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Beyond Betrayal: From Scandal to Billionaire’s Vow.

Beyond Betrayal: From Scandal to Billionaire's Vow.

Sun Flower


Xaras was willing to mortgage the fields left by his parents as capital for Kendra, his husband. He said he could easily make money in the city and would come for her when their business flourished. However, it was all just empty talk. Not to mention fetching, even sending news didn't happen. Until Xaras grew tired of waiting and followed Kendra in a heavily pregnant condition. Hoping for good news, the reality was betrayal. Kendra remarried with a woman named Riska, Xaras' close friend from high school. How does Xaras respond to it?

Chapter 1 Part 1

The corners of Xaras's lips curved, rubbing her bulging

belly as her feet stood in front of a motorcycle spare parts store. She vividly

remembered the brand of the store which also had a workshop attached. It was

the store her husband, Kendra, always used as the backdrop in every message he

sent. Although every time Kendra made a video call, he did it from the rented

house, she still believed that the business in front of her belonged to her


"Excuse me, Sir. Is Mr. Kendra here?" Xaras asked

a mechanic who was opening a motorcycle tire.

The thin-mustached man raised his eyebrows. "Mr.


"Yes, Mr. Kendra who owns this store and workshop. He's

tall, fair-skinned, thick eyebrows. His hair is slightly curly."

Xaras enthusiastically described her husband's


"Mr. Kendra who owns the store?" he asked again.

He seemed puzzled by Xaras's question, then even more surprised when he saw the

expression on her face.

"Yes. My husband said this is our store and workshop,

rented out six months ago." She took out her phone and showed a photo of

Kendra that the man had sent about four months ago.

The man furrowed his brow, staring at Xaras's phone screen.

"Oh, Kendra. He used to work here, but he hasn't come since he got

married. He said..."

"Wait a minute, Sir. Married, we've been married for a

long time, and you can see for yourself that I'm heavily pregnant, and..."

"I don't understand what you're saying. But what I know

is he quit working here after getting married because his wife forbade


"Forbade? How could I forbid when this shop..."

"It's better if you go to his house and ask Kendra

directly. It's not far from here. Just go straight, then turn right at the end.

Not far from the traffic light, there's an elite housing complex. Well, he

lives there. Just ask the security guard on duty, he will know which house is

Kendra's. And one more thing, this workshop isn't owned by Kendra, but by my

boss. That man with glasses there, and Kendra used to be an employee here just

like me," explained the man, pointing to the middle-aged man sitting at the


Xaras was stunned. Her body felt weak hearing the man's

explanation. She had never imagined that all this time Kendra had been lying to

her. This was just the first lie, and it already left her feeling drained. It

was as if all her bones had been pulled out. Especially when she came and found

out the reality that Kendra already had a wife, again!

"T-thank you, Sir," Xaras murmured. She walked

towards the address mentioned earlier. If only she wasn't curious, it could be

guaranteed that right now Xaras wanted to give up and go back to the village.

Xaras forced her steps into the upscale housing complex.

There were so many luxurious houses neatly arranged there. She swallowed hard

as she stood in front of a house with a towering fence, said to be Kendra and

his wife's house. Could Xaras hope that the Kendra mentioned was another man?

Not her husband.

However, when she saw the gate open, revealing the situation

of the two-story house, Xaras's body froze as she saw her husband, who had been

waited and searched for, not far from where she stood. It was clear in her

sight that Kendra hugged a woman before kneeling down, caressing the pregnant

woman's belly.

" Kendra?" Xaras murmured. Her body collapsed,

sitting on the ground. She no longer had the strength to witness such a

heartbreaking scene. The husband she loved so much had turned to a woman she

knew very well. The woman who was none other than Riska, her high school

friend. Also, the friend who sent her money to come to Jakarta.

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