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Spur of the moment marriage

Spur of the moment marriage



Is love really lovelier the second time? Since Blair agreed to the contract marriage to her billionaire husband Aaron to due to circumstances she thought it was just going to be it... but she found herself falling for Aaron and just when she thought they were a match made in heaven her heart got broken by her husband Aaron in the most public way ever.But knowing it was a contract marriage, she picked up the remaining pieces of her life after he paid her off. Unluckily for her, she realized she was pregnant after much contemplation of on what to do she finally decided to keep the baby on her own. A few years later after she made a new life for herself and everything was going well with another man as her fiance. Aaron shows up to lay claim to her and her child with a marriage certificate that still shows they are legally married and the marriage was never annulled. Find out what happened when she tries to do the right thing.

Chapter 1 Spur of the moment marriage

As usual, the day in New York City was as busy as ever. Still, the activities of the morning and evening or rather everything about the city were to kill for.

Blair Baizen got up first thing and carried out her normal morning routine which included just bathing and breakfast. Then she tried to quietly slip away in silence out of the house to avoid her parent's rants.

Unfortunately, her plans didn't go as expected.

"It's become your daily routine for the past two months to sneak out so early before everyone wakes but I caught up with you today." There was a smirk on her stepmother's face.

"All I'm saying is you either increase your own part of the monthly bills or you leave this house. You can't keep mooching off your father and me. It's time you get married."

Blair managed to give her stepmother a nod after she was done yelling or advising her. She couldn't tell which it was but she's heard similar and worse things over the years. In fact, she was nice that morning.

She had to move out of that house- her father's house.

However, she knew the only way for her to escape the steady banter and keep her sick dad at rest was to get married.

She was going to have spur of a moment marriage but she wasn't in a relationship, so she decided to take the offer made to her by her boss Madam Pat. She had worked for her for over three years now and they had formed a mother-daughter relationship over the years. The previous week she made her an offer to marry her first son, Aaron Fell.

The 15-minute walk from her home to her office came to an end.

She knocked softly on the doors of Madam Pat's office with her mind already made up to put an end to her misery.

"I accept." She blurted out as if words were too hot for her mouth.

Madam Pat gave her a confused gaze, her stare fixated on Blair as if looking at her would make her understand what she had said.

"To marry your son." She whispered, realizing the unclarity of her first words.

Madam Pat smiled. "I'm happy to hear that. Seems like everything works out in the end after all because Aaron will soon be here in -" she looked at her wrist watch trying to tell the time. "Here." She said.

The door behind Blair opened, and she noticed a figure towering over her behind. That must be him she said to herself.

Aaron moved close to Madam Pat and gave her a hug. Blair looked up and was dumbfounded when she laid eyes on him.

Blair had expected to see an ugly-looking troll for a man since his mother had to arrange a wife for him in his middle thirties with all their wealth. How awful he must be, she thought to herself countless times.

After all, he was the first son and the heir to such a successful and huge empire.

Well, that aside he was standing right in front of her and he wasn't hideous at all. In fact, she felt beneath his standards.

Aaron was so attractive and his aura was so alluring. Standing next to his mother with a straight face and a piercing gaze. It looked like he was staring into Blair's soul with his arctic blue eyes.

Blair couldn't keep up with his gaze, her stare wandered around the room and finally landed on her shoes. Unsure of what to say or do, she stood there clueless on how to break out of this awkward moment. But judging from the other two in the room they seemed pretty comfortable.

"Blair, meet my eldest son, Aaron Fell and the heir to my empire even though he wants nothing with all these. He's thirty-three years old and still very uptight. I've been hopeful that someday he would just bring a lady home on his own accord for the past ten years but obviously, I'm tired of waiting. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands."

Blair kept her gaze on him as his mother went on and on about him to the point where she was lost in her thoughts. Madam Pat had always been a serious lady but also a chatterbox when she wanted to be and no one dared to interrupt her. Apparently, not even her son, he only managed to roll his eyes and somehow maintain eye contact with Blair.

"Come on. You haven't said a word to her since you got here." Madam Pat urged Aaron and he extended his hand to me and introduced himself. "Hey, I'm Aaron but I guess you already know that."

"Mr. Fell, I'm Blair Baizen." He scanned me from head to toe in what I think was a condescending manner but whatever.

"Just Aaron." He said curtly and released my hand from his grip.

"Let's go. I'm a very busy man and I have an appointment in an hour's time."

She nodded in agreement and bade Madam Pat goodbye.

"Good luck." She muttered.

"Let's go in and sign the paperwork I already had my lawyer draw it out," Aaron stated as he opened the door of the car for Blair.

During the ride to the place, he didn't try to make any small conversation or even get to know her.

She thought maybe he didn't like to be distracted while driving but with the way he didn't even look at her and when he did he always kept a straight face Blair didn't know what to expect.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Aaron asked her finally looking into her eyes at a close distance. She could swear she read an emotion from him- concern.

"I would understand if you decide to change your mind. Marriage is a big-time thing and it needs careful consideration besides you're still young and -" he cleared his throat, sounded like he almost choked on the last word he wanted to say.

"Well... young. You have a lot of time to choose who you want."

Blair almost believed he was concerned about her but rather he was trying to convince her. Aaron certainly didn't want to marry someone he just met an hour ago.

But neither did Blair.

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