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Betrayed by Boyfriend, Married by Handsome Uncle

Betrayed by Boyfriend, Married by Handsome Uncle

Andrian saputra


In a luxurious house located in the suburbs, Nia stands in front of the bedroom window, staring blankly outside. The rain is pouring down, adding to the gloomy mood. She has just experienced an unimaginable event-her boyfriend, Ari, whom she had always considered her soulmate, has been cheating on her. And worse, to avoid embarrassment, Ari has decided to marry Nia's handsome and wealthy uncle, Richard.

Chapter 1 In a luxurious house located in the suburbs

In a luxurious house located in the suburbs, Nia stood in front of the bedroom window, staring blankly outside. The rain poured down, adding to the gloomy mood. She had just experienced an unimaginable event-her boyfriend, Ari, whom she had always considered her soulmate, had cheated on her. And worse, to avoid embarrassment, Ari decided to marry Nia's handsome and wealthy uncle, Richard.

"It can't be," Nia muttered to herself, her voice barely audible amidst the rain that was pelting the window. "This can't be happening."

In the living room, Richard, a man in his forties with a stunning appearance and undeniable charisma, was chatting with Ari who was sitting next to him. Richard was wearing an expensive suit, and his warm smile made him look like a prince from a fairy tale.

"Ari, I want to talk to you for a moment," Richard said in a soft but firm tone. "There are a few things we need to discuss."

Ari, who looked nervous, nodded quickly. "Sure, Uncle Richard. How can I help you?"

Richard looked at Ari with a serious look. "Before we go through with this marriage, it's a good idea to talk about the future. You know that this decision isn't just about us, but also about Nia."

"I've told her," Ari said, his voice shaking slightly. "I've told her. She can't accept it, and I've tried to explain."

"But we can't just ignore her feelings," Richard said, emphasizing each word. "Nia is an important part of our lives-even though she may not think so right now. We have to make sure that we do what's best for both parties."

Ari looked troubled. "I know, but I've made my decision. I'm going to marry you, and I can't go back on that."

"This decision needs to be thought through carefully," Richard replied. "It's not just about us, but also about Nia's future. We have to make sure that she knows that she's still valuable and appreciated."

Meanwhile, in the bedroom, Nia listened to the conversation from behind the door. Her heart felt like it was being crushed under a very heavy burden. She tried hard to hold back her tears. Richard's gentle and caring voice seemed like a hard slap that reminded her of the harsh reality.

The only hope left was that maybe, someday, she would be able to accept this reality and move on with her life. But right now, she felt trapped in a maze of betrayal and sadness.

After the conversation ended, Richard entered the bedroom, finding Nia sitting on the edge of the bed, eyes red and full of tears. "Nia," he called softly, "can we talk for a moment?"

Nia lifted her head, trying to smile even though the tears were still flowing. "Of course, Uncle Richard," she replied, her voice shaking. "What do you want to talk about?"

Richard sat beside her, looking at Nia intently. "I know that this is all very hard for you. And I apologize if this situation makes you feel hurt."

"This pain cannot be expressed in words," Nia said, her voice almost breaking. "I feel like my life is ruined. How could this happen?"

Richard took a deep breath. "Sometimes, life takes us in directions we don't expect. Ari and I-we made this decision with a lot of consideration. But I want you to know that I won't leave you alone in this."

"I don't know what to do now," Nia said, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I feel like this is so unfair."

Richard reached out, gently touching Nia's shoulder. "Nia, I know this is really hard. But I promise I'll be here for you. We may have made a tough decision, but that doesn't mean we don't care about how you feel."

Nia looked up at Richard, feeling a little comfort from his words. "Thank you, Uncle Richard. I really appreciate that."

"Now, let's try to figure out how to get through this together," Richard said hopefully. "We'll face this as a family, and I'm sure we'll find a way to move on."

Nia nodded slowly, though the pain in her heart had not completely gone away. Still, in this emotional turmoil, she felt a little comforted by Richard's support. Perhaps, even though her life has changed dramatically, there is hope for finding a new path in the future.

With that hope in her heart, Nia decides to try to move on, facing the future with new strength and resilience. She knows that this journey will not be easy, but with Richard's support and her own determination, she hopes to overcome all the obstacles that lie ahead.

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