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Lady Rosario Evalina is a powerful bisexual being who is seeking her origins. She has forgotten her memory and as she migrates from one place to another seeking her destiny and the purpose of her birth and destiny.

Chapter 1 Prelude

It's been 22 years since I have been locked here. 5 years ago I broke a code for which I have been punished for my sins. But sins for what? As I don't remember. I have forgotten everything that is to be known. I have forgotten my name, place, parents, and also my destiny. I don't know why I was born at first to begin with. There are things that I am sure that has happened to me. I checked below my waist as I am certain I have been raped. My breast have been sucked into and I could feel the astounding pain from the tip.

However to my knowledge, I am 22 years old, that is a strange fact that I am sure about. I can't believe I would ever figure out my destiny.

Suddenly, the locked door opens. " You are awake my child. I was waiting for you to be awake."

"What do you want from me? " I cried. " Nothing my child. Only your youth ". She was a witch that I can tell by sure. The way she talked, stank of lustfulness and grumpiness.

"Why did you tie me here? And what have you done to me?"

" You remember you broke a code. Try remembering all my children "

" How do you know that?"

" Rhyca knows everything, my child". Suddenly I hear a thud and I see my eyes closing. Blood is pouring from my head and into my hands as I become unconscious.

(Thunder Sound)

"Where am I? There is darkness here and there but I can't see anything."

" You are at the top of the tower. You are a sacrifice"


"Yes you are impure as the witch herself"

" You are a witch you old hag."

She opens my clothes. I shouted so much that I had lost my voice. I hear a sound " O deep souls of Maze World. Come to my aid. This witch is eviled for she must be punished to be made pure."

A loud sound from the sky is heard " You old woman. She is not impure. How dare you offer a blamed one. She must be set free to the open lands. Her place is not in the dungeons of the castle. Take her to Count Dracula. Her blood must be vacuumed and then re-flown into. Only the count can do that."

" Dracula is in his coffin at this time. Even my magic couldn't take her there Skymaster."

"Then take her to the ruins. She will be made pure by fire."

"But won't she die?"

"Then I will make sure the rain will make her pure. Take her there. Wash her with coal and then wait for the rain. But beware if she touches you during the rain. You will lose her. She will be freed"

I was untied. And then the same thing happened as I lay unconscious.

(Rain sound)

" No, it can't be. She is free" as I heard the last voice from the witch.

I woke up to find myself in an open land. I ran towards the pond nearby and watched my reflection on the surface. "What should I be doing?" I ask myself. I heard the roar of a lion I was terrified seeing a 300-pound lion just a foot from me. Suddenly his aggressiveness stops as he smells me.

" Lady Rosario Evalina," he says as I was shocked to see a lion talk.

"You must be surprised to see me talk. But you are in a magic land. But I must save you from the Count. He must have smelled your blood. It's going to be dusk soon. He will come here for you. We need to go to Sumatra"

"Sumatra? Why?"

" It's the land of never-ending sun. Even he can't go there"

" How far is Sumatra then?"

"It's only three hours from the great tunnel"

"The great tunnel?"

"Yes, lady. It's a 10-mile magical tunnel that can lead you to any place in the magiclands. Be it in Fuberty, Atreya, Fugasto, or even Sumatra, it will only take 3 hours. But we must hurry. The tunnel itself is an hour from here. We should hope the jackals and the vultures don't come here."

He carries me on his back as he runs with great speed. The way he ran made my vision blurry. My gown caught his eye as he still ran without confusion. He was some magical animal. A lion as my vehicle that was somewhat magical. But I still thought to myself why am I here in the first place? I know I am 22, chained since I was 17 and my name is Rosario Evalina as the lion says. But why am I here?

" What does the witch want from me?"

"Your youth lady"

"But why me"

"You are the only one young enough."

" But why was I brought here and why am I the only one chased by this count?"

" Don't worry you will know when we reach Sumatra. Mage Grielle will aid you. She is the arch-nemesis of Rhyca the one who chained you for 5 years. We are all your friends. Your memory will not be retained at once. You must figure that out. If the count reaches you he will use your blood and turn you into a witch like Rhyca."

" So I know you then?"

"Yes more than anyone else but I can't tell you now"

"But why?"

" No questions lady. We will reach the tunnel and talk. Our words are heard by the count as of now. The air here follows him. Only beyond the circle, his air won't follow us."

"His air?"

"Yes, the space and everything around his territory called the circle. Garidu, Casto, Castle Hereion, Ubewurth, and Parteste are the five lands that he owns. He is the Baron of these lands. His magic and evil powers are within these lands. We are in the territory Parteste where the witch Rhyca rules. She is one of the five rulers of these five lands who follow the Count."

"Who are the others?"

"Well to be precise my lady he won almost 20 of the 137 magic lands. He only owned these 5 five years ago when you were here. But without you, he had defeated the 15 lords and lordess of the east and the south magic lands. He is looking to become the ultimate ruler of the 137 magic lands."

" But what benefit is in that?"

(Jackal growls)

"It's the Jackals. My lady, I can't fight them with you on my back. You must reach the tunnel by yourself. It's only 15 minutes from here"

The lion drops me as he roars with a thunderous sound. There were Jackals and Vultures around him. Almost half a dozen Jackals and some 6-7 vultures surrounded him. They looked at me but they didn't see me. I was amazed.

"You are impure my lady. Only the count can see you. But they can smell you as you have blood on your hands. Wash it and run towards the tunnel" says the lion as he pounces on the jackals and the vultures. I was scared and inevitably I ran towards the tunnel.

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