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The White Luna

The White Luna

Aria Bennett


Winifred Garcia was the adopted daughter of the Wilson family and the one whom Hiram Wilson believed to have indirectly killed his mother. She loved Hiram Wilson, and when she was 18, her secret crush was made public when her diary was read . After Hiram Wilson threw her diary on the ground and trampled it like a piece of grass, she realised that the one she loved would never like her... Until one day, a woman told her, "I saw your picture on Hiram Wilson's phone..."

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

Elaina pov.

''Elaina get up! Emma is here!'' I heard my mom shout from downstairs.

''Just a minute!'' I yelled back, putting on my shirt. I quickly put on some brown boots and ran downstairs.

''Hey Emma!'' I said and gave her a hug. She smiled and hugged me back.

''Ready to go?'' she asked me after we pulled away.

''Yeah I will just grab something to eat. Want something?'' I asked her walking into the kitchen. My mom stood next to the stove. She was cooking pancakes.

''No thank you. I already ate at home'' she said with a smirk and I just rolled my eyes.

''Morning mom'' I said to my mom and was about to take the last pancake that was on the plate but Jackson took it first. I growled at him.

''Morning sister!'' he said with a full mouth. I punched his arm and growled again.

''That was mine you bastard!'' I yelled at him.

''Oh was it? I didn't see your name on it.'' He said with a smirk and I just growled at him. That stupid little bastard!

''Hey I am not the little one little sister!'' he said after reading my mind.

''Stay out of my mind you idiot!'' I growled and walked out of the kitchen with a laughing Emma by my side.

''Hey! What about breakfast?'' my mom asked me.

''I will just get something on the way.'' I mumbled and walked out with Emma. I took my keys out of my bag and we jumped in my black Audi.

''Soo...where to?'' she asked me with a small smirk.

''To get me some breakfast'' I mumbled and started the car while Emma let out a big laugh next to me.

''Oh how I love your family!'' she said between laughs. I growled.

''Yeah, I myself love them so much. Especially my brother'' I growled out his name. Emma just continued laughing.

''So. What are we going to do today?'' she asked me after she stopped laughing. She was still smiling and let out a little laugh here and there but it wasn't as loud as it was before.

''First let's go get me some breakfast.'' I started, ''and then we need to go dress shopping. There is an event next week with my pack and I don't have anything to wear.''

''What event?'' Emma asked me confused.

''Every ten years my pack celebrates the full moon of July.'' I answered.

''Why only the full moon of July? Why not the other ones?''

''Because in the month of July when it was the full moon, our pack, The Moonlight pack, was created.'' I answered her and she nodded, ''And as for why every ten years... I don't know. We celebrate it every year, but after every tenth year we have a huge party. The neighbor packs are invited and we all celebrate.''

''Wow, that must be a huge party then.'' Emma said shocked and I nodded.

''It is. And because Luke is the Alpha right now he has to manage everything. '' I added, ''He is stressing out so much about this. Dylan and my brother are helping him as well. His dad helps him by guiding him in what to do but he has to be the one who makes the final decision.''

''Ohh, poor Luke'' Emma said and I smiled.

''He even asked for my help.'' I added, ''I was happy to be able to help him.''

''So every neighbor pack is coming?'' Emma asked.

''Yes, the invitations have been sent already. And Jackson told me that all the neighbor packs are coming here. Well there Alphas and Betas families are and some of their closest friends from their pack that my pack is close to as well. The third in commands will not come because somebody needs to stay and protect the pack if needed because there have been a lot of rogue attacks lately. '' I explained.

''Oh yeah, I have heard of that. That's where you got the mark right?'' Emma asked me and I nodded.

''Yeah, last week when a group of rogues attack us, some idiot bit me.'' I said, ''But there was something strange with him and I can't figure out what.''

''What do you mean?'' Emma asked me confused.

''I mean the rogue didn't really fight with me.'' I said and she looked at me confused, ''It bit me and ran away.''

''Strange'' Emma said thinking.

''Yeah I know, '' I said, ''And my wolf couldn't heal it and that was even stranger then because being the white wolf comes with some advantages. And one of them is I can heal almost everything. But this mark wasn't healing.''

''Hmm'' Emma said and looked out the window. I pulled up in the parking lot next to my favorite mall and we climbed out, ''It is strange.''

''Dylan and my brother with my dad have been trying to find out something about this but they haven't found anything yet'' I said and locked my car.

''I am sure that they will find something soon'' she said and gave me a small smile. I gave her one back.

''Let's hope so.'' I said and we walked in the mall, ''Hey, do you want to come to the party?''

''Me?'' she looked at me like I have gone crazy. I nodded, ''But there will be werewolves everywhere!''

She said to me and whispered the werewolf part so no one could hear her.

''So?'' I asked her, ''my pack already knows you and thinks of you as their own. I am sure that Luke will be happy to hear that you are coming as well. We all are friends after all. And the other Alphas won't have a problem with it either.''

''But...there will be so much werewolves! What if someone gets angry at me and attacks me!'' Emma said scared.

''They won't!'' I laughed, ''besides The White Wolf will be by your side! Do you really think I would let something happen to you?''

''But doesn't your pack only about you being The White Wolf?'' she asked me.

''Yeah. So?'' I asked her.

''If the other werewolves don't know who you are then they will attack me!'' Emma said fast, scared out her mind.

''Oh for God's sake! They won't! Chill!'' I said and let out a laugh, ''You are coming!''

''Are you sure about this?'' Emma asked me.

''YES!''I said with a laugh, ''maybe you will find your mate at this party!''

''Yeah right! I am not like you guys! I don't have mates.'' Emma said with laugh.

''But who said werewolves can't have a human mate?'' I said with a smirk and Emma frowned, ''There have been a few mates like that. One being a human and the other a werewolf.''

''Yeah yeah, like I will find my mate there.''

''But you could!''

''So could you!'' she said and I stopped.

''I don't want a mate right now.'' I said and looked down.

''Why?'' Emma asked me.

''I don't know. I just want to enjoy my life without a mate right now. And after what happened to Xavier and his mate...'' I started and a tear slipped out of my eye.

''Oh Elaina,'' Emma said and pulled me into a hug.

''Okay, enough of this mate thing.'' I said after I pulled away and whipped my tears away, ''You are coming to the party with me so I don't get bored.''

''Fine'' Emma said with a roll of her eyes.

''Now come one. I think I see a beautiful dress over there!''


*One week late*

''Are you ready girls?'' My mom asked us when she walked into my room.

''Yeah, we will be down in a few minutes'' I answered with a smile.

''Oh you two look so beautiful!'' she said with a small smile.

I was wearing a tight blue dress that reached my mid-thigh. It had sleeves that reached my elbows and a golden little belt around my waist. I wore little black boots on heels. Emma made some beach waves for my hair with a little braid detail that looked so beautiful.

Emma on the other hand was wearing a simple black High-Low short lace dress that looked really good on her. When I saw her in it in the shop I knew that this was the one.

She had black heels and a golden bracelet with the dress. Her hair was left loose with some curls in it.

''Thank you Ava. You look beautiful as well'' Emma answered and I nodded.

My mom was wearing a simple black tight dress that looked so good on her.

She gave us a small smile and left the room.

''Ready?'' I asked her with a smile.

''Ready as I'll ever be'' she answered with a laugh.

''Then let's go'' I said and we walked out of my room.

''Hey there you two!'' I heard Dylan, our packs beta, say, ''you two look beautiful.''

''You don't look so bad yourself'' Emma said with a laugh and Dylan bowed but looked up with a laugh.

''Why thank you'' he said with a smile. I laughed at his move and Emma joined me.

''Oh my dear friend, can you please take me and my good friend Emma to the party? I think we are lost.'' I said smirking.

''Of course my lady'' Dylan said with a smirk and showed us the way to the party. Me and Emma both laughed and followed Dylan to the party.

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