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The billionaire bride

The billionaire bride



"When Ariel's mother falls ill, she's desperate to save her. But with no money for treatment, she's forced to make a deal with the wealthy and ruthless Fredrick Jones. Marry his son and he'll pay for her mother's surgery. But as Ariel navigates the treacherous world of the elite, she realizes that her new husband may be more than she bargained for. Can she melt his cold heart and uncover the secrets he hides, or will she become just another pawn in his game of power and wealth?"

Chapter 1 Weight of responsibility


Ariel finished brushing her teeth that early morning, she then took her bath. a few minutes later she was done putting on her clothes.

She carried her handbag and combed her hair all through before leaving her room.

Ariel walked to the sitting room and she met her mom and junior brother already eating in the dinning.

She quickly climbed the stairs.

"Hey Miguel,you know that is the only pasta we have left yet you want to finish it" Ariel yelled as she took a seat.

"Whatever. you should learn to keep up with time" Miguel rolled his eyes.

"I am older than you Miguel," Ariel glared.

"Tsk tsk sis, my ears are itching every time because you keep repeating that word" he scoffed.

"Don't fight you two, it's too early for that," Rachel said.

"Good morning mom.How are you feeling now,I hope the pains didn't rise up again" Ariel asked worriedly as she dropped her fork.

"C'mon Ariel,I told you I am fine. As long as I take the drugs there's nothing to worry about, eat up" Racheal smiled.

Though the smile was fake, she knows if she tells her kids that she is still feeling pain then they will be so worried.

"Okay mom,if you say so" Ariel smiled and Rachel returned the smile.

"So Miguel, why are you dressed like that? Going for another scholarship exam again?" she asked.

"Yeah, I hope I pass this time around," he muttered.



The bakery and EE (eat and enjoy)restaurant is the fifth most classic and expensive place in New York.They don't only make food in it,they also bake all kinds of things.

Ariel came down from the cab and rushed into the restaurant in a hurry. She was five minutes late.

she ran into the kitchen ,as soon as she got there she placed her hands on the cabinet as she tried to catch her breath.

she was so unlucky today coz madam rose entered the kitchen at that moment.

"late, again?" madam rose asked with a scoff.

"I am so sorry madam, I promise it won't repeat itself " she bowed.

"it won't repeat itself. That's what you always say but I promise you,you won't be lucky next time coz I'll make sure you get fired " she eyed her and left the kitchen.

"you're needed at table 2, Ariel "



The plane landed safely on the ground and the staircase came out and Fredrick climbed down with tons of guards by his side.

Fredrick booked the plane for himself alone.

immediately he came down, Lots of people gathered him like a bee. Some were asking for an autograph, while some were asking for pictures.

"Like who the fuck told them he will be coming back today" he thought.

Fredrick is back, he looks more handsome than before.

We miss you so much

How was your trip?

Look at me for once, please.

The girls commented as they all surrounded him. The girls were too much for Fredrick and his guards. Fredrick made a call and in no time,a new set of guards came.

Fredrick breathes in relief as they escort him to his car. The angry girls started hitting the car window.

Fredrick took his air pod and placed it on both ears.

"Be fast, please," he said coldly to the driver and he zoomed.


Ariel and Sandra (Ariel's friend) could be seen having their lunch at the Restaurant cafe.

"Wow, he's so cute'' Sandra gushed while kissing her phone.

"Who's that?" Ariel asked.

"Fredrick Jones..he just came back from a business trip an hour ago'' she replied, her eyes not leaving the phone.

"Who's that? A k-pop idol?" she asked as she took a bit from the hamburger.

Sandra was forced to drop her phone as she stared at Ariel dumbfounding.

"Tell me you're joking? Like who doesn't know Fredrick Jones,the rich and successful billionaire,The cute guy,every woman dream" Sandra stated.

"I am a serious girl,I really don't know him.I've not even heard that name before," she said.

"You don't live in New York babe, you're too busy working your ass out that you don't know who he is" Sandra shook her head.

"how am I supposed to know him when I don't even have time for myself, don't have time for the world, always working myself out just to feed and look out on my loved ones, I wish I could live like every other teenages out there live...I wish I could" she muttered slowly.

Sandra sighed and took Ariel's hands and placed it on hers.

"I am so sorry girl for bringing that up and I think you should accept life the way you see it" Sandra said.

"Hmm...you were telling me something," Ariel said, trying to change the topic.

"Ooh" Sandra took her phone and went to her gallery and she showed her one of Fredrick's pictures.

"Isn't' he cute?" Sandra smiled.

"Cute? Is he the one you were talking about? like seriously you don't have eyes.. he's not even cute" Ariel scoffed while drinking her soda.

"Shhh.. don't let anyone hear you and don't ever say that in public else you will get killed" Sandra said In a serious tone and Ariel placed her hand on her chest, fearfully.


"Yes. He has lots of crazy female fans. A girl was killed at the subway station last week just because she said Fred is not as handsome as her boyfriend and unfortunately for her, Fred crazy fans were in the train and boom she was killed" Sandra narrated and Ariel opened her mouth in shock.

"Really?? I didn't hear any news,I should keep my eyes on my phone these days" Ariel said sipping from her soda. her phone rang and she picked the car without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello, it's Ariel speaking, who are you?" she asked.

"what!!! Where!!! How!!!. I'll be there before you know it" she hung up and stood up in a hurry and she ran out of the cafe.

"Ariel,what happened??" Sandra said, following her behind.


Ariel ran into the hospital crazily. She took permission from madam rose before coming here.

"What could have happened to her mom again? she said she was fine this morning" she thought.

she walked to the nurse that was standing at the counter.

"hmmm...I am looking for a woman,I got a call from this hospital that she was brought here..." she was interrupted by the nurse.

"oh,you must be the daughter of the woman that was brought here some hours ago,well she's in room 20" the lady said and Ariel zoomed off even before she could blink.

"Girls like her are rare these days" she muttered and continued with what she was doing.


Ariel entered the ward and she saw her mom lying on the bed with drips fixed all over her body. her eyes swelled up in tears as she rushed to her.

"mo..mma" she cried squatting beside her.

"Ariel" Racheal called weakly, using her palm to feel Ariel's face.

"Mom, what happened? You told me you were okay this morning" Ariel hiccuped.

"I'm sorry,I really am," Rachel said as tears fell from her eyes.

"why are you apologising mom? You did nothing wrong" Ariel said.

"Am not a good mom to you and your brother, when you dad left us I'm the one who's supposed to take care of you both, but no,you guys are the one taking care of me instead..I don't deserve to be called a mother"

"I am not complaining mom, am not...by the way where were you when you passed out? I remember telling you not to leave the house".

"I went to the grocery store to get some few things, yunno Miguel will still be back and he must be hungry and there's nothing left in the house..am sorry for making you worry" she apologised.

The doctor walked into the ward with Racheal's report.

"Doctor, what happened to my mom this time around?" Ariel asked.

"Her kidney is damaging slowly and She will be dying soon, she needs to undergo a surgery" the doctor announced.

"What?? how come?? The doctor we met a few days ago told us she's fine and nothing was wrong with her and she even prescribed some drugs for her. So what are you saying?" Ariel yelled.

"This is a hospital. Young girl, a lot of patients are in here. don't disturb them" the doctor eyed her and Ariel burst into another round of tears.

She bent down and held the doctor's clothes and she started dragging it.

"Doctor please,is there anything you can do?I don't want my mom to die, please do something" she begged.

"There's nothing I can do about it dear. you need money so we can start with the surgery and treatment and as for today, I'll treat her without any charges.that's the least I can do for you" the doctor said and prescribed some drugs for Racheal.

She then left the ward.

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