joined cleaned her hands and came to join me at the table and we started eating, halfway into my bread I asked excitedly "what time does the party start mum so I can tell Ethan and Laura"

" Well, it'll be after I get back from the bakery so let's say around 4 pm" she replied.

"Alrighty" I replied as I stood up while holding my loaf, I checked my wristwatch and exclaimed "Mum it's already 7:30!! Let's go." as I picked up my school bag and ran outside to the car.

My mum followed suit, the car hummed to life as she checked her wristwatch "We still have time" she said with a smile and then came out of the driveway.

When we pulled up in front of school my mum turned to me "Have a great day sweetheart I'll see you this evening" as I grabbed my school bag and came out " Thank you mum, see you" I replied and then walked towards school.

I glanced around as I entered the hallway, searching for familiar faces in the sea of students moving about, then I saw Ethan and Laura standing at my locker and looking around.

"Alyssa over here" Ethan called out as he saw me waving energetically and I hurried towards them.

"Happy birthday Alyssa!!" Laura said as she pulled me into a tight hug. She released me and then I hugged Ethan.

"Finally 16 huh! How does it feel?" Ethan asked."There's no difference really" I replied with a laugh "Yesterday I was 15, now I'm -"

"What is Regina wearing like that? She looks like a cow" a saucy voice interrupted me, I turned around to look at who spoke but no one was behind me.

I looked around and saw Ashley and her group of friends chatting at their locker, but they were too far, there's no way I could have heard them.

"Earth to Lyssa," Ethan said as he waved his hands in front of my face. I turned towards him and asked, " Did you hear that?" "hear what?" Laura asked, her eyebrows pinched together.

" Don't worry" I replied. " I think I imagined it, let's go to English class," I said, linking hands with Laura.

"Ethan, what class do you have now?" Laura asked as we moved towards our classroom.

"History unfortunately, bye guys" he said moving towards the other classroom.

Laura and I entered the classroom and sat down, the teacher wasn't around yet so people were chatting and laughing.

I turned to Laura " My mum said the party starts at 4 pm when she gets back from work" I told her giddy with excitement.

"Ooohh, I'll come early so I can help you with -"

The usual hum of conversations became distinct and it felt like I could hear multiple conversations all at once.

I could hear snippets of conversations of students walking past the classroom.

"...did you hear about the new girl in history class"?

"...I can't believe I forgot my math assignment again..."

"..I'm pumped up for today's basketball game..."

I winced trying to focus on what Laura was saying as a sharp headache hit me.

"Lyssa, are you listening? " she asked, her tone slightly annoyed.

"What did you say?" I asked.

Laura frowned "Are you okay? You look pale".

"I'm fine, just a headache, I think maybe I should go to the nurse's office" I replied standing up.

The headache intensified, a sharp stabbing pain through my forehead and then everywhere seemed to blur, I placed my hand on the table trying to stand upright but it felt like my head was spinning.

The last thing I heard was Laura's voice sounding distant and panicking "Lyssa! Alyssa!!" before everything went dark.

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