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Phantom king

Phantom king



PLOT. SYNOPSIS. Leonidas, the King of Sparta was in desperate need of an heir to his throne. One that would rule the land and conquer the surrounding city-states. But to his utter dismay his queen, Aspasia gives birth to a female child, Petra . Left with no option Leonidas hides his daughter's real identity and forced her to accept the identity of a male child. Even going as far as crowing her the king of Sparta. With enemy kingdoms keeping an eye on her, how long would it take before her real identity is exposed to the whole world. INCITING INCIDENT. The city-state of Sparta is under attack from rival states. Growing old and weak, the King, Leonidas,was under pressure of producing an heir to his throne. Unfortunately, his wish did not come true as his wife and queen, Aspasia gives birth to a female child. RISING ACTION. Left with no other option, the King of Sparta, Leonidas, hides the real identity of the child born to him by his queen, Aspasia. Getting rid of every single soul who witnessed the birth of his daughter, King Leonidas announces to the world that he now has an heir to his throne. Forcing his daughter, Petra,to accept the identity of a male child and teaching her the lifestyle of boys. Isolating her from the outside world, King Leonidas trains Petra ,on how to be a great warrior and leader. Crowning her as the King of Sparta, King Leonidas attracts the attention of enemy city-states. CLIMAX With a new heir to the throne , enemy city-states knew it was just a matter of time before Sparta comes to wage war and conquer them. Determined to know more about the prince and find out about Sparta's weaknesses, a spy was sent by the ruler of Athens, Zander. The first spy came but was killed the second his cover was blown. The second spy was sent , succeeded in his mission but ends up falling in love with the hidden princess. With no response from his spy, Zander sends another who also succeeded and returns to his master to share the good news. Zander wasted no time in revealing this to the world. The people of Sparta rebelled against the royal family, leading to war and chaos. DENOUEMENT With her kingdom in chaos and her father sent into exile, Petra takes the bull by it's horns and waged a war against Athens. Coming out victorious , Petra assumes her rightful position as the queen of Sparta. With her lover by her side, they lived happily ever after. EXPOSITION The rulers of Sparta and Athens never saw eye to eye. Waging wars against each other, both states tried to conquer the other . Growing old wolf, King Leonidas knew he had to produce an heir, one powerful enough to rule the kingdom and defeat Athens on the battlefield. Spending the night with his queen Aspasia, they got lucky for she became pregnant with a child. Leonidas was over the moon as he announced that he now had an heir to his throne. Nine months later, his wife ,the queen gives birth to a female child. Choosing to hide the child's real identity, he names her Petra, a name given to both male and female children. Training Petra to follow his footsteps and be a great warrior, The King of Sparta ensured that no stoke was left unturned in making Petra the king of Sparta. Being crowned as the king opened Petra's eyes to the reality of her life. Working tirelessly, she waged war against enemy kingdoms, built a wall round Sparta, and offering wise words to help in the growth and development of Sparta. A spy was sent to find out more about the land and its new crown prince. Succeeding in his mission, the spy happily embarked on a journey to his home to report to his master, but was killed by King Petra. Outraged by the death of his spy, King of Athens, King Zander sends his son disguised as a spy, to complete the job. Prince Andreas works hard and gains the trust of Petra, accepting her into his life, Petra has no idea she was letting an enemy in on her secrets. Suspicious of his son, King Zander sends another spy who also succeeds in the mission. As soon as he got the news he wanted,he exposes the king of Sparta and the lies he told. As a result of this big revelation, the people of Sparta rebelled against the royal family, her father was sent into exile and she was dethroned. Unable to stand idly and watch her kingdoms fall apart, King Petra wages war against Athens, determined to settle the scores. With her father and her lover, Prince Andreas, she won the war and restored peace to Sparta. SETTING: The city-state of Sparta,one of the most power in Ancient Greece. It was known for its militaristic culture and training soldiers. Time: 5TH venture BC CHARACTERS. MAIN LEONIDAS DAMON. He is the king of Sparta and the father of Petra,a man with a weathered and rugged appearance with a lined face and gray hair. He has a commanding presence with a regal bearing and a strong voice.




One of my advisors, a shrewd old man named Nicholas, spoke up. "My king, we must be strong, for our enemies are like the stars in the sky, uncountable. From the east to the west to the north we have tons of enemies, willing to strike at any point. Our warriors are the best in all the land, but we need a strong leader to guide them. My king you have served us well in your days, but now you are growing frail and old, going out for wars will only make you health worse. The people are in need of a new king, an heir to the great throne of Sparta. Who among us has the strength and wisdom to lead our people to victory?"

A tense silence fell over the room as all the advisors looked at each other, their faces drawn and grave

I was lost in thoughts. My warriors just came back from war, the King of Athens waged war against us, we suffered some casualties but emerged victorious.

It's been few weeks after the war and I am healing from the severe injuries I suffered during the war.

My subjects demand that I crown someone young , bold,brave, wise and courageous to lead them, both in wars and as their king.

I had no heir at the moment, my wife, the Queen of Sparta, Aspasia was pregnant and her due date was in two days.

A young man spoke up. "My king, I know that I am young and I know little or nothing about running a city-state as great as Sparta. But I have been trained in the art of war and I have studied the great heroes of our last, and I believe I have what it takes to lead our people to glory. I come from a well known family, and I am a man of my words. I believe under my reign I will be able to serve this great city-state and conquer all our enemies. I ask for your consideration my king".

I sat back on my throne, my eyes fixed on the young man. I saw right through his fake act and nice words. He does not care about the kingdom , it's well being or the people. He is one of the many people who want to be king so they can loot all the money. He does not care about war, I am very sure he will flee in the face of war, leaving his people alone when they need him the most. Man of his words? He has been brought before me twice each time for raping a young lady. He managed to escape. I can not make such a man my heir, that would be irresponsible.

"I will consider your words young one" I said, rising I my feet I left the throne room, heading to my private chambers to meet my queen.

As I walked into My queen's chambers, she saw and bowed. "Greetings my King, welcome" she said, wearing a warm smile.

"Aspasia, how are you feeling my queen?" I asked, gently placing my hands on her shoulders.

"I am fine my king, but what about you? You seem so worried" she said, her eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"It's nothing my queen" I said, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"My love, I know that you are concerned about our future and the future of this great kingdom. But I must ask, have you considered the future of our child? He will be born soon and he will one day inherit the throne. What will be his fate? And how will you prepare him for the great task ahead? How will you prepare him for the role of king?" Aspasia said, worry in her eyes.

I paused for a moment, my expression thoughtful. "I am thinking of our child my dear. I will teach him to be strong and just, as any good king should be. More than that, I will teach him to be compassionate and wise. He should not only learn to be a good warrior but also a good man. For without a good heart, he can not truly head our people."

The queen nodded in agreement. "It is true my king. But what of our enemies? What of those would seek to destroy us? How will you protect our kingdoms from those who would harm us?" She asked, she was scared.

"I will protect our people and our child. I will not allow our enemies hurt a single hair on our child. I swear upon my honor as a king and as a man." I said, my jaw tightly clenched as I thought of my son and how far I would go to protect him.

"Thank you my king. I was worried but now you have put my mind at ease. I am sure our son will grow up to become a great king under your training and supervision. I pray the gods bless with him with knowledge, wisdom and understanding to help him in ruling this great kingdom, and take it to greater heights. May his reign be peaceful and his days on earth be long." The queen blessed our unborn child.

"Thank you my queen, may the gods accept our prayers and grant us a son, one worthy of being the heir to my throne. The messiah of his people, who would wage war against enemies and always emerge victorious. " I said and pulled the queen into a warm embrace.

But I could not help but feel something was about to go wrong. What if we do end up having a enable child? I can not crown a female child as king. It is against the laws of this great kingdom and doing so will be deadly, for sooner or later the secret might be out and I can only imagine the chaos it would cause.

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Alex's mother passed away when she gave birth to Adam. And since then their father ( Andrew Sinclair ) was never been the same and he knows that a part of him has been taken away from him. Alex noticed and he started spending more time with his father, little did he know that his father was dying without telling anyone including Alex himself. Elena and Adam noticed the way their father loved Alex but Elena started developing hatred for her younger brother Alex. Eighteen years later, Andrew Sinclair passed away and a huge part of his properties were given to Alex according to his will. While 2% of his properties were given to Elena and Adam each, Elena's hatred for Alex increased and she started her evil scheme in other to acquire what she thinks Alex stole from her. Inciting Incident: Alex being so dedicated to his work and not minding the people around him, suddenly started getting interested in his secretary named Maya, who has been working for him for over three years. Maya also noticed but she didn't pay more attention to him, thinking he was only testing her. Little did she know that Alex had started developing feelings for her. Their love story started fully when Alex and Maya went on a business trip which lends to confessions and a beautiful romance. Rising Action: As their relationship blossoms, Maya and Alex's secret affair got exposed, causing a scandal that threatens to jeopardize both their careers, the company and their reputations. Through challenges, misunderstandings, and moments of vulnerability, Elena conspired against Alex Gabriel without knowing Gabriel's true intentions. Simultaneously Maya struggles with her insecurities and fears of commitment, leading to Alex and Maya's separating for a while, trying to take a break from the whole problems pilling up. Climax: During Maya's absence in his life, Alex and his close friend Ethan start investigating what is going on in Alex's company and find out about Elena's and Gabriel's evil scheme. Gabriel was later arrested and Elena was banned from XGAL forever. Denouement: Maya and Alex knowing they can't live without each other find a way to reconcile their personal and professional lives, realizing that true happiness lies in finding balance and authenticity. The story ends with Alex and Maya standing united, and ready to face whatever challenges come their way as they embark on a new chapter together.

Stolen Moments

Stolen Moments



Stolen Moments are sweet, always enjoyed and memorable but the aftermath is always complicated. This is a story that revolves around a real estate Billionaire ā€”Mr. Patrick Evans and Daniella Robinson. The real estate mogul traveled with his team on a trip from Ohio to Texas to check out a property they wanted to buy and resell for clients. Mr. Patrick and his team lodged in a hotel for three days where he met a Lady in that hotel they Lodged in Texas. The third night an incident occurred, Mr. Patrick stole the moment and had sex with her, Daniella realized she was pregnant but Mr. Patrick had gone back to Ohio. She didn't have his contact and that's how she couldn't reach him. Five years later they met and Daniella tried to convince him that he is the owner of the child. Will Mr. Patrick accept the child when he is married to another Lady? Would he believe Daniella? And what will Daniella do if Mr. Patrick denies the baby? CHARACTERIZATION: Patrick Evans(ML)::A billionaire real estate mogul who travels to different cities for business development, He has a company and a team in Ohio. -He is tall and handsome -He has brown eyes and muscular body -In his late twenties -He is strict and cunning -He is proud and arrogant Daniella Robinson(FL):: She is from a poor background who worked as an hotel attendant where Mr. Patrick and his real estate team came to Lodge. -She has blue eyes and long hairs -She has an average height -She is beautiful and calm -Disciplined and trustworthy -She is always persistent to get whatever she wants under any circumstances. Annabel Evans (VILLAIN):: She is the Lady that Patrick got married to years later, She didn't know that her husband had a child somewhere. She insults anyone at any time, she hates sharing her husband with any other woman. -Blonde hair and curvy shape -Elegant and Stylish -Arrogant and temperamental -Spends lavishly -Strict and rude EXPOSITION: The Evan's Company wanted to go and check a property in Texas, they made traveling arrangements and went from Ohio to Texas. Mr. Patrick and his team stayed in Texas for three days and they all logged into a hotel but in different rooms. The first day, they were in a rush to settle down in their rooms as Mr. Patrick's money fell down from his pocket in the reception room mistakenly and a hotel attendant returned the money to him without removing anything which impressed the real estate mogul. The hotel attendant happened to be Daniella Robinson and Patrick rewarded her instantly. The second day, Mr. Patrick requested to be friends with Daniella due to her kind gesture, as they got close to each other within those three days' duration. Mr. Patrick didn't have a wife then, so he was a flirt who shuts every woman up with his money and looks. He was also good at convincing and persuading someone to do something, a skill he acquired due to the nature of his job. The third day, he convinced Daniella to have sex with him even though she was reluctant Daniella was single and she was staying with her mother, she was the breadwinner of the family and it was the money she made from the hotel was what she used in feeding herself and her mother. Weeks later, she discovered she was pregnant after the sex she had with Patrick but he was nowhere to be found. He had gone back to Ohio and left her alone in Texas. There was no way to reach Patrick and she didn't have anyone that could help her contact him. She delivered a baby boy and raised him alone for five years. The responsibility was too much for only her to handle, her mother fell sick during this period and eventually she died which made Daniella very bitter and frustrated. The child was affecting her efficiency at work so she was fired. Daniella became an unemployed orphan, who was also a single mother even though the child's father is a billionaire. One day, Daniella's friend invited her to a party in Texas so that instead of staying at home crying, she should go out to clear her head. Surprisingly she met the billionaire real estate mogulā€”Mr. Patrick Evans. Daniella ran to meet him and explained what happened but Patrick didn't believe it, he insisted that their one night stand couldn't have led to a baby. Daniella told her friend to help her get details about his address in Texas, she eventually got the address and went to disturb Patrick for him to accept the child and raise her properly. Unfortunately she met another woman at his office who claimed to be his newly wedded wife, this led to a fight and severe argument that affected the work output of Evan's Company. Annabel Evansā€”Patrick's wife planned a kidnap for Daniella in order to send her away from her husband. But she survived the kidnap, Annabel planned to poison the baby of Daniella and when the baby ate the poison she was rushed to the hospital where the baby survived. Where the baby was admitted, Patrick ran a paternity test and discovered that he was truly

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