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THE MASK: A Twin's Disguise

THE MASK: A Twin's Disguise

Michelle Alleity


Mona and Lisa are twins. Being the eldest,Mona is chosen to marry the wealthy Lord Lore Cavannaugh who she had been crushing on since she was ten. But on her wedding day,she elopes with her gangstar boyfriend. Lisa chooses to wed by pretending to be Mona in order to save their family's honor and reputation. Awaiting for her sister's return,Lisa finds herself falling madly in love with the person who doesn't belong to her and who thinks she's someone else. What happens when Mona returns to get back what rightfully belongs to her? And what will be Lore's reaction when he finds out that the woman he married and has fallen in love with is not the one he wanted? Will the young Lord tolerate that he was tricked or will he burn the world to ash?

Chapter 1 First Glance


"Chop chop!" Suzana,the head of the house maids claps her gloved hands together. "Everything needs to be perfecto."

Fresh flowers are hanging on the shelves as well as the staircases. When papa announced that my twin sister,who is two minutes older than I is to be wedded to the young twenty nine year old Lord,Lore Cavannaugh, everyone seemed to be happy. Well, everyone except me of course,

"This is bad,very very bad."

"Miss?" Someone addresses me and I turn to find Silas,my best friend watching me with worried eyes.

"Miss?" I frown. "Why are you calling me that?"

"You know I'm not allowed to call you by your first name,it'll be an insult to your family and house."

I fold my hands over my chest and narrow my eyes.

"You know I don't give a crap about that,you're my best friend."

A gasp sounds behind me and I know it's Suzana,I'm not even allowed to say words like crap because it's not lady like. My father happens to be a Duke,the family title comes from way back generations. Our home is more like a castle,with huge portraits of my dead ancestors hanging on the walls in a perfect straight line.

"Come on.." I hiss then drag him by the wrist.


"Shhh,just follow me."

When we enter the library doors,I lock them and get on my tiptoes, placing my lips to his. When I pull back,I sigh.

"Why aren't you happy?" He pushes some strands of my hair behind my ear. "Your sister is getting a dream marriage."

"I know,but that's the problem."

A frown tugs at his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" Silas is the ambassador's advisor. The role holds something,but not enough for my father to accept any sort of intimate relationship between us,he'd call it a taboo and literally die.

"She's been seeing a-a gangstar,she's supposed to be pure before getting married to a Lord,that's the rule in our families,in these circle," I swallow. "Mona..." I trail off

"Mona what?"

"Is no longer pure."

His frown dissapears and gets replaced with shock. I watch him as his mouth opens then closes a few times.

"When did this happen?" He asks.

"It started a month ago," I say nervously, shifting my weight from one foot to the other.

He pinches the bridge of his nose and runs his fingers through his hair,then stops when he realises he's going to ruin the perfect gel.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"Yes," I bite my bottom lip.

"Lisa," he places his hands on my shoulders. "Are you a hundred percent sure of what you're saying? You know that it's a disgrace and a crime to marry a Lord impure without their knowledge."

"I know," I run my fingers over his chest. "But maybe she didn't know she would be handed to Lord Lore. Had this arrangement been made at birth or fourteen,she wouldn't have done it,you know how much she used to mull over lord Lore."

"That's still not reason enough for her to break tradition, Jesus. What was she thinking?"

He starts pacing.

"Miss Lisa? Are you in there?" Asah,my personal maid knocks on the door.

"Yes Asah."

"It's time for your dress fitting."

"I'll be right there," I say just to shoo her away. Sometimes,things are taken overboard around here,I mean,I can take care of myself just fine. I don't need a personal maid.

"Did you tell any of your parents?" He whispers.

"No, they'll die if I tell them."

"Good gracious,was it just once?"

"Yes." Mona and I tell each other everything,it's like this weird blood thing where we can't hide anything from one another. So yes,she told me it happened once and I believed her,I know when she's lying.


"Okay what?" I ask

"It's not that bad then,we'll make up something when the time comes,I'll figure something out and then let you know, that way you'll get to act like it's your way of advising her."

I think over it and shake my head in approval. That's better,if Mona was to find out that I told Silas about this,she would never ever forgive me.

An Hour Later

"What did I say about you being around that man?"

"He's just my friend,papa."

"No friends!" He bangs his hand on his expensive office desk,making me flinch.

Suzana,it couldn't have been anyone else but her,that lousy hag.

"But papa.."

"That man is beneath us Lisa,I won't repeat this again. You," he points his long finger at me. "Will not be seen with that man again,do I make myself clear?" He nearly growls the words out.

I bow my head and link my fingers in front of me.

"Yes papa," I whisper.

"Good. Now,go and get ready,the Earl's son will be here any moment,you are to accompany him at the event tonight."

I swallow and answer without looking up.

"Yes papa."

"Meet my eyes," he says sternly.

I slowly look up and meet his eyes. The warning in them has me blinking rapidly.

"And get rid of that habit,it doesn't look well on our family's mannerism."

"Of course."

He waves his hand, dismissing me.

To Papa,Mona is the Golden child,she's the perfect one, the one who does everything right,who's always composed and presents the family well.

No matter what I do,I'm not good enough for him.

* *Later* *

After Asah finds the perfect dress for me,I look in the mirror and run my eyes all over myself. I meet my eyes in the mirror and sadness reflects in them.

I need to stay away from Silas,if I don't, I might get him in serious trouble. He might even get fired if my father pulls a few strings.

"Done," Asah says,proud of the work she's done.

I take a deep breath in and smooth my palms over my stomach.

"You look perfect,miss."

I step down from the pedal and take her hand in mine.

"Asah,I told you to stop calling me miss,you're my friend-"

She immediately snatches her hand back.

"Please don't say that," she begs. "If the master hears you,I might get in trouble."

I smile sadly and nod.

"Can you at least tell me the truth when I need to hear it?"

She looks uncomfortable at my question.

"Please..I need to do this right,papa always thinks I'm wrong,at least help me prove myself to him?"

"Okay,I will help you miss."

* *Celebration Party* *

I play with the champagne flute in my hand,tuning out the Earl's snobbish son who can't seem to stop talking about himself and how huge his inheritance will be.

"Don't you think so?" He asks,I turn my head and face him.

"Yeah,sure,absolutely." I agree without even knowing what he just said.

"Ahh,I was right. You and I are the perfect fit."

I choke on the champagne and cough. Mama glares at me from the other side of the room where she's seated with her perfect daughter,Mona.

She shakes her head disapprovingly and I take another sip without breaking eye contact. Mona widens her eyes at me,a sign telling me to cut off trying to piss Mama off.

The clinking of a glass has everyone's attention going to the small set up stage.

"Good evening," Papa says smoothly. "Thank you all for attending this event,as you know,I have a very special announcement to make."

I take another sip and clear my throat.

I look to the left and meet Silas's eyes,who smiles at me from his seat at the Ambassador's table. I don't return the gesture,earning a confused expression from him.

"If I'd have everyone's utmost attention,I'd be grateful." Papa says,I meet his glaring eyes and compose myself.

"My beloved beautiful eldest daughter,Mona is to be wedded to a good honorable man in our society,Lord Lore Cavannaugh."

Clapping erupts from the people in the room,soft and classy as though their hands are delicate.

"Mona,would you do us the honor of coming forth."

Mama stands with her and gives her a peck on the cheek,then sits back down as Mona walks to the stage.

"Good evening, as my father has mentioned,I'm off the market."

Soft laughter from the people fills the room.

"Unfortunately,Lord Lore isn't able to make it on time as he is finishing a dinner meeting with Lord Armstrong. But he will be here soon. Again,thank you all for coming."

Clapping comes from the crowd again. The two walk over and join mama at the main table. Longing grips my heart tight as I'm reminded that i am not as special as Mona to seat with my parents.

The Earl's son says something again and I stand, running out of patience,I whisper.

"Can you just please fucking stop talking? You snobbish little shit." His eyes widen in shock,I carry my purse and walk out to get some fresh air.

I walk down the hall with tears welling in my eyes,then I bump into a hard body,my high heels make me lose balance but before I can fall,hands catch me and super expensive cologne flows into my nostrils.

I look up to thank whoever the gentleman is and find scorching grey eyes staring right at me.

"Are you alright,miss?"

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