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Lovestruck In His Cold Heart

Lovestruck In His Cold Heart



He is dark, empty, and cold because of his past. She is a beautiful, innocent, and happy angel, forced to be his mistress to pay off her father's debt. Could anything go right? Would they ever be able to look deep into each other's hearts and fall in love? Would she be able to see him for who he truly is? Would he be able to protect her when danger comes calling? Find out in this book. An excerpt "A knife? Are you flirting with me"? Alexander asked as Serene held a kitchen knife with her tiny hands. "Don't come close to me, I'll hurt you". Alex smirked as he knew she was too nice to hurt a fly. "If I didn't know better, I'd assume that you've fallen in love with me". 'Is he crazy? I'm holding a knife'. Serene thought to herself as she couldn't bring herself to understand this man's thinking process. "Where do you want to go"? He asked, thinking she'd say she wanted to see her sister but what she said next made his face turn cold and dark.

Chapter 1 My undefined beginning

Hastened steps could be heard and a man could be seen, running as fast as he could.

"Catch him, don't let him get away!!"

About five men were chasing him. Fear could be seen on his face as he kept running for his dear life. He ran to the top of a building and reality struck him.

'This is it'.

The men who had been chasing him also stopped as they noticed he had nowhere to go.

"Come with us or die a miserable death".

One of the men said but the man who had been running for his life retorted.

"I'm going to die anyways. I'm sure the boss already knows I'm the one who has been leaking the information".

He said and one of the men who had been chasing him spoke again.

"The more reason why you should come with us. You owe the boss".

The man who was running all this while looked behind him, looking down from the building and the sound of cars buzzing and driving past could be heard.

He could see death calling. It didn't matter if it was from the cars down there, the wind that swept his face, or the men that were standing in front of him.

All he knew was no matter what, he'd end up dead. The only difference is... one is going to be a fast one while the other is going to be slow and painful.

Without thinking much, he chose the faster way and jumped off the building.

"We almost got him, but he jumped off a building".

One of the men who was chasing the man who died said to a man sitting with a glass of wine in his hand.

The man sitting raised his head and looked at the man in front of him.


He called the man's name and the man just raised his head to look at him.

"His death means nothing to me. I'm sure he has a family somewhere, get my money".

He said with no sign of emotion and Fredrick bowed and walked out immediately.

The sun was yet to rise when I heard a knock on the door. My younger sister also came out of her room.

"Who could it be so early in the morning"?

She asked.

"It might be the landlord, let me check".

Getting to the door, I asked who it was, and just as I guessed, it was the landlord.

I opened the door but what happened next was not what I was expecting.

As soon as she opened the door, a bunch of men in black walked in, pushing our landlord to the side.

"Who... who are you"?

I asked as my younger sister came over and held me tightly.

"Wrong question".

A man said and after that, I don't remember what happened next.

Right now, we were in a room so dark it hurt my eyes when I opened it. Closing my eyes, I tried to find out if my sister was with me.

"Megan? Megan, are you here"?

I called a few times and she finally answered.

"Serene? Where are you? I'm so scared".

Megan said but I couldn't do anything about it.

"Just calm down, you'll be fine. I'll try to..."

I was about to say something when the door suddenly opened. I opened my eye to see who it was but I couldn't see his face clearly, all I knew was it was a man.

The man came in and stood in front of me, making me stand up as well.

Megan ran and stood behind me.

"Your father is dead".

His words resounded in my ears, making me swallow hard. His gaze made me flutter and I was suddenly very scared.

"Do you know what he did"?

He asked as he kept staring at me. A chair was brought in and the curtains were finally opened.

I could finally see his face and now, I wish I didn't see it. I immediately bent my head so I wouldn't be looking at him anymore.

I knew he was breathtaking but for some reason, he looked extremely scary.

Sitting down and placing his hand on the arm of the chair, he kept tapping on it gently.

I already knew that my dad was working in a company and a week ago, he had to run away because he stole from his boss. I guess this was him.

I just didn't understand, was the money worth my father's death?

One thing is sure, my father left us to pay the debt and left us in the mercy of this heartless man.

"Your father stole from me".

I swallowed hard. I knew it was him.

"We'll try our best to pay back as soon as possible, just give us some time, and we'll come up with the money".

I said quickly, without looking at him but then, I heard him chuckle. I had to look at him a little to figure out what was funny.

"I'm not in the mood to wait".

He said and Megan's hold on me began a lot more firm.

I looked at him, trying to figure out what he was thinking but he looked... empty.

"I would have let this slide but your father's sin is way too big for me to let it slide".

'What is he talking about? What could my father have done that is that terrible'?

I thought but I said nothing.

"If you can't pay off your father's debt, you'll have to pay some other way".

He said and I immediately turned to look at Megan. She was also looking at me as our fear grew stronger.

He didn't wait for us to speak before he spoke again.

"One of you will have to be my mistress and stay with me till I feel your father's debt is paid".

My eyes opened wide and my lips were slightly opened as well. I didn't think he'd ask that.

There was no need to argue with him though. Looking at this man, I knew there was no other way out.

"How long will we have to stay with you"?

I asked and one side of his lips raised.

"Seven months".

I decided to try something to see if it would work.

"How about we pay you the money within seven months, instead of being your mistress"?

I asked, hoping he'd consider it.

"Pay me now or forget it".

I could not believe this man, he knew we didn't have it so why was he this heartless?

"I chose her".

He said and as I raised my head, I realized he was pointing at Megan. My heart sank.

"Serene? He is pointing at me. Serene do something, I don't want to be with him. Please, do something".

My eyes closed and the tears I'd been trying so hard to hold in began to pour out.

Though I was older than her with just two years, I knew how fragile Megan was. She would not be able to survive seven months with this monster.

"Take me instead".

I said as I opened my eyes and looked at him but he simply looked at me, not saying anything.


I wanted to say something but I choked on my tears.

"I'll do whatever you ask of me, so please!!"

I begged with my eyes closed and my knees on the floor.

"Just take me instead".

I knew I was signing up for hell but I couldn't let Megan go through it instead.


I heard him say but I didn't look at him.

The man stood up and began walking away.

"Just know, if you die within those seven months, I'll take your sister".

I heard the door close but the tears couldn't stop. I kept crying and Megan who tried to comfort me was also crying.

"Take the other girl home and lock the other one up".

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Other books by Secrecy_x

In Another Life

In Another Life



"Why are you here? If the king finds out, I'll be beheaded". "You said we could spend the day together". I was almost whining when he tried to get rid of me. "Your Highness, you were betrothed to yesterday, I can no longer be with you". Just then, someone barged in on us and it was my father, the king. "What did you just say? You have been seeing my daughter"? "Father I can explain". I said as I tried to calm my father down. Li Feng also knelt and pleaded but my father did not listen. "Beat him till he dies". He instructed the guards and soon enough, they dragged him out and beat him till he was almost lifeless. I was crying but it seems that only made things worse for Li Feng. "Hit him harder!!" The king yelled. After sunset, I went to the place where his body was left, and he was still breathing, but barely. "I am so sorry Li Feng, this is all my fault". I said but he hushed me weakly and said. "If given a chance, I'll do the same thing over again. Princess, in this life, our love was not meant to be, but, I promise you, I will be a man worthy of you in another life". He said and closed his eyes. "No, please don't leave me!! What will I do without you"? I cried but he did not respond. I went into my room, taking a sharp blade, I slit my wrist. Falling to the ground, the only face I could see was his then I said weakly. "In another life... promise... you will find me". Will our love ever blossom or will it forever be a love that is forbidden and impossible? For now, let us live to see another life.

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