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Happy Writer


Aurora's life was shattered on her 16th birthday when her mother's deep secret was revealed & the whole pack found out the abomination she committed. Her mother died because of this and Aurora's father abandoned her, then she was taken to the royal pack as a slave, where she suffered in pain, fear & regrets all her life & was depending & hoping on her mate for a breakthrough but when he came, he left her broken with hatred & rejection. What was left of such a pathetic soul? NOTHING........ or so she thought. Maybe there's a second mate, she didn't notice.

Chapter 1 The beginning

I will never forget the day my beautiful life became hell and everything I thought was happiness turned into misery and agony with no one to lean on.

For something that wasn't my crime, I was made to pay for it. A sin committed by my mother, yet I was forced to suffer for it.

My mother got pregnant for a vampire to bore me a mix breed of both werewolf and vampire, which she kept a secret to everyone till it was exposed on my 16th birthday.

That was a day everything I thought was happiness and love vanished from my eyes into the thin air.

I was that beautiful young girl who dreamed of the best out of her life, growing up in the pack just like every other werewolf and having my parents and friends who loved and cared for me so well like a princess.

My parents are among the pack hunters, so we were respected and loved for being part of the safety of the pack. But it all came to an end in a blink.

Just like a nightmare, the perfect life I thought I had was no more and it all started on the day that was supposed to be the happiest day of my life.

It was a day my parents, friends, and I all longed for, and we were all wishing the clock would tick very fast just so the day would come.

My 16th birthday was when I would make my first shift and finally become a complete wolf who would begin training as a Hunter for the pack so it was to be a memorable day for me.

If I had known it would turn out so ugly that way, I would have prayed it never came. It turned out to be a horrible nightmare that hunted me like a monster in the night.


"Isabelle, come over here and cut your cake!" my mother squeaked happily at me where I was gisting with my school friends.

"Oh, it's time, baby..." They all cheered with smiles, come pecking my cheeks as I blushed and grinned in excitement.

I went over and just as I held the knife, I felt the first strange feeling, but it all faded.

After cutting the cake with the Alpha blessing my new age as they all glimpse at the clock waiting for it to hit 12am so they'd watch me shift.

Crowd was gathered for my birthday, and I was lucky to also have the alpha and the luna, who decided to honor my parent's invitation.

I went over to join my friends as we all began to drink and eat with happiness and smiles on their faces as they enjoyed both the foods and wines to their fill.

My friends and schoolmates were all around me, cracking jokes and making sure I laughed out my lungs and enjoyed my day.

Just then I felt the sudden strange sensation in my body again, as if something deep inside me was stirring to life.

At first, I ignored it. But it turned into a sharp pain that grew more intense until it became too much to bear, forcing me to scream. My little mind thought I was about to shift into my wolf, which is why I didn't run away.

If I had known what I was about to transform into, I would have sped into the dark forest to prevent anyone from finding out, but I was ignorant.

Under an unseen force, I stumbled and fell to the ground heavily, writhing in the crushing pain as the snapping of my bones could be heard.

The entire hall went into cheers and celebration as they watched me and chirped among themselves happily.

"She is about to shift!"

"A new warrior is arising!!"

"What color will her fur be?"

The all murmured among themselves and were all happy that I was about to become a fully mature werewolf, but we were all wrong.

My vision was blurry as I struggled to look at them, and I could see vaguely the huge smiles playing on their faces.

Even my parents didn't come to my rescue, as it is the law to allow anyone having their first shift to be left alone to go through the pain once and for all.

They all thought I was shifting into my wolf, but soon enough they realized I was becoming something entirely different.

I could hear their wild outburst of screams as their eyes all fell on me. The hall went into chaos.

Everyone watched in horror as my body began to transform before their eyes. My eyes were turning blood red, my fangs grew long and sharp, and my skin became pale and dead, with my veins pulsing and turning black as they ran through my arms and neck region.

I let out a bloodcurdling scream as I completed my transformation. Instead of a wolf scent, I was emitting a potent vampire scent. Everyone backed away in shock and pure rage, and I was hearing the faint scream of my mother calling out my name.

But then, I was lost in a haze of hunger and confusion. I could feel the darkness swirling inside me, urging me to seek out the one thing that could satisfy my craving: blood.

Instinctively and like a mad dog, I lashed out at one of my friends, who was also the daughter of a pack hunter like my parent. I was driven by an uncontrollable thirst as I tackled her to the ground, pinning her beneath me. Her screams echoed through the hall and into my ears, yet I couldn't stop as I sank my fangs into her neck, drawing out her lifeblood.

For a moment, I was lost in the ecstasy of feeding. I could feel her pulse pounding in my veins, and I drank deeply, savoring every drop.

The metallic tang of blood filled my mouth, and I drank more, savoring the rush of power that came with each swallow.

But as the last of her life drained away and she went limp, I came back to myself and recoiled in horror at what I had done. I trembled, petrified at the monster I had become, while staring at my best friend's corpse as my body system went back to normal like nothing had happened.

"Your daughter is a vampire!!" The words rolled out of everyone's lips, growls of rage from the Alpha tensing the room, and I knew that instant that all that had happened wasn't an illusion, nor was it in my head, but reality.

I rose to my feet, weak and shivering as I shook my head, breathing heavily with hot tears streaming down my cheeks. I lifted my face to everyone and saw their once-happy and smiling faces all in twisted in shock, rage and intense resentment.

"You are not the real father, then." The beta blurted at my father, and I saw it vividly as his face went pale and tears dropped. He turned to my mother, who stood there mute and lost.

"Is it true?" My Dad asked her, his voice breaking in and out as tears prickled his eyes, but my mother won't say anything. He was the first to kick her followed by the Beta who rushed at her and gave her a sharp slap that snapped her face to the side, then a punch by the Alpha landed on her stomach, forcing her to stumble and crash heavily on the wooden table packed with lots of cutlery and a ceramic plate still containing leftover foods, which splattered all over her face and body.

She only let out a groan and whimper as tears poured down her face like rivers.

She refused to say anything.

The family and friends who were here for my birthday became the first to throw things at her, clamoring and shouting for us to be put to death for having connections with the vampires and that was exactly what happened.

They dragged my mother outside everyone picking rocks to stone her to death, but before they could do that, she did something.

"You all will leave my daughter alone as I am paying with my life!" My mother shouted, and everyone paused for a second to understand what she meant.

"She is from your womb so she has to die with you. We can't allow curses to stay in our land!" The alpha bellowed, his hands ready to give the order for our deaths.

My mother rose, badly bruised and staggering, bringing out with a sharp, glistening knife from her pocket.

"Under the power of the moon goddess, I, Mara, the mother of Isabelle, sacrifice my life to prevent anyone from killing her daughter. Anyone who takes her life will bring an eternal curse to this pack!" She decreed, her sharp voice cutting through the entire hall, and everyone froze, watching her in shock as she stabbed herself continuously while looking straight at me with compassion and love in her eyes.

Lightning and the roar of thunder cracked in as a sign that her oath was received and a huge smile appeared on her face as she fell on the floor with a loud thud, blood gushing out of her chest.

I screeched and rushed to where she lay as I whimpered uncontrollably.

Her weak teary eyes were on me as I held her in my lap.

"You...have...one...enemy that you must kill. Don't let her live, or she will be your death." Her low, weak and fading voice spoke to me and I flinched in fear as I kept breathing heavily.

"Who?" I gasped, reading her lips.

"Come closer..."

I moved my ears to her mouth.

"Her name is Diana. Also know that your father is a king, so you should learn to fight back or you will end up like me."

"What is the name of my father?" I asked breathlessly but her hands dropped and her breath seized. She died before she could say anything.

I waited for Diana, but I found no one with that name. She told me to learn to fight back but I was broken and turned into a helpless pup with wolfsbane and silver mixture, a torture initiated by the new Luna, Laura, who the Alpha mated to after he lost his mate.

A woman whose hatred for me rooted deep into her bone marrow.

If only I knew who she really was.

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