That Prince Is A Girl: The Vicious King's Captive Slave Mate.
The Jilted Heiress' Return To The High Life
Rejected No More: I Am Way Out Of Your League, Darling!
My Coldhearted Ex Demands A Remarriage
His Unwanted Wife, The World's Coveted Genius
Pampered By The Ruthless Underground Boss
The Warlord's Lovely Prize
The Unwanted Wife's Unexpected Comeback
Between Ruin And Resolve: My Ex-Husband's Regret
Requiem of A Broken Heart
A young lady could be seen walking through the gates of PRECIOUS KIDDIES ACADEMY. Her hips swaying sexîly as she walked. Her slim-fit denim jean trouser brought out her enticing body shape coupled with her perfect-fitted black T-shirt which lightly hugged her body.
Her long blonde hair was let loose to fall on her back.
No doubt, a lot of men had their eyes ogling over her body as she walked towards the principal's office, but she cared less. What concerned her was the reason she was called. She wondered is something had happened to her daughter. She opened the principal's door and stepped in...
"Mummy.." the little girl left the principal's side and jumped on her mother.
"My Angel, how are you doing?" Stephanie smiled and wiped stain from her daughter's nose.
"I am not fine! I missed my English and Grammar class because the principal made me stay here.." Angelina said and rolled her eyes.
The principal cleared his throat to signify his presence and that of the couple sitting in his office but Steph didn't even acknowledge their presence.
"What?? Why??" Steph questioned and turned to the principal..
"Why did you stop my Angel from attending her class? From what I know, I'm not owing any school fees, am I??" Steph sent a glare to the principal and he sighed.
"I'm glad you finally acknowledge my presence Miss James. And please have a seat, I called you here for a reason.." the principal said and pointed to an available chair opposite him, next to the couple.
Steph sat reluctantly on the chair with Angelina sitting on her thighs. The principal sighed heavily already predicting the mother's future reaction.
"Miss James, the couple sitting beside you are Mr and Mrs Williams. The parents of Sandro Williams, Angelina's classmate.." the principal introduced and Steph looked at them all.
She didn't even notice a boy was in the office.The boy seemed to have been crying coz his eyes were red and moist. His cheeks displayed a five fingers mark and his lips were bursted with blood at the sides.
"Okay..." Steph said signalling the principal to continue..
"Miss James, I called you here because your daughter was involved in a fight with that boy crying over there.." the principal said and pointed to Sandro who started sobbing again.
"Point of correction Mr Ronald, they weren't involved in a fight! That ill-mannered girl beat up my darling son for no reason!!" Sandro's mother yelled angrily. Her husband tried to calm her but it was futile.
"And who's daughter are you calling ill-mannered? Are you sick in the brain? Are you sure your brain placed in the right order? Oh sorry.. I forgot, you don't have one. You sold it off after giving birth to that weaƙling you call a son. Aren't you ashamed to have a son who can be beaten up effortlessly by a girl who's probably younger than he is??" Steph stood up and faced the woman who's eyes widened.
"Did..Did you just talk to me in that manner?? Did you just call my son a weaƙling? Do you know who I am??" The woman growled and the principal stood immediately and tried to pacify the women.
"Please, Please let's not turn this into something worse.. please. We can settle this like adults.." he said and Mr Williams pulled his wife to the chair to sit.
She exchanged hard glares with Steph and gritted her teeth. Steph glared back at her and flicked her hair backwards with a smirk.
"So you were saying something Mr Ronald?" Steph said with Angelina playing with her nails like nothing there concerned her.
"Yes, we found the two of them fighting during lunchtime. We tried to pull them apart but Angelina was adamant saying she needs to teach Sandro an unforgettable lesson. His lips were already wounded and he was crying seriously. Angelina refused to apologize to Sandro and his family so.. I called you here to talk some sense into her.."
"Ooh and yes!! My son's bills will be footed by you whether you like it or not!!" His mother spoke again and Steph scoffed at her.
"Angel.." Steph called her daughter who looked up to her mother and smiled.
"Is it true?? Did you beat Sandro up?"
"Yes Mummy.." Lina said without any hint of concern..
"Okay. I know you too well. And I know you wouldn't beat up someone for no reason. So tell me.. What did the scoûndrel do??" Steph asked and Sandro's mother gasped.
"That boy over there crying like he's a little innocent puppy deserves what he got. He would have gotten more, he's just lucky he was saved by the principal.." Lina was interrupted..
"Will you shut up??" Sandro's mother yelled again and Stephanie turned to her.
"Let..her..speak!!" Stephanie said with a hard glare.
"So as I was saying, Sandro deserves what he got. Imagine mummy, he called me fatherless. He said I'm a fatherless child and that fatherless children are cûrseɗ. He said that my mother is a witçh who killed her husband and I'm a wïtch too. He called me unlucky to be brought up without a father and that I'm going to be unluçƙy for the rest of my life!!"
"What!!" Stephanie exclaimed and turned to Sandro who gulped and increased his tears.
"I tried to ignore him coz I know that silence is the best way to answer a fool but some foõls would never shût up until someone gets rid of their decayed teeth!! He needed to know that I am very much happy with just my mother" Lina finally said and Mrs Williams sprang up angrily.
Steph sprang up too and they faced each other.
"Did you hear what your jërk of a son said to my Angel?? Did you??" Steph asked and she smirked.
"And so??" Mrs Williams said and everyone gasped..
"Was he lying? Does Angelina have a father?? Isn't she fatherless?? Aren't you a wî.." Mrs Williams words choked in her throat as she received a deafening slap which echoed in the office.
The principal and Mr Williams sprang up and Sandro gasped. He was in for it!
"The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree!! An idïotic mother and her iɗiotic son!!" Steph spat but with a cool voice.
Mrs Williams' face turned pure red and her cheek was stinging in pain.
"How dare you sla.."
"Don't interrupt me!! I ain't done talking!! Never.. I repeat never!! In your entire miseraɓle life should you ever call my daughter fatherless!! I am her mother and I am her father!! If you have a problem with it, go hang yourself in a mental hospital!! I will never allow anyone talk about my daughter in that manner!!" Steph said and Mrs Williams grew quiet.
Steph turned to the principal who had his head bowed..
"Ronald Jim!! Is this the reason you called me here? You didn't even bother to find out what that uṣeless boy said to my daughter!! Is this the kind of child you groom in this school?? If that's the case, then I'm withdrawing my daughter from this school and trust me, I'll press charges!!" Steph said and Ronald's eyes widened..
"No please don't, Please. It will damage the reputation of our school, please. I'm very sorry for not inquiring more about the problem. But please don't withdraw Angelina. She's.. she's a really bright and brilliant pupil. It would be at our loss please.."
"What.." Mrs Williams gasped in shock at the principal's words and Stephanie smirked.
"Will this ever repeat itself again??" Steph asked.
"No, I promise"
"Good." Steph said and smiled sweetly. Her sweet smile then turned to a dëadly one when she turned to Sandro. Angelina turned to him too and smiled sweetly at him.
They both walked towards him and the boy drifted backwards till he fell on his bûtt. His mother possessively lifted him up and pulled him to herself..
"Now listen to me dear Sandro, let this be the first and last time you ever say something bad to Angelina. Have you heard me??"
Ye..yes.." he stuttered.
"Good boy... Ronald, I'll be leaving with Angelina now. It's just 45 minutes to closing time. It's a waste of time if she still stays here.."
"Okay Miss James. No problem."
Steph smiled at him and Lina interlocked her hands with her mother and they began moving out..
"Wait.. Angel, didn't you say you wanted to teach Sandro an unforgettable lesson?... Go ahead sweetie.." Steph smirked at Lina and Lina smirked too.
Before Mrs Williams could process anything, Lina ran to Sandro and kicked him in-between his legs with her knee.
"Aahhhh!!" Sandro yelled in pains and fell on the ground while holding his dï*k.
"Sandro!!" His mother exclaimed..
"Nice groîning sweetie. Give mummy a high five.." Lina smiled and high fived her mother.
"I love you mummy!!" Lina beamed with a wide smile.
"I love you more Angel.. Let's go.." Steph said and began walking out with Angelina.
Mr Williams had his eyes on her @ss as she walked out and he scrubbed his chin with a dirty smile on his face..
"You mãd man!! What are you looking at?? Your son's dƴing in pain!!" His wife slapped his head and he came back to his senses..
"Ooh Sandro.."