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The trybrid and her lover

The trybrid and her lover



You are not just any supernatural, you... are the Modegod. The only supernatural with the power of a monster, demon and a god. I never asked for this, this... power is overwhelming. I'm here for you, as your soulmate, I will never let you fight this battle alone. It was all because of him, I was only able to accept my fate of being the savior of the supernatural realm because of him This man who confuses me and yet comforts me at the same time. This man who I hate yet love. With all the emotions and power swelling in me, will I be able to win this battle or will it consume me whole.

Chapter 1 Welcome back home

Beep beep beep.

As my eyes gradually opened, the first sound I heard was the sound of a hospital machine beeping gently in my ear.

I could barely feel any part of my body and it felt like my brain was blank at the moment. I tried speaking but no words were coming out.

Soon, images began to flood my brain and it made my head pound like crazy. The once gentle machine began to sound really loudly and it wasn't helping my headache at all.

As soon as the machine began sounding loud, doctors began rushing into the young ladies' room, and soon, there were about four people in the room with her. That was one doctor and three nurses.

I was beginning to feel severe pain at the back of my head and in no time, I passed out or so it seems. But as soon as I did that, I saw a lady covered in a completely black cloak.

"Who....who are you?"

I asked in a very weak voice. The lady in black bowed her head as though she was paying respect to someone I turned to see if someone was behind me but there was absolutely no one. When I turned back, she was standing right in front of me.


I screamed and fell to the floor.

"My lady, I guess you are not as weak as you were weeks ago, good to know".

She bent to my standard and kept looking at me. It was obvious that I was so scared, I could pee in my pant.

"It's time for you to wake up my lady, stop being such a weakling. WAKE UP!!"

After that encounter, the young lady on the hospital bed who was already being registered as dead opened her eyes wide. For a split second, her eye was completely black but no one saw it.

I woke up with a newly profound strength, I saw a woman cry but I didn't seem to recognize her at all. Beside her was another woman cleaning her eye with a hankie but I didn't see any tears at all.

Suddenly a woman in uniform that looked like a nurse began to point at me.

"Sh....she...she's awake, doctor, she's awake!!"

She said while running out to call the doctor. The doctor walked in at full speed and the women who were crying came closer.

"How is this possible? Miss, can you please lie down for a while?"

I obeyed the doctor and laid back down on the bed. He began asking me questions and I answered them with my voice as clear as the morning sky.

He turned to the woman who was crying and said.

"This is a miracle, she looks totally fine".

"Ohh, ohh my baby".

The woman began crying again as she drew closer to me and hugged me tightly. I didn't know who she was so it made me a little bit uncomfortable.


She stopped crying and looked at me.

"You...you don't know who I am?"

I kept looking at her and thought.

'If I knew would I be asking?'

"No no no, this can't be happening. Doctor! Check her again please".

After a few more checkups, the doctor called the woman into his office.

"Mrs. Skye, due to the accident, a portion of her brain has been damaged and due to the tests we've taken, it seems she won't be getting them back anytime soon".

Mrs. Skye, the woman who was crying in the room earlier looked completely devastated. She wasn't crying anymore, she was just looking down. Her voice was shallow now.

"So, what are we going to do now?"

"Well, other than that, she looks completely fine so, all we can do now is take her to places and show her things that might help her remember".

Mrs. Skye nodded and thanked the doctor gracefully before she walked out.

Mrs. Skye is the mother of the young lady who looked sick. She was a single mother who was extremely successful and powerful and Ariana, the lady who was on the hospital bed was her only daughter.

Mrs. Skye went back to Ariana's room but when she got there, she was already asleep so she walked quietly and gently so as to not disturb her daughters' sleep.

It was late in the evening when Ariana woke up.

When I woke up, I noticed someone was holding onto my hand and when I looked at who it was, I realized it was the woman from earlier. I had already asked about her from the nurses and they told me that she was my mother and the other woman was a friend of hers.

I was also informed that I have a brother but he has only been to the hospital once for the entire five months that I have been here.

What's weird is that I don't remember them at all and I feel no connection whatsoever towards any of them, not even my mother but seeing how downcasted she was earlier I guess I'll just have to get used to this.

The next day, the doctor said I was free to go home but I had to come twice a week for checkups. When I got home, it appears that I wasn't just a rich girl, I was literally a boss.

I was treated like one and I sure did feel like one.

"Welcome home my love".

My mom said to me but I simply gave a warm smile and kept looking at the interior. The mansion was just too huge that I could not take everything in. All I knew was that my mother most definitely liked things in gold.

A maid showed me to my room so I could freshen up and come down for breakfast. When she left, I began looking around my room, and to me, this could most definitely be someone's entire house.

"I don't remember a thing but I can most definitely get used to this in no time".

After taking a shower, I kept looking for what to wear and that led me to a different room inside my room. 'a walk-in closet'. I was totally dumbfounded, it was enormous. I looked around for a very long time and after a while, I chose a big top and some really nice blue shorts.

I went downstairs and when I got there, I met my mother there.


She looked at me and I could see that she was genuinely happy to hear me say that.

"Come, come my dear let's eat".

Just when we were about to get to the dining table, the door burst open and a guy who looked drunk came in.

"Ohh, look who's here, it's my sister".

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Other books by Secrecy_x

In Another Life

In Another Life



"Why are you here? If the king finds out, I'll be beheaded". "You said we could spend the day together". I was almost whining when he tried to get rid of me. "Your Highness, you were betrothed to yesterday, I can no longer be with you". Just then, someone barged in on us and it was my father, the king. "What did you just say? You have been seeing my daughter"? "Father I can explain". I said as I tried to calm my father down. Li Feng also knelt and pleaded but my father did not listen. "Beat him till he dies". He instructed the guards and soon enough, they dragged him out and beat him till he was almost lifeless. I was crying but it seems that only made things worse for Li Feng. "Hit him harder!!" The king yelled. After sunset, I went to the place where his body was left, and he was still breathing, but barely. "I am so sorry Li Feng, this is all my fault". I said but he hushed me weakly and said. "If given a chance, I'll do the same thing over again. Princess, in this life, our love was not meant to be, but, I promise you, I will be a man worthy of you in another life". He said and closed his eyes. "No, please don't leave me!! What will I do without you"? I cried but he did not respond. I went into my room, taking a sharp blade, I slit my wrist. Falling to the ground, the only face I could see was his then I said weakly. "In another life... promise... you will find me". Will our love ever blossom or will it forever be a love that is forbidden and impossible? For now, let us live to see another life.

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