Iris is a kind beautiful young lady with power and influence she grew up in wealth she had everything a girl could wish for and more but the only thing missing is someone to love her and she has given up on ever finding true love due to past trauma.........and when she thought everything was over an exchange student from Texas comes in and literally gives her his heart......willl she let him in or not read to find out
As iris stepped into high school for the first time ever she knew her life was going to change forever, "I'm going to make sure my high school years will be the most memorable one" she thought to herself
She had a list of things she would do and things she wouldn't
"Iris's to do list"
1 get a boyfriend that would love me for me and not want to go inappropriate
2.become a popular girl
That's easy as pie with daddy's money the popular girls will come to meee
3. Ace my studies
4.make daddy proud
5. Make daddy get me a new ferrari
Then a woman approached iris
Mrs Beckham : Are you Iris Morrow
Iris: yes I am
PrincipalBeckham:oh,you're early usually rich people don't have value for time ,which means you're a good one,well I'm Principal Beckham,welcome to Rydell High
Iris: Thanks*laughs*
Principal Beckham : I'm so busy right,so I can't show you a tour around the school but I'll the head of our school arts club Hannah will show you around the school,she knows the school like the back of her hand
*Hannah approaches them*
Principal Beckham : Thank Goodness you're here,I was about calling you ,Hannah meet Iris morrow , Iris meet Hannah
*Hannah stretches her hand for a handshake and iris shakes her back *
Hannah:nice to meet you
Iris :same here
Principal Beckham: Alright then I'll leave you two to it ,don't make her late for class
Hannah :yes ma'am
*As soon as principal Beckham leaves*
Hannah: Oh My Gawwwwdddddddd !!!!!, you're actually Iris Morrow,I need to breathe,remind me to breathe
* Hannah says gasping*
Iris : breath yes I am
* iris says laughing *
Hannah: you're like royalty or better,your father's friggin Williams Morrow and your mother,Anita Morrow the 'LEGACY family
iris:yeahhhhh I pretty famous I know
*Iris says laughing*
Hannah :why are you even at a public school, your fathers the Biggest investor in London
and your mother owns the biggest make-up brand in Europe
Iris :well my dad went here and I don't know why but I just want to feel how he felt when going here
Hannah:cool cool so lik-
Iris :are we just going to keep standing here and talking or you'll show me around
*iris says cutting Hannah short and laughing *
Hannah :okay okay , but wait till the girls see you
Then they leave for the tour giggling
Hannah shows iris around the school and they talk for some few minutes then Hannah remembers
Hannah : oh Sh!t we have English class,come come
Hannah drags it is and runs to the English class
Right before the bell rings
Hannah :thank goodness
A group of people girls rush towards them
All the girls at once: OMG!!!, your Iris Morrow !!!!
Hannah :girls girls breath
Hannah says laughing
Olivia:so are you like royalty
Diane: Do you like have your own pony
Tina : Can we have a sleepover at your house
Iris: sure , no , I'm not royalty yes,I have a pony buh he's more like a horse
All of the girls : OMG, a sleep overrrrrrrr!!!!
Hannah :but let her get to know your names first
Olivia :okayyy I'm Olivia
Diane: Diane
Iris: Olivia,Diane,Tina got it
Olivia: I love your colongne by the way
Iris: Thanks
Hannah:let's go for classss
All the girls: okayyy
* they attend all they're classes *
*Then during closing time *
All the girls a gathered outside the school building
Hannah:do we take a bus to your house
Iris And Olivia :Bus?
Iris:I've never taken a bus in my life,we should try it some time
*A black Suv Range Rover luxury approaches *
The person in the car honks
Irish waves and says
Iris:Wagwan ,Chuck
Diane:that's you car
Iris :yeah my school car
* iris says walking towards it *
The girls:Damnnnn
* iris pulls the car door*
Iris: Aren't you guys coming
They run towards her
In chorus
The girl: yeahhhh
* they all get into the car and Chuck greets them*
Chuck : Good day fine ,Madam's where would you like to go this fine noonday
The girls : iris's mansion!!
*The girls say giggling *
Tina: wow,this is dope
Hannah :yeahhh
Diane :what do you except she's,a billionaire's daughter ,I'm going live on TikTok
* iris laughs *
Iris I hope you guys have informed your parents
Hannah: yeah ,my mom was happy I'm making new rich friends
Olivia:mine, said okay
Tina :mine ,said whatever
Diane: my parent's aren't home
Iris :okay sweet
the drive was 20 minutes long
And soon they arrived at Iris's mansion"Lugar de los Ɣngeles"
Tina: somebody pinch meeee
The other girls : Wow
Olivia :This is Amazing
* iris walks towards the door and rings the bell ,a maid opens*
Iris :Aren't you guys coming
The girls touching everything and taking pictures
The girls :oh yeahhh
*they enter inside the house and a maid welcome's them warmly *
Maria: Good day ladies what would you like to have
*the girls too amused to speak because of the beauty of the house *
*Tina catches her breath and says *
Tina:the inside is even better
* A beautiful young looking woman that looked just like iris comes downstairs *
Iris's mom : iris you didn't tell me you were having guests , i would have prepared
Iris: sorry mom i forgot , Mom meet Olivia ,Hannah ,Diane and Tina
Iris's mom : Nice to meet you guys iris's mom says hugging them warmly
* the girls froze too beguiled to speak*
Tina finally let's out a gasp and says stammering
Tina:y y y o oure,Anita morrow
Iris's mom: yes I am , iris why don't you take your friends upstairs to your room to go freshen up
Iris:Okayy,come on let's go
She leads them to her room
They enter
Olivia: your room is bigger than my house
* iris laughs*
Diane :you're bed is soft
* Diane says jumping on the bed *
Hannah moves to iris's closet and screams
Hannah:OMG !!!
The girls asked in fear and rushed to see
The girls:what happened
Hannah: Somebody catch me I'm about to faint
The girls freshen up and try some of iris's expensive clothes makeup and skincare
Iris:take whatever you want
The girls:Thank youu
Diane :Oh my Gosh iris you live like a princess
,I'm going live on TikTok right now
*iris's mom calls out *
Iris's mom :girls
They rush downstairs I'm their my little pony themed pj's
Iris's mom :okay let's have fun
* the girls and Iris's mom had a lot of fun they got to talk about fashion then boys and then they watched a movie in their private home theater and then played arcade games in their home at home arcade *
Iris's mom take them to their separate rooms giving each of them a Gucci bag filled with makeup products and the latest releases Prada Jumpsuits and shoes
* they wake up the next morning to see their gifts *
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