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Summary I demand justice, after having spent three years in prison, then released after having proven my innocence, I found my twins, whom I hid from their father. When I got out, I learned that my ex-fiancé, the father of my children married my best friend. Who benefited from my incarceration?

Chapter 1 release from prison

Chapter I: release from prison

My name is Olivia Jacobs, I am 26 years old, today I am leaving prison, I spent four years there, before being exonerated, I am happy, finally, freedom.

I will be able to kiss my children, my three-year-old twins, whom I gave birth to here in prison, they stayed with them until they were two years old, it was with a heavy heart that I let them go, to live

with my friend, my support.

I missed my children so much, even though I saw them once a week, it was never enough.

I will be able to sleep next to them, hold them in my arms, I will cry with joy.

The guard comes to open the cell, lets me pass so that I can collect my belongings left before entering the prison, today I go the opposite way, I come out with my head held high, because I have never done what I I was blamed.

I was blamed for the death of my fiancée's mistress, the father of my wonders. But I'm innocent, always have been.

I hurry to go find my children outside. They jump into my arms, how wonderful it is to hold them against me like this, thank you Lord, thank you for your kindness. we get in the car for home, to Greg's, my best friend and the one who took care of my children while I was away.

Chapter 2: Welcome Home


I hurry to go find my children outside. They jump into my arms, how wonderful it is to hold them against me like this, thank you Lord, thank you for your kindness. we get in the car for home, to Greg's, my best friend and the one who took care of my children while I was away.

I get in the back with my treasures, I hug them and give them kisses,

- I miss you so much

- You're here to stay, aren't you, mom? asks me Aris, the taller of the two.

- Of course I'm here to stay, I won't leave again, I promise.

- I love you, mom, said the most sensitive Ares to me.

- I love you very much, my loves, never forget, I love you so much

my loves.

- We love you too, Mom, they tell me together.

We arrive at the house. A villa, not very big, but pretty and well maintained.

With three bedrooms,

- Come see our room, mom.

- Let's go.

I go into their room, everything is tidy, for children of this age.

- You have a very beautiful room, very tidy, I have very well-behaved children it seems.

- Of course we are wise.

Greg calls me to show me my room.

He hugs me again, welcoming me home.

- I am very happy to see out of prison after all this time.

- Thank you for your unwavering support throughout this difficult journey.

- Go take your shower, and come back and join us, the children and I have prepared a feast for you.

- Okay, I'll be quick.

I go to my room, a beautiful, bright room, with flowery curtains, I undress and get in the shower, I draw myself a bath, I missed it so much, all these little everyday pleasures.

After 30 minutes I come out fresher than before. I see that Greg took the trouble to buy me some clothes. I'm wearing a dress, for a change because during those four years, we only wore uniforms, tops and pants.

- Oh, you're a mom. Tell me my treasures.

- Thank you, my loves, you are very gallant.

Greg looks at me

- They are not wrong, children, you are very beautiful.

- Thanks Greg.


- Oh, you're a mom. Tell me my treasures.

- Thank you, my loves, you are very gallant.

Greg looks at me

- They are not wrong, children, you are very beautiful.

- Thanks Greg.

We go to the table, my children behave well at the table, they are correct, respectful, They do not sort the vegetables like some children do.

Greg did a good job.

After the meal, I help them take their bath, then they go for a little nap.

During their nap, I clean up the kitchen with Greg and we do laundry.

Afterwards we sit on the terrace to have a cup of green tea and chat a little.

- I don't know how to thank you for what you did for me. My children are so well behaved, they behave like adults. I owe all this to you.

- You don't have to thank me for so little, we've been friends for too long, to say thank you for a yes or a no.

- Have you heard from our mutual friend, Patricia?

- No, it must be said that since your incarceration, we have rarely spoken to each other, since she took the side of your ex-fiancé, and I took the side of you.

You know, she married him.

- Who is he?

- Marco Moretti, your ex-fiancé.

- What ?

- Yes, they got married a year ago.

- Why didn't you tell me anything?

- Because I was afraid of your reaction.

- But how is this possible? She was my best friend.

- I know.

- When was the last time you spoke to him?

- On her wedding day, she called me to tell me the news, I told her what I was thinking and asked her not to call me anymore.

- I can't believe it, that's why she never visited me

and neither does he.

You know, they won't take it to heaven. I need to know who set me up, you need to help me, please.

- I will do anything for you you know. I'm here for you, anytime.

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