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An Offer To Be The CEO's Girlfriend

An Offer To Be The CEO's Girlfriend



In the midst of the glamor of the corporate world, Andrew and Sarah are caught in the trap of the emptiness of their marriage. When Andrew becomes involved in an illicit relationship with his secretary, Lisa, their marriage begins to fall apart. When Sarah learns the painful truth, an inevitable confrontation ensues, triggering a drastic decision that will change their lives forever. In a story full of emotional tension and moral conflict, they must face a difficult choice: sacrifice love or stay true to themselves. Can love overcome all mistakes, or is it too late to save what has been destroyed?

Chapter 1 However

Title: Seeking Sacrifice for His Mother's Healing

Inside the majestic skyscraper, there is a story hidden behind its cold walls. Lisa Taylor, a responsible young secretary, is one who hides a tragic story behind her friendly smile. Her mother, who had fallen seriously ill, became the center of Lisa's attention and anxiety every day.

In this situation, a strong and decisive CEO, Mr. Andrew Davidson, is a striking figure. However, even amidst his success, Andrew felt a deep emptiness in his life, especially when his wife fell ill and was never able to provide the warmth she once did.

One day, after a tiring meeting, Andrew called Lisa to his room. Lisa felt the tension in the atmosphere as soon as she entered the room.

"Lisa, can we talk for a moment?" Andrew asked in a serious voice.

"Sure, Mr. Andrew. What's wrong?" Lisa replied, trying to show a professional attitude.

Andrew looked at Lisa with a heavy gaze. "Lisa, you must know that the situation with my wife is getting worse. The doctor said she might never fully recover."

Lisa nodded, feeling sympathy for Andrew's situation. However, he didn't understand why his boss brought up this personal topic.

"Sorry, Mr Andrew. What can I do to help?" Lisa asked with concern.

Andrew swallowed hard, searching for the right words. "Lisa, I need someone who understands my needs, who can give me comfort and support during these difficult times. I need someone who can make me feel alive again."

Lisa felt speechless. He began to realize the direction of Andrew's conversation.

"Mr Andrew, what do you actually mean?" Lisa asked doubtfully.

Andrew looked at Lisa seriously. "Lisa, I know this may sound inappropriate. But I want to offer you the opportunity to be a woman who can give me the warmth I need. I will reward you greatly."

Lisa fell silent, caught off guard by the offer. He felt caught between morality and the urgent need to pay for his mother's treatment.

"Mr Andrew, I... I accept your offer," Lisa finally said hesitantly.

Andrew smiled in relief. "Okay. I'll make sure you get the reward you deserve. And don't worry, your mother will get the best care."

Although her heart was heavy, Lisa chose to accept the offer, driven by the urgent need for money for her mother's recovery. He entered into a deal that put him in a difficult situation, sacrificing his integrity for the sake of his family's needs.

During the meeting, Lisa chose to accept Andrew's offer. He understands that this act violates his moral principles, but the fear of losing his mother pushes him to take this step.

Several days passed, Lisa met Andrew in his office after all the employees had gone home. The atmosphere in the room was tense, but they both knew what to do.

Andrew sat in his leather chair, his gaze full of desire when Lisa entered the room. Lisa, with a heavy heart, approached him with trembling steps.

"Mr Andrew," he whispered, swallowing hard when he saw Andrew's hungry expression.

Andrew smiled lustfully. "Lisa, I hope you understand that this is not just about physical needs, but about emotional needs too."

Lisa cried inside, but she couldn't back down now. "I understand, Mr. Andrew," he said in a trembling voice.

They both stared at each other, and Lisa finally suppressed her feelings of fear and doubt. In no time, the room was filled with the sounds of sighs and groans, painting a scene far from the beauty promised in fantasy.

After everything was finished, Lisa left the room with mixed feelings. He knew that he had gone too far, crossing an unforgivable line in his own eyes. But his thoughts returned to his sick mother, and he knew that at least he had done everything he could to help her recover.

Meanwhile, Andrew sat in his chair, enjoying the peak of his satisfaction while ignoring the pity that was burning inside him. For him, Lisa was only a tool to satisfy his desires, without thinking about the possible consequences.

Two people, one holding guilt and regret, the other drowning in momentary gratification that won't last. But their story won't end there, as the actions they take will have a rock-shaking impact on their lives, even though it may not be immediately apparent.

Andrew led Lisa to a private room with steady steps, his gaze filled with desire that was difficult to contain. Lisa followed his steps hesitantly, her heart beating fast in anxiety.

As the bedroom door locked behind them, the atmosphere in the room turned intense and heated. Andrew looked at Lisa with eyes burning with lust, then he approached her with steady steps.

"Lisa," he muttered in a deep voice, "I need you, more than just my secretary."

Lisa swallowed hard, holding back the vibration that hit her. He knew he had to make peace with this difficult situation.

"Listen, Mr. Andrew," whispered Lisa in a tone full of uncertainty, but she also felt driven by the urgent need to help her mother.

Andrew looked at Lisa longingly. "I know you can give me what I need," he said in a teasing tone.

Their moans joined in a dark, passionate harmony as Lisa complied with Andrew's request. The sound of fabric rubbing and moans enveloped the room, creating a seductive but forbidden symphony.

Lisa felt awkward and empty when her hand touched Andrew's. But he continued, driven by a strong urge to help his mother.

Andrew felt a shudder go through his body when Lisa touched him, and he sighed in satisfaction as Lisa satisfied him.

However, in the midst of this forbidden intimacy, the two realize that this act not only fulfilled their physical needs, but also left an indelible mark in their hearts and minds.

When this moment of intimacy lasted, Lisa and Andrew were drowned in a wave of desire that they couldn't resist. Lisa felt a mixture of regret and the need to help her mother, while Andrew was lost in the momentary pleasure that clouded his mind.

Lisa's moans mixed with Andrew's moans, creating a symphony full of lust and greed. Even though they were aware that what they were doing violated all moral and ethical rules, the sexual tension that filled the room overpowered everything at that moment.

Lisa's hands explored Andrew's body awkwardly, but also with a strong urge to carry out the task given to her. Andrew, driven by overwhelming desire, felt intense satisfaction when Lisa complied with his request.

However, when the moment ended, Lisa and Andrew were left with mixed feelings inside them. Lisa felt empty and guilty, while Andrew felt like he had gotten something he wanted, but also realized the price he had to pay for it.

Both of them left the room with heavy feelings in their hearts, realizing that their actions had not only left scars within them, but would also have deep consequences for their relationship at work.

However, when they returned to their daily lives, they both chose to bury that moment deeply in their memories, attempting to continue living as if what happened never happened. But, however, the shadow of that forbidden intimacy will always haunt them, reminding them of the mistakes they once made.

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