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Finding His True Love

Finding His True Love

Pri Ewa


Andy Weston had thought Love was to meet and go on the journey but he forgot that there were rules and the only way to succeed in love is when you meet the right person. After much heart break and humiliation in love, he met her Stephanie Hudson, daughter of Hudson Walker, she was born without a silver spoon and only had to work so as to earn a living to help her mother and her siblings. She met Andy Walker in his most distress mood and with her soft mind, she cared for him but unknown to her, she was setting a start and ride of love between them And Destiny brought them together but what happened when his ex girlfriend returns to claim her man with the mind that they never broke up?

Chapter 1 Meeting him unknowingly

"mum I'm leaving!!" Stephanie shouted as she stepped out of the room fully dressed and set to go for her interview. She just got a call from one of the biggest restaurant and that was part of why made her so excited today.

What she had longed waited for has finally arrived, she really needed this jobs cause she had a lots of things to settle in her family.

"Stephanie!" She heard her mum's voice and turned to see Pamela approaching from the kitchen.

"Aren't you gonna have breakfast?"

"No mom, I'll get something from the restaurant,"

"Huh! Big sis, food might cost a lot there," Anna her junior sister said and Steph smiled.

"Don't worry about me, you know what I can do," she winked and Anna did the same.

Her aim was to eat and help the workers then sneak away.

"Have you had your prayers?" Pamela asked.

"Yes mom,gotta go now, I'm joining you guys soon at the kiosk, here is the key*" she dropped in on her mum's palm, Pamela reached for her daughters hand immediately and pecked it, making her smile.

"May the lord be with you," she remarked and Steph nodded before she departed

She boarded a cab off to Lifestyle restaurant, she kept checking the time over and over again and believed she was gonna be the first to reach for the interview.

The cab stopped at the gate and she alighted, paid the bad driver before walking inside but suddenly stopped at her track seeing the crowd that were been gathered outside, they were ushered in one after the other and she decided to join the queue wondering when she was gonna get in cause she seems to be number fifty amongst everyone.

Hours Later,

Stephanie sigh as she was about to go in, and finally it was her turn, she sigh again and was about going in but stopped by the security.

"What's your name?"

"Stephanie Hudson," she replied and after a long awkward and wonderoise stare, he let her in.

"Wow!" She exclaimed just immediately she felt the cold on her skin probably from the AC.

She wished she had worn something that would at least prevent her from the cold cause she was about to freeze at the moment.

"Sorry," she heard and turned to see a pretty lady whom she was to meet .

The lady could understand what Steph was passing through and quickly lowered the coldness then faced her.

"Our boss will be here soon so we do turn it on so when he comes in her doesn't complain," Rose said and Steph nodded.

"You're here for the interview?"

"Yes....yes I am," she replied obviously recovering from the cold.

"Okay, come and let me show you the way to the managers office," Rose said and like that, Steph followed her.

Trisha stepped out of the restroom and made herself comfortable on her seat. She was about relaxing when the door got opened and Rose entered with a lady.

"Good afternoon ma'am," Rose greeted.

"Who is she?" Trisha asked tiredly.

"She is the next person for the interview," Rose replied and Trisha just stared at Steph who returned the stairs humbly.

"Gosh I'm tired!" She sigh slamming her forehead.

She stared at Steph once again and knew she was really desperate for this job but at this point, she can't interview her cause she needed to see the doctor due for the throbbing headache she was having.

"What's your name?' she began and Rose departed.

"Steph...Stephanie Hudson," she replied.

"How old are you?"

"I'm nineteen," she said and Trisha paused for a while

"You're nineteen , aren't you really young for this job? "

"I got experience maam," she said

"Really?" Trisha asked.

Minutes later...

"Here is the kitchen, you will be serving in the next twenty minutes," Trisha said and faced the cook.

"Prepare his favorite," she instructed and the cook nodded.

She departed and it was just the cook and Steph.

"I'll make his favorite meal and he will be here soon so you will serve him," the cook said.

"Who?" Steph asked.

"Never mind,"

Andy got to his private bar and dropped the car key as he rested his head to the chair. He felt really exhausted and also tried to erase the saddest memory in his mind.

How could she? How could she do this to him after years of trust, and after she had sworn to make him see the reality in love.

Yet she still joined the queue of other girls.

He let out a loud hiss and glanced around as he let the tears flow down his cheeks.

He had no option than to cry, she just made him feel like a nobody. He had lodge into the hotel his girlfriend was and unknown to themselves that they were in the same place and he had forgotten his room number and kept going into nunerouse rooms not untill he bumped into the room where he caught her making out with one of his affluent business partners.

She felt really sorry but he just couldn't withstand it anymore and she kept apologizing but he only had to walk away and then she came up to him with the saddest news that she had a miscarriage from the pregnancy he had agreed he was the father and like that, everything got ruined between them

He buried his faced when he could see a lady approaching, he really didn't want anyone to know he was here.

Steph hissed countless time as she kept wondering where Lifestyle bar No 001 was.

She had a tray containing the special meal the cook had prepared and was just toiling around the place then she stopped when she saw a bar number from afar no 010

"Finally," she sigh and began approaching it.

She got there and met a man and a woman . She dropped the tray before them to their surprise and made them know the manager had made it specially for them.

They gladly accepted and then she walked away.

On her way back she passed a particular bar but stopped when she got attracted by how beautiful it was then walked backward to catch a glimce of it very well, there she met someone.

"He doesn't look okay," she muttered and remembered the cook's word.

"Here in lifestyle, we care for customers even before we serve them, that's exactly part of your promotion," she remembered and smiled before walking into the bar.


He heard a tiny female voice and slowly raised his eyes up to see someone he had never seen before neither have he met her.

"Welcome to Lifestyle restaurant, we are so please to have you here, we offer the best meals and the best services than ever, so what would you like to be offered?" She asked and.waited for a reply but never got one.

"Is he okay?" She thought and faked a smile

"Here is our menu*" she showed him a book and this time he paid attention.

"I already ordered for something*" he spoke and she raised her brows.

"Oh okay, ummm.....while waiting, do you need something else?" She asked and he only shook his head in no

"Alright*" she said and walked away.

"Where have you been?" Shouted the cook and Steph paused at her track.

"Ummm,,, i served the bar," she replied and the cook arched her brows

"You served him?" Trisha asked from behind and Steph faced her.

"Yes....i did...huh...him? No, them,"

"What do you mean them?" Trisha asked.

"What number was at the bar?" She asked again and Steph tried to remember

"Zero one zero" she replied

"What!" The cook exclaimed,

"Shit!" Trisha slammed her forehead while Steph just stared in bewilderment.

"I instructed you to serve bar zero zero one?" The cook said to Steph who raised her brows.

"Zero zero one?" She muttered and then gasp when it dawned on her that it was the bar with the quiet and worried guy.

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