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Get ready for a soothing terrifying romance in Shadows. After the shocking death of Mr. Millers, his wife, Dame is made to hate and despise a certain Fred, an orphan who was helped by her late husband. With time running fast, she has to convince her daughter, Frances who was in love with Fred to stay away from him. Frances is desperately trying to get to Fred when the unexpected happens, but her saviour arrives amid chaos. Who killed Mr. Millers??? Is Fred a bad person?? Who will save Frances?? Find out in this tale of sacrifices, mistrust, and betrayal.

Chapter 1 ONE


I saw myself in a hallway with rooms highlighted with tongues of fire like that of the day of Pentecost. It took me an hour to decide on what to do, suddenly a hand pushed me and I started running searching for that familiar room which could take away all my fears but the hallway seemed endless as I kept running breathing heavily.

Once again, the dark hallway came to light which brought a large grin to my already swollen face. But then as I ran past each room, the lights went off and the bulbs were falling. Fear gripped me badly as my forehead started heating, my teeth vibrating but the tears refused to fall off. I kept moving scared to turn back when I finally did, a face with fierce eyes stared back. I tried to scream but it kept staring and coming closer and closer, as I tried to absorb the fear by closing my eyes, it smiled and vanished.

It seemed like I was on a roller coaster, I turned like a whirlwind under the spell of a witch and suddenly, a sharp-edged knife screwed into my mouth, down to my throat dragging out my intestines which seemed like a long rope with lots of blood in them. All I could do was stand there transfixed staring at the devil performing his task, he immediately opened his mouth to mutter something and as he opened his mouth, I could see maggots and dead things in between his large teeth and on his tongue. The smell alone drove me mad as I slumped with my intestines hanging on my lips. He carried his elephant legs full of thorns and kept on my stomach making me scream while he kept laughing wickedly.

His face was invisible but I could see his mouth, feel his presence, and hear whatever he said. When he was satisfied, he took off his legs and smiled while I lay there helplessly. He opened his mouth once again to say something but closed it again and again then finally, he said,

" Don't ever think I'll harm you, Frances, I love you" That gave me a good laugh as he went away, and the hallway lights came back on. I felt at peace kinda but his words bothered me "Love?" was that how to show it??

And with that, I woke up to my mum tapping me hard,

" Frances, get up and take anvil, you're heating up!" I jerked up immediately breathing heavily to realize it was just another nightmare. My mum was confused as I let out a loud cry. "Frances, what's wrong??" my mum asked with a concerned voice, I was scared I couldn't mutter a word all I could do was stare at her confused face and close my eyes.....


I started College with the help of my mum's best friend, Maggie. She made sure I and her daughter Della started at the same time at Preston College of Arts which was my dream right from high school. I felt so good with Arts even my dad tried pushing me to major in science, I and Della had been childhood friends so it was so easy for both of us to get along and have fun yunno, leaving the house finally and staying away from the outside world for awhile were one of the things that made me glad about college. Mum and Maggie dropped us off at Preston College on the resumption date and seriously I didn't expect Mum to shed a tear but she cried and that alone made me remember my dad.

" Don't fail your dad" That's all she could mutter between sobs and I appreciated that after all.


My first day in college was exciting as I looked forward to making friends and becoming a star girl!!. Della and I hurried to grab coffee before rushing over for our first class. I guess we were a bit early because the door was still locked and we met a guy equally waiting for the door.

"Hey, I'm Desmond, and I'm new here"

"Ohh. I'm Della and she's Frances". We shook hands as expected. "And we're new here" I added smiling which gave him a good laugh.

As we started chatting the lecturer arrived and the door gave way for us and others who joined us later on.

The lecture was just an introductory lecture.

"Hello everyone. I welcome you all to Preston College Of Arts" he paused and everyone applauded him.

"Okay. I'm Spencer, and I'm gonna take you on the introductory part of what is ahead of you, it will guide you in choosing your major eventually. And I want you to be at your best behavior"

And that's how it ended though I was glad because the next lecture venue was far off.


Desmond became our first friend in college which made it easier for us. At least he was a guy and what surprised me was that freshmen are not treated like juniors here, everyone is the same. We grabbed ice cream to go watch some movies in the school's cinema though I kinda hated going to cinemas since my dad died I just had to so I won't fail my friends.

When we got there, it was already filled with people so we sat at the back close to the door which I suggested was good.

Everyone clapped. The first movie was over and the next was about to start as people stood up to stretch themselves a bit. The movie started funny as I laughed seriously but suddenly everywhere became dark yet a girl was standing in the hallway before she started running and yelling loudly. A face black and thick showed up at the end of the hallway laughing hysterically, the girl in question was scared that she ran off and that same face she saw behind her hurriedly took off a sharp-edged knife and screwed it into her mouth and that she screamed loud and as I watched that part with fear, I screamed and passed out.


I was so scared when I heard Frances scream, though I studied her when she was laughing she suddenly stopped at the beginning of a particular scene. Her face went pale as she watched with keen interest before she screamed and passed out.

Everyone in the cinema paused but continued with the movie when she passed out and I was so grateful for that. I and Richie quickly rushed her to the College hospital which was not very far from the cinema, though the hospital was a bit crowded, we were attended to quickly because of the emergency.

The nurses had Frances put in bed as she was rolled to the Special Care Unit for tests.

"I'm sorry about the incident D"I pleaded when I noticed how worn out he looked already. I had already started calling him D instead of Desmond because of how we clicked.

He only smiled,

"It's fine Della, people just need others" I was a bit disappointed when he ended up calling me "Della" instead of something else.

I was a bit stunned by his reply as I kept repeating it in my mind but I didn't still get the meaning of it. I didn't even notice he was staring seriously and smiling until I turned to face him, we just stood there facing each other. His blue shiny eyes made me swoon already, his broad chest levelled with the picture of his abs which showed up in my imagination, that was me lost in his little world. He gently kept his hands behind my waist and pulled me gently to his chest, all I wanted to do was kiss him and know the taste of his soft-looking and chewable lips but as we drew closer to each other about to meet my eyes closed. The door opened.

" Della Roberts........."



I woke up to find myself in a strange environment, the bed, the room, and the scent didn't seem like my room or house. I realize I was pinned to the bed with ropes connected to my hand hanging up with liquid running into my veins. How'd I even get to end up here?? My head was blank and I couldn't even remember anything that happened.

I was so worried until the door opened and Della and Desmond walked in with a man in white with a stethoscope.

Oh! I was in a hospital but how?? and what for??.

" Hey Frances, I'm glad you're good now," Desmond said smiling making me more confused. "Good now??" It kept repeating in my mind before I noticed Della wasn't saying a word...

"Della, what happened to me, and what am I doing here?" I asked confused.

"You're good now" was all she could say before she made a face which meant she wasn't ready to talk about it.



I noticed Frances's reaction when we walked into the room, already the doctor told me it was just a shock but I guessed there was something more to it.

I wanted to find out from her but her confused look told me to forget about the topic. I was still angry because I didn't get the chance to taste Desmond's soft lips and the thought of it was driving me insane already but I tried my best to hide it I know Frances noticed it and I was grateful she didn't ask about it.

"Just make sure she doesn't watch something scary next time. Maybe she's not a fan" I jolted as Dr. Ken whispered which brought me back to life. I only smiled and gave him a friendly nod, before he finally bade us goodbye.



My mind had not been at rest since the day I saw Frances crying at her father's funeral, at first I had wanted to change my mind about hurting her but I just knew she was going to be worth my time so I had to go for what I wanted. I planned to start from nightmares which was to test her powers before going physically. I set her nights to be her night of powers to make her weak and scared and even develop an unusual but serious illness that will lead to her sudden death!!.

Her starting College was a perfect way to make my plans work effectively. Her mum was a bit of a threat to me but I knew I would equally have Frances. My greatest happiness was that nobody knew my secrets and I had promised to keep it away from The Millers who had already fallen victim.

Yes, I'm young but rich and famous. My parents died when I was 18, and my siblings died in a car accident while returning from school so I was left all alone until Mr. Miller agreed to help me when I clocked 19, some old friends introduced me to their source of wealth and I joined happily and that's how I started having everything I ever wanted to have in life.

My life became meaningful unlike the orphan I was before, I met important people from the different states in the country and beyond. My rule was that I did whatever I wanted to do in the day but in the night, I dealt with whosoever I wished to.



The gates of the mansion were built with marble and gold sparkling colorfully with the inscription "You're highly welcomed".

A lot of people walked in and out the gate as if the mansion was for everyone. It took me some minutes to walk in through the colorful gate, and there stood the strange mansion that had never existed. Pop music blaring from speakers upstairs reached my ear and I felt elated to be in a place of music as I hurried upstairs. As I got there, the music stopped suddenly, the lights went off too and that same face, that mouth, that legs showed this time with fire in his hands while he laughed wildly.

At first, I got scared but I felt powers from nowhere in me which made me fearless and a sharp-edged knife with a mallet, big and heavy but I was shocked as I carried it like a leaf. I stood face to face with the devil who was not only shocked but equally scared which gave me the courage to move closer to him, but as I moved closer and closer he vanished and the doors began making a noise like that of a weaver bird making fear come back gradually. I just stood there waiting for the devil to appear but he never did, unknown to me he appeared behind me ready to strike his fire on me but as he lifted it close to me, a hand held it down making him scream as I turned to face him.

" Go away.....go away", he begged

I was so confused until I heard the bearer of the hand speak

" You betrayed me" he sobbed..

And that voice was damn too familiar. I turned and met the only person I loved, the person who meant the world to me........My Dad

With that, I jerked up as my alarm sounded so loud even in my dreams.

Another nightmare. I sighed as it had already become my usuals.......

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Other books by Lucid Dairies.


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