Meredith, a brilliant high school graduate from New Orleans, was ready to start a new life in Italy, eagerly awaiting her university acceptance. Known for her academic success but lacking a social life, she decided to let loose and party with friends to celebrate their graduation. But a night of fun takes a dark turn when she stumbles into the wrong room at a nightclub and witnesses a brutal murder by none other than the club's owner-infamous Mafia boss Fabian Salvatore. Now a key witness to a dangerous secret, Meredith flees to Italy, hoping to outrun the mafia's grasp. But when Fabian resurfaces in her new life, she realizes escaping her past won't be as easy as she thought.
Time was running so fast that I could barely wrap my head around it. Only a week ago, I was valedictorian and read out the speech only one student could read every year. The feeling had been bliss, but the moment I stepped down from the podium, I'd fallen into being a regular student with just a little social life. But the past week had changed everything, and tonight would have just the same effect.
The same day I made my speech, I also got the admission letter to study at the college of my dreams in Italy, and I'm leaving tomorrow. So little time for so much fun
Mom had been a little too over the top in her excitement about letting me off for college; even I couldn't deny the fact I needed a fresh start.
"Edith, some alcohol to warm your belly," Jayden offered, handing me a small red cup.
I bumped into the cup a little from all the bouncing around to Selena Gomez over the club speakers.
"Thank you," I murmured, drowning out the last part of my sentence with the cup on my lips.
"Sweet heavens, what is this? This is the sweetest thing you've given me all night," I yelled, and he shrugged.
"Cocktail," I said, licking my lips, drowning out the contents. I had a flight to catch tomorrow morning, and here I was feeling tipsy but couldn't stop myself from drinking. I was going to have a massive hangover and severe jet lag.
I was drinking for fun reasons, while Jay was drinking to feel a little more loose so he could ask the guy at the swimming pool out. He'd been eyeing him all evening.
"Hey, why don't we head to the swimming area? It's less noisy, and my head is starting to bang." I suggested pulling him towards the pool. Once we got there, he fetched me another cup of the same sweet cocktail and joined me on a bench.
"I'm so glad you could come out to have fun for the last time," he said, and I smiled. "Why wouldn't I come?" I said I wouldn't miss my last day for anything in the world, especially when my flight to Italy was the next morning.
"I don't mind travelling with a massive hangover." It's not even about that. It's about Lewis; you two have been split for almost a week. Chances are he'd be here and...
"Christ, Jay, I do not fucking care. If he's here, fine; if he isn't, great," I said and took a swig of my drink.
Lewis was my ex; he's my past. He cheated on me because, according to him, there was no better way to tell me he wasn't interested in doing long distance. Part of the blame was mine to swallow, believing that a former star basketball player who could lift his head up from the past glory he had obtained before his injury would be sensible enough to keep up with me abroad.
"Sassy," Jay cooed, and I was forced to slap the back of his head. My feet wobbled as I moved away from his reach, finding myself crinkly and staggering.
Look, I'm fine; just walk over there and talk to that hot piece of ass; once you're done, let me know how it means," I advised, and he grinned at me.
"Meanwhile," I paused to chug down the rest of the cocktail. "I need to use the bathroom; see you later." I clumsily dropped the glass cup on the table and walked away, trying not to fall with my shaky legs.
By the time I reach the stairs, I'm seeing things twice their actual size. It was not a good sign, but I made a mental note to drink water when I made it back downstairs.
I decided to take the elevator instead, and when I got in, I aimed to punch the first floor but ended up hitting the last one. I groaned and was frustrated. I stomped my feet to slow down the pressure I was receiving from my bladder.
The elevator finally dinged, and I ran off, stumbling into the first door on the left, and to my surprise, it gently creaked open.
Had they left it open while they slept?
When I looked up into the room, a chilling sensation ran through my bones.
A man dressed in a black suit was holding a young lady slumped to the floor with a knife cut on her neck, and in his hands was the knife dripping with blood.
I gulped noisily, and he turned his head to get a better look at the intruder. My eyes fell on the dragon tattoo running from his ear down to his neck. And just before his face turned completely red, I ran off, sprinting down the stairs completely sober.
Both fear and adrenaline were coursing down my veins in an unhealthy competition, but I don't have the time to suppress one or the other.
I was downstairs in no time; I did not even look for Jayden to say goodbye. For all I know, the man may be lurking after me, and we know how these things end. To clear off witnesses, I joined the lady on the floor, dead and cold.
I was breezing past the front door, panting heavily, and to my luck, a cab was just rounding the corner. I flagged him down, flailing my arms like a maniac.
He seemed to notice the urgency and hurried over.
"You need help, miss?" I nodded, opening the door. I don't care if he's headed my way. I just have to get the fuck out of here.
"Where to?" He asked, and I breathed in, trying to collect myself.
"I'd get off at Blue Avenue," I told him, and he nodded.
"That would cost you about two dollars." I don't care about the cost, so I didn't respond.
The one thing I kept my mind focused on was how quickly I'd be packing up for the journey to Italy. I am leaving the murder scene behind me. I prayed silently that he had not seen my face. But even I knew that the chances were slim.