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The Protectors: Bullseye

The Protectors: Bullseye



A man named John Bonan is asked by an elite group called the Protectors to be their member.

Chapter 1 Bullseye and the Appocalypse

29-year-old John Bonan looks at the clouds in the sky. He imagines the girl or the woman but is certain it's a female who is helping him in all his orphan life. He was at college 10 years ago when he was studying at Yale or during his years at school when big boys used to bully him however a voice whispered to his mind as if saying "You are stronger". And then he used to get up and be at the task. It was as if he had found a mysterious energy that would develop in him whenever he heard the voice.

But still, he had the curiosity in him to know who it was. Suddenly a voice whispers to him "John be ready . Apocalypse is coming. Be ready". It was the same voice. He didn't understand the words. He felt as if it were the same times when the voice used to provide him with courage.

He goes to his closet and draws a bow, a white stringed curved bow. He found it underneath a cemetery where the voice had led him 2 years ago but still, he didn't know why did it tell him to. He never used the bow though because he never found any arrow with the bow or any other weapon with the bow. He tries to pull the string and laughs at himself. He remembers the time when he found the bow. The Voice led him to the bow but it did whisper a few words. John remembers the words "It's the target and the aim. You need to see." He couldn't decode the words although he hadn't decode any of the sayings of the voice. But remembering the words he goes to the same place as he was before and then starts pulling the string of the bow. He looks at the sky and as he pulls the string he realizes the clouds are approaching near him. He further stretches the string just to have a clear view of the cloud. It was an amazing scene for him to see. He tries the same thing at a house nearby and to his astonishment he can see the ants in the window of the house 5 miles away. It was as if he could zoom into anything he wanted." Well, it looks like the target is what I'm looking at and the aim is the vision. But why it is a bow, not a binocular" He chuckles to himself. But to his amazement, he looks down the bow to see an arrow forming from the string of the bow. In fear, he lets go only to see the arrow kill the ant. However, the window is still in place. His vision zooms back as the string of the bow returns to its position. Suddenly he hears the voice again saying "Well you found your aim and your target. Thank god you are ready. You should be ready for your sacrifice.

The voice chose you".


The world is crumbling as it was depicted before. There are horrifying scenes everywhere from Manhattan where Spider-Man is trying to save as many people as he can from falling into a huge crack in the ground to Los Angeles where Captain America is struggling to bring people aboard in a helicopter where a flood is drowning the whole city. In Russia, one of the remaining X-men Collesus is seen trying to stop the wildfire blazing not just the forests but even the concrete houses of St Petersburg. There is chaos everywhere.

"The deed is done". A voice is heard as a young man in a giant white horse is seen flying with a bow in his hand towards the sky.

Out of a sudden everything stops, the crack at Manhattan is restored as if nothing has happened. Even the mighty Captain America is surprised to see no water below him. Everything is restored as it was before the reckoning. Everyone was looking at each other as if they had woken up from a nightmare.


John Bonan is found unconscious in a huge aircraft. A man and a young woman approach him. The man says to the young woman "Looks like your mare found him". The girl replies "Yes he followed me" to which there is a reply by the old man "You mean your voice". The old man stares at him and says " Is he ready yet". The woman replies "No he should have discovered his powers a long time ago".

"What is his name?" he asks ." John Bonan. He's from the earth" The woman replies.

The man and the young woman leave the room and enter the cockpit of an aircraft the size of a planet "Let me check the database. Earth Ok. The third planet of the system solar and the galaxy Milky Way.

Well, so he is the sacrifice. Another one. Your first one isn't it" asks the man. She smiles as she looks at the young man through the computer. " I have been in his head for a long time. Although it's only 6 years here. It's already 29 years in the place from where he came." The woman replies.

"29 years ?? It's still a long time. He must have developed huge cosmic power with you on his head. Although he hasn't been able to use it though. When he will be able he will be a strong force to reckon." Asks the old man.

"Well, He can only use his power to use with a weapon. Well, I could see he could not use it. These earth people are very primitive. So I developed a bow with my powers. Only strong cosmic-powered individuals can wield that bow." Says the woman.

"Well put him in the small pod and free him in space." Says the old man.

"Will they find him?" asks the young woman in a frightened voice "I mean he will die if they don't find him."

"He's has come here riding in a horse absorbing all your powers for 29 .......I don't know Earth years. Ahhhh solar years as it is called. He must have passed out after he saw the universe outside his planet. Although his head is quite vulnerable due to your long-tenured involvement with his head

His body has gained the advantage with this so-called involvement that it has absorbed a huge amount of cosmic power and has become a force to reckon with. He will be very strong. So there is no question to doubt his survival answers the old Man.

As the young man is carried to the aircraft the young woman sees the young man's eyes. "He will wake up soon. Bye Bye my friend" she says as she kisses his forehead as two guards put the young man in a pod, a miniature aircraft which can accommodate 5-6 people.

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