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The seduction of desire

The seduction of desire



"In a world where duty and desire collide, Camila, a spirited model and actress, finds herself thrust into an arranged marriage with Eduardo, the brooding Don of the Spanish Mafia. As they navigate the complexities of their forced union, secrets, sacrifices, and simmering emotions come to light. Camila, longing for a connection with her distant husband, is met with walls of indifference and harsh truths. Eduardo, bound by duty and past choices, struggles to balance his responsibilities with his growing feelings for his unexpected wife. Will they find a way to bridge the gap between them, or will their marriage be torn apart by their conflicting worlds and unspoken desires?"

Chapter 1 The contract


{ At the Vasquez Mansion }

" What ! " Camila asked in anger as her eyes widened in shock. Whatever piece of information she was hearing from the middle aged man sitting in front of her was not the way she intended to start the day .

" Change of plans hija { daughter } "Mr Vasquez said ,his Spanish accent dripping out of each word he pronounced .

" You said I was getting married to the eldest son Leonardo Delgado "Camila said as her voice broke down at the edge .

Marrying into the Delgado family was even the least of her desires ,infact marriage was not in her mind for now . Not when she's currently at the peak of her career .

Everyone knew who the Delgado's were in the underground world. They owned chains of businesses across the globe but Camila knew deep down that they were a part of something more shady . Her suspicions got confirmed when her father extended an hand of partnership to the Godfather Sebastiano Delgado .

That's when he opened up to her about everything . Delgado's were currently the leading crime family in the world . At first she couldn't wrap her head around the fact that he wanted to marry her off as a bride to people who lived their lives in the midst of guns and bl**dshed, but then the whole idea did not seem that bad since she was getting married to the elder son Leonardo Delgado . Man lived a different life from the rest of the Delgado's , meaning she did not need to try hard to exempt her self from the criminal activities ,but right now everything is going in the opposite direction .

" Hija { daughter } " Mr Vasquez said as he held her delicate hands in his .

" Look at me princess . I Know I said you were going to get married to the eldest son but I got offered a better deal . "he said and her eyes stung with unshed tears .

" Padre {Father } , I thought we talked about this ?" She asked calmly and he sighed .

" Camila you are my daughter , my heiress . You know how much I have sacrificed to bring you this far . You hold a master's degree from Harvard. I did everything to give you the life you have always wanted . All I ask is that you get married to Erduardo Delgado "he said and Camila stared at him speechlessly.

" Erduardo is the underboss father ,the Don of the Spanish mafia. I have don't my research is that the life you want me to be a part of "she asked as she stood up angrily.

" I was not asking for your permission hija ,I already signed the contract with Erduardo Delgado so make sure she you show up on the day of the wedding "he said and her lips quivered in hurt .

" Can I at least see him ? So we can talk ? "She asked and he shook his head .

" He would meet you when he wants to meet not the other way around Camila"Mr Vasquez said as he drank from the glass of wine on his table.

" That's unfair father , marriage should be something of mutual understanding. We need to get to know each other if we are going to be a part of each other's lives "She said as her eyes stung with tears .

She had not met the man personally ,but he was already giving her reasons to believe he had pride .

" How about I fund a shopping spree to make you for this ?"Mr Vasquez asked and she sighed .

" I don't wanna go shopping Dad "Camila said and watched her Dad kiss her forehead as he made his way out of her room .

She stared at the empty space in his study room as her heart squeezed in hurt.

This hurt way too much , how the hell was she going to spend her entire life with a man she knew nothing about. A man who is nothing but a criminal .

She was going to try her best to meet with Mr Erduardo Delgado before the day of the wedding ,no matter what it takes .

Walking out of her father's study room , Camila walked towards her room with a frown on her face . Life has always been easy for her ,she had no idea what lacking anything meant niether has she spent her time doing house chores .

being beautiful had helped her get the money she needed . As one of the most successful model and actress Camila had the attention of the media from an early age .

All the needed to do was breath and it would be the next viral news .

" Welcome Miss Camila "her personal maid said as she moved away from the door for her to get in .

" I got your bath ready ,and you have barely 45 mins before your live with your fans "she said and Camila ran her fingers in her hair while resisting the urge to scream.

" Can we cancel today ? I'm tired "she said as she stared at the maid who looked speechless.

" Miss Camila this is a daily routine ,you have been doing this for years ,if you don't go live today the media would make a big deal out of it "she said and Camila sighed as she sat on her bed .

" I'm so tired Diva "she said and the maid stared at her sadly.

" Is it about the marriage proposal ? "Diva asked calmly.

" How the hell am I supposed to get married to a man I know nothing about ? Accept from the fact that Erduardo Delgado has been the black sheep of the family. The media has nothing to say about him ,he's making me so curious and I'm about to loose my mind "she said frowning.

" Miss Camila ,I think you should not worry too much " Diva said rubbing her back softly.

" Should I set the table for dinner or bring it up to your room ? "She asked curiosely.

" I'm not hungry ,it's my cheat day so I'll just eat anything if I get hungry "she said and made her way towards the bathroom .

Diva stared at the young mistress with nothing but sadness . She worried about her the young lady would cope when she eventually got married .

Deep down she wondered who Mr Erduardo really was .


Erduardo Delgado stared at the man in front of him as he gave account of the business transactions that took place that week .

He watched him with his calculative eyes as he drummed his diamond laid fingers on the expensive gold table . Erduardo was indeed a treat to the eyes ,with his dark silky hair and well pointed nose . His lips and six o clock jaws made his face even more gorgeous .

He was a fine mine who knew too well how handsome he looked . His black Armani suit complimented his Italian shoes .

" How did we loose the shipping of drugs to Mr Fernandez ? "He asked calmly .

" Capobranco { The boss } ...an insider had ratted out Valid information to our enemies and we weren't far gone when we were attacked by members of the Russian mafia " he explained as he bowed in obedience .

" You may leave "Erduardo said as the guy walked out in fear . The story wasn't convincing ,but he wasn't about to stain his hands so early in the morning .

Ever since he became the Boss {Capobranco} everything about his live had changed. From being the rebellious Erduardo who spent his nights at his clubs changing women and making money , he was now the Boss who ran the affairs of the 'Empresas ilegales' { Ilegal Enterprises }

The Spanish mafia was one of the most notorious in the world and his family the Delgado's owned a large part in it since from his grandfather's .

His father Sebastiano Delgado was a man who had ruled for years and made a lot of mistakes in his life . Erduardo had grown up in a polygamous home.

His father's first wife had left the family Calling his mother a home breaker . Things weren't rosy and when he finally got of age ,he was able to mend his broken relationship with his step brother Leonardo who wanted to have nothing to do with the position or the mafia .

Erduardo ended up taking over as Capobranco of the business .

" You called for us ? "Vincenzo asked as he walked into Erduardo's study room with his pants dangerously below his waist .

" Yes cousin ,have a sit "Erduardo said as his eyes moved over to the watch on his wrist .

Another guy walked in sluggishly he looked more like a nerd in his 20s with his glasses and sharp silver eyes.

" You're late Ignacio " Erduardo said and the guy smirked in his direction.

" I was busy at the women quarters before you called Capobranco"he said as he sat down calmly .

" And Quinton ? "He asked as he frowned .

" He's always late and you know it Boss ,can we start with the meeting already ? "Ignacio asked as he pinched the bridge or his nose . Man already looked bored to death with everything that was happening around him .

Erduardo stared at the two guys in front of him and it wasn't long before the door opened and Quinton sneaked into his study room .

" I can see you Quin"he said and the dark skinned guy stood straight .

" I sincerely apologise Boss "he said and Ignacio scoffed .

" That's what he always says before he does the same thing the next day "he said and Quinn pulled his tongue at him.

" You're too young to always have a frown on your face , stoppit before you scare the ladies away " Quin said as he smiled .

" That's enough "Erduardo said and everyone stared at him , giving him their attention .

Vincenzo was the Secundino {underboss } the groups second in command and Erduardo's cousin brother .

Ignacio although very young ,was the consegliere { Counselor } who acts as a middle man between the mafia and legit businesses ,he was responsible for every financial transaction and was incredibly smart for his age .

Quinton on the other hand was the caporegime ,he handled smaller groups in the mafia .He was also Erduardo's best friend who knew everything about the unhappy man.

" You haven't told us why you summoned us Boss "Ignacio said and Erduardo sighed .

" Aside from the fact I am not pleased by how the latest transaction went , I summoned you all to let you Know that I will be getting married "Erduardo said calmly and they stared at him like he had suddenly grown horns on his head .

" You're doing what ? "Quinton asked in shock .

" Who is the unlucky woman Boss ? "Vincenzo asked and Ignacio chuckled.

" It's an arranged marriage , With the heiress of the Vasquez family . She was supposed to marry Leonardo but he's already into someone else . " Erduardo said calmly.

" This is interesting ,do you even have an idea about who this wife to be of yours is ? " Vincenzo asked as he smirked .

" I don't care ,what's the worse that can happen ? " Erduardo asked frowning .

" She's twenty two Erduardo , I guess you also have no idea that Camila is a spoilt heiress ,check the internet and I'm pretty sure you will be making a rethink. That girl has the whole world on her matter ,she grabs attention anywhere she goes "Vincenzo said and Erduardo took a deep breath in and out.

"I already signed the contract with her father "I said and Ignacio chuckled.

" I can already imagine the disaster ahead "he said and Erduardo stared at them as an uncomfortable silence filled the room .

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The seduction of desire

Chapter 1 The contract



Chapter 2 Bride of delgado's



Chapter 3 Meeting the devil



Chapter 4 The mafia wedding



Chapter 5 Married to the capobranco



Chapter 6 The wife



Chapter 7 Stuck with the devil



Chapter 8 Defiance



Chapter 9 Eduardo



Chapter 10 Bl00dy party



Chapter 11 The business



Chapter 12 Little one



Chapter 13 The mafia life



Chapter 14 Unspoken truth



Chapter 15 Fears



Chapter 16 At De Luca Estate



Chapter 17 At V Designs



Chapter 18 Don't talk to me



Chapter 19 Unveiling the shadow



Chapter 20 Little one



Chapter 21 Possessive woman



Chapter 22 Delgado Estate



Chapter 23 Escort business



Chapter 24 My Essence



Chapter 25 The couples



Chapter 26 Marriage duty



Chapter 27 Deflower



Chapter 28 Eddy



Chapter 29 Erduardo



Chapter 30 Decent deals



Chapter 31 Deluca Estate



Chapter 32 Unraveling mystery



Chapter 33 The family business



Chapter 34 I am your husband



Chapter 35 Erduardo



Chapter 36 Camila



Chapter 37 Eddy



Chapter 38 Miranda



Chapter 39 I miss you



Chapter 40 She is my wife
