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My boss is my child's father

My boss is my child's father

Nur Sidiq


The cheerful laughter of a small child was heard loudly in the backyard of the house. A young woman with long flowing hair, wearing simple clothes, smiled gently as she watched the five-year-old boy running after butterflies flying among the flowers. The woman was Sari, a nanny who had worked for Mr. Rendra's family for almost three years.

Chapter 1 Rendra continued

The cheerful laughter of a small child was heard loudly in the backyard of the house. A young woman with long flowing hair, wearing simple clothes, smiled softly as she watched the five-year-old boy running after a butterfly flying among the flowers. The woman was Sari, a nanny who had worked for Mr. Rendra's family for almost three years.

"Arka, be careful running! Don't fall!" Sari shouted in an anxious but gentle tone, making sure Arka didn't get hurt while playing.

Arka, with a big smile on his face, turned his head briefly towards Sari and waved his little hand. "Yes, Sis Sari! Arka is okay!" he answered cheerfully, before returning his focus to chasing the butterfly.

Sari smiled and shook her head slowly. The child was indeed very active and full of energy, like children in general. However, there was something that made Arka different-he was the son of Sari's boss, Mr. Rendra, a successful man who was rarely at home because of his busy work.

Mr. Rendra was a CEO of a large company, and spent more time in the office than at home. Because of that, Sari took over the role of caregiver and mother figure for Arka, considering that his biological mother died in childbirth.

Sari lowered her head, taking a deep breath. Her heart always felt warm every time she saw Arka's smile, but at the same time, there was a feeling of guilt that slowly crept into her heart. She knew very well that what she felt for her boss, Rendra, had gone beyond the limit. However, she tried hard not to show her feelings, especially in front of Arka.

"Arka, are you hungry? Let's go inside first! Sis wants to make some snacks," Sari invited, trying to distract her mind from the feelings that were increasingly difficult for her to control.

Arka nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, Sis Sari! Arka wants chocolate cake!" she exclaimed while jogging towards Sari.

Sari smiled and took Arka's small hand, leading him into the house. She looked at the child with affection, but in the corner of her heart, she felt anxious about their future.


In the afternoon, when the sun began to set, the sound of the front door opening was heard. Sari, who was busy in the kitchen, immediately looked towards the source of the sound and saw Rendra entering with a tired face. Although tired, the man still looked charismatic in his neat suit.

"Welcome, sir," Sari greeted politely, but could not hide the pounding of her heart every time she saw Rendra.

Rendra smiled faintly. "Thank you, Sari. How is Arka today? Is there a problem?" he asked while taking off his tie and putting it on a chair.

"Nothing, sir. Arka is playing in the yard as usual. Earlier he asked for a chocolate cake, now he's watching cartoons in the living room," answered Sari while looking down slightly, not daring to look Rendra in the eye for too long.

Rendra nodded. "Good then. Thank you for taking good care of Arka, Sari."

Sari could only smile, holding back her feelings that were increasingly difficult to control. She knew she shouldn't expect more than just that thank you, but her heart could not be lied to. He had fallen in love with his boss, even though he knew it was wrong.

Rendra walked towards the living room, seeing Arka who was busy watching television. The child immediately jumped up from the sofa when he saw his father and ran to hug him.

"Papa! Papa is home!" Arka exclaimed happily.

Rendra chuckled and rubbed Arka's head gently. "Yes, son. Papa is home. Have you eaten?"

Arka nodded. "Yes, Papa. Sis Sari cooked chocolate cake for Arka!"

Rendra glanced towards the kitchen, where Sari was still busy cleaning the equipment. "Oh really? It must be delicious, huh?"

Arka nodded again, this time with more enthusiasm. "Yes, Papa! Papa must try it later!"

Rendra smiled warmly at his son. "Okay, Papa will try it later. Now, you continue watching first, okay? Papa wants to talk to Sis Sari for a moment."

Arka nodded obediently and sat back down on the sofa, focusing on his cartoon show.

Rendra then walked to the kitchen, approaching Sari who was clearing the table. "Sari, can we talk for a moment?" he asked in a serious tone.

Sari was a little surprised to hear the request. "Of course, sir. What's wrong?" she asked, trying to stay calm even though her heart was beating fast.

Rendra took a deep breath before speaking. "I know this may be sudden, but I want you to know how much I appreciate everything you've done for Arka. I don't know what Arka would be like without you here."

Sari fell silent, feeling warm hearing Rendra's words. However, she also felt an unexplainable unease.

Rendra continued, "I also realize that I leave you two at home too often. Maybe you feel too burdened because you have to take care of Arka alone, but you never complain. I really appreciate it."

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