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My Vampire Bride

My Vampire Bride



A young high schooler only wants to live a normal life like every other average teen, coupled with the fact he's left all alone by his parents. His days of a normal teen comes to an end when he encounters an ethereal beautiful but dangerous girl who claims he saved her some years back and wants to repay him what she owes - by marrying him. Did I tell you she's a vampire? Far from normal don't you think? Ride on this rollercoaster of excitement and find out what becomes of the young sweethearts as they go through the harsh realities of life. Will their love blossom or wither like a flower? Let's see...


Harajuku district.... Shibuya, Tokyo.

At a restaurant...

"Thank you for coming to our restaurant, we hope to see you soon, we'll treat you better next time".

Denki said, bowing his head as he waved to the last couple who just left the restaurant.

They were about to close for the day and he sighed in relief.

He took off the apron he wore on top of his casuals...

"Hey Denki! I'll double your wages today, you did well".

Mr Kakashi, The master Chef and owner of the restaurant said, counting the money in his hands joyfully.

"We made a lot of money today, I'm happy".

"Arigatou gozaimatsu (Thank you)".

The latter replied politely bowing his head again not even in the slightest way excited about the doubling of his wages.

All he thought about was his home...

His bed in particular.

He didn't get the chance to rest after school as he rushed down to the restaurant immediately he was dismissed from school.

He was a part timer and had to take on the job to sponsor himself in school and support his bills.

"Mr Kakashi, we also did well". One of his colleagues said, waving his hand to get the attention of their boss who was still counting his money.

"No!". The boss said and he gulped down.

"Only Denki did well today and I'll reward him, try harder next time".

"Yes sir". He replied in disappointment.

Denki collected his pay for the day and set off for his house.

"See you tomorrow Denki!". His boss said.

"Right! Good night!". He replied and headed for where he parked his bike.

On starting it, it failed to and he noticed he was low on fuel.

He let out a sigh in frustration and looked around.

It was late and the fuel/gas stations were already closed.

Guess I'll have to pull you along gently.

He said to the bike, thinking about the distance from the restaurant to his house.

His stomach grumbled making him bite his lip.

He skipped lunch and now he hadn't had dinner yet.

He was busy working when his colleagues were eating and now he regretted missing his meal.

"Hey! Stop there!". He heard a harsh, stern voice and he gasped.

The thugs...

He thought to himself...

They're here...

He turned quickly on impulse and sighted six well built-up guys approaching him.

This is bad!

He turned away from them and began walking faster.


Shit! He cussed when he heard the authoritative voice again and increased his steps once again, his bike slowing him down.

He tried to run but his bike prevented him from doing so and he couldn't allow them catch up with him else they might rob him dry and he couldn't afford that either.

He diverted into the next turn he came across, not minding if he knew the route or not, he just wanted to be far from the thugs.

When he thought he had lost them, he heard quick footsteps behind him and he began a quick pace again.

The next minute, something swooped out a corner and appeared in front of him.

He was startled by the sudden appearance and was staring at what was in front of him.

It seemed like a person in black cape.

"There he is, get him!". The thugs were catching up on him and he wanted to try to escape but was grabbed by the wrist and then in seconds he was pulled away from his bike.

He could feel himself moving with the wind and it was really fast....he couldn't leave his eyes open due to the wind disturbing his eyes.

He was suddenly pushed against a wall and he came to his senses.

He was panting hard and he placed his hand on his chest to feel his heartbeat.

Just a few seconds ago, he was with his bike, now he was at a corner he had no idea about and how he got there in that short period of time.

He looked back at the stranger in black cape who pressed him against the wall.

"Wh..who are you?". He asked, confused.

"Shhh". That was the reply he got.

"They'll hear you".

He felt the pressure in his throat and covered his mouth.

"I'm going to puke". He said as he slightly pushed the stranger and bent over.

His body didn't settle well with the kind of speed he just went through.

He was yanked up by the stranger...

"Don't do that... seriously.. Don't".

"They're nearby, they'll hear you". The stranger said in whispers but he wasn't gonna listen coz his body was reacting on its own.

He covered his mouth again and puffed his cheeks as the pressure in his throat became more intense.

The stranger suddenly pressed him against the wall again, yanking his hand away from his mouth.

"You're not a listener...are you?".

The hood of the cape suddenly came off revealing the snow white long hair of the being in front of him.

His eyes went wide at the appealing and strange sight.

He didn't expect the cape person to be a girl and a really beautiful one at that.

Her strange red eyes, pierced deeply into his dull purple ones and he seemed to be lost in hers.

"I'm glad it's really you". She said, taking her pale hands close to his face to feel it.

He was stunned, mesmerized by the being as she gazed lustfully into his eyes, drawing her face nearer to his.

He swallowed hard not really sure what she was about to do but he froze the instant she locked her lips with his.

His heartbeat accelerated and his cheeks heated up.

The pressure in his throat was relieved instantly making him swallow hard again while the strange lady devoured his lips.

Her tongue was searching for his intently and when it finally did, he clenched his fist beside him, trying to get a hold of himself.

He never kissed anyone before neither had he been kissed by anyone..

Which meant...

This was his first kiss...

And with a total stranger..

A French kiss at that.

All those thoughts ran through his head as he tried to figure out why a smoking hot chic was making out with him in an intense manner....at a secluded corner.


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