Sally was not expecting to find love when she got employed. Her boss, Edmund, had a reputation for being heartless and merciless. However, things begin to change as they slowly grow feelings for each other. Their love is attacked, and suffocated by Peter, Edmund's best friend who discards his friendship with Edmund. Jasmine, who wants Edmund for herself joins hands with Peter, and will do anything to crush anyone who stands in her way. Will the forces against them prevail? Or will love triumph?
Sally was not too excited this morning. She was going for another job interview. All the others she had gone for had not been successful. She was wearing a simple shirt and skirt, holding her bag and documents tightly.
She reached the company's building and decided to grab a cup of coffee and drink as she rode the elevator.
She took a few sips and knew she had to use the restroom.
She tried to hold it in, but she felt too much pressure. The moment the elevator door opened, she almost ran out. She was not looking where she was going. She had no idea when she bumped into another person. The cup of coffee in her hands flew and fell all over the person's clothes. Sally froze.
" What the... Can't you look where you are going?" He said. He was visibly angry. He put his hand into his pocket and brought out a handkerchief to clean up. As he cleaned himself, Sally could take a better look at him. He was wearing a black suit and a colored tie. He had a magnificent build. The coffee she had spilled had stained his white inner shirt, and now she could see the line of his abs. His hair was brown. His face possessed high cheekbones, pink lips, and a memorable complexion. He was about six feet tall. He was handsome, Sally drank in his look.
" What are you gawking at?" He yelled.
Sally snapped out of it and finally said, "I am so sorry. I never meant to do this." She brought out her handkerchief and wanted to help him clean.
He yelled," get your clumsy hands off me! You look like you can do nothing right."
Sally looked at him. " Well, I am not the only one at fault. You should also watch where you are going. Even if I am not tall, you cannot say I am invisible. It is your eyes that have problems, and you should get them treated. How dare you blame me!"
People were forming clusters at a distance and looking at them. The man turned and disappeared out of sight. Sally quickly went to find the restroom.
Sally sat in front of the office, waiting for the secretary to call her name for the interview. So far, anyone who entered the office had come out crying. She wondered why. Was the interviewer so bad? Was he a monster of some sort?
She rose to her feet and followed a crying lady to the restroom. " Hey," she said when she reached the crying lady. She placed her hands on the woman's shoulder. "Are you all right?" Sally asked.
The woman cut out some tissue from the counter and used to wipe her face. Her makeup was disintegrating. She said, " he is so cruel."
" Who?" Sally asked.
"The interviewer. He is the boss and owner of the Perfect white group of companies. He is such a monster!"
Sally froze. She comforted the lady and offered her makeup to the lady. Sally was scared. She was going to go into that same interview room, too, and she was not sure what would befall her. She swallowed and went to sit down again.
"Miss Sally Ron, it's your turn," the secretary called. Sally rose to her feet, her hands already shaking. Her neighbor whispered a faint good luck.
She opened the door and tried to still her nerves. There were two people in the room. She gazed at the first person; he was the man she had spilled coffee on about an hour ago. She wanted to flee the room.
He looked up at her, and he recognized her instantly. His face showed his displeasure. Suddenly, a naughty smile appeared on his face.
" It seems I am doomed. He will not let me leave her alive," Sally said in her heart
She took her eyes off him and gazed at the other person. The other person was a woman of about sixty-eight years. She was wearing a white dress and wore rimmed glasses. " Young lady, please have your seat," the old lady said.
Sally sat before them, she was already shaking.
" So, tell me," the man said. "Sally Ron, twenty-three years old, I believe?"
"Yes," Sally replied.
"What makes you believe you are capable of the position you applied for? From your resume, you have zero experience as an administrative assistant. The only qualification you have is being a waitress. Which is what you have been doing ever since? What benefit can you being a waitress add to this company?" His voice was harsh and intimidating.
Sally swallowed and said, " I am fresh out of college. If you also look well at my resume, you will see that I participated in a lot of clubs and academic activities in school to give me a feel of what it is like to work as an administrative assistant. I only worked as a waitress during holidays, and also to fend for myself after classes. As a waitress, I have learned some things that will be beneficial in this position. I have learnt patience and the need to be attentive to all customers so that they leave the restaurant properly satisfied."
Edmund grinned. He tried not to laugh. Patience and attentiveness were not what he saw when she carelessly bumped into him by the elevator. She even refused to take the blame for what she had done, and here she was talking about patience and attentiveness. "Anyone who will be added to this company must have something to offer this company. I do not go about paying good for nothings with a mediocre school degrees, zero experience and character. Sally Ron, you are not worth the expectations of this company. I advise you to leave. Find a mushroom firm you can work for until you acquire proper capabilities. Get the hell out!"
Sally rose to her feet, her eyes red. Tears were ready to pour out, but she decided she would hold it in. She would not give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry.
"Wait," the elderly woman called.
Sally gazed at the elderly woman, expecting nothing.
Have a seat, the elderly woman said.
"Grandma, she is not good enough," Edmund said.
" I know what is good or not; do you not believe that?" His grandmother said. Edmund fell silent. He could not argue with her.
"That necklace you are wearing on your neck. The pendant is the moon and the sun... Is it yours? How did you get it?" Grandma asked.
Sally's hand held the necklace and said. "It was my mother's. She gave it to me before she passed on."
"I see..." Grandma said. " Your result does not look so bad. Besides, fresh minds have new ideas, and we could use such in this company. You are hired, Sally. Congratulations! You can start work tomorrow."
Sally rose to her feet, excited. " Thank you so much. I promise not to let you down."
"Grandma..." Edmund called. It was clear he was unhappy.
Other books by Rachel Z-hills