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Fall In Love With A Beautiful Girl

Fall In Love With A Beautiful Girl



In the maze of school corridors, fate intertwines between Alvin, a boy with a wounded heart, and Adira, a girl who accidentally becomes a victim of Alvin's anger. However, behind the violence, hidden secrets from the past that bind the two of them. When Arka, Alvin's best friend, shows his kindness by helping Adira, an unexpected journey begins. The urge for revenge and distrust of women leads Alvin and Adira on a journey full of conflict and inner struggle. However, amidst the tension, the light of kindness and the opportunity for mutual healing still exist. Through their tense interactions, the two discover that the strength to overcome past trauma and embrace true love lies within them. With the help of their friends, especially Arka, who has hidden feelings for Adira, Alvin and Adira must face their own secrets and fears. In a journey filled with humiliation and betrayal, a fundamental question arises: will they be able to overcome their past to find happiness in the future, or will the shadows of the past haunt them forever?

Chapter 1 hit someone

A man was walking along the school corridor, accidentally bumping into a woman who was carrying a book in her hand. Until the books were scattered on the floor, making the man angry with him. The male friend behind him could only remain silent when he saw his friend who was angry with the woman. However, one of the men among them actually helped the girl who had fallen on the floor.

"If you go for a walk, take a look." The man cleaned the clothes he was wearing because they had hit the floor.

"Sorry I didn't mean to." an apology came out of the girl's mouth but the man actually scolded her.

"Sorry for what you said! You didn't see, my clothes were dirty because of you." The man glared at the girl in an angry tone.

"Here, I'll clean your dirty clothes." Just now the girl wanted to approach him, but the man threw his hand away from the girl's arm.

"No need to touch me, I don't want to be held by you." His friend just stared at his friend who was scolding the girl.

"Again, I'm sorry." The girl squatted down to tidy up her books which were scattered on the floor.

"I will never forgive you." The man looked at him sarcastically, he had no intention of helping the girl who was tidying up her books.

"Here, let me help you." One of her best friends helped the girl who was tidying up her books.

"No need to help him Ar?" The man scolded him and told his friend not to help the girl who had hit him.

"Are you crazy? This is a woman, bro, where is your conscience that respects a woman." His best friend doesn't like it when he treats women like this. He understands women's feelings better than his best friend who has a closed heart. "Why respect a woman if she doesn't respect her man." His friends know that he has a past that makes him hate women.

"It's up to you? I'm just reminding you not to worry about your past! So you don't want to be around other women." His best friend glared at him, not liking him not respecting the woman in front of him.

"Come on, let me take you to class." Her friend invited the girl to take her to class.

"No need, I can do it myself," said the girl who had already packed up her books.

"Come on, I'll just deliver it."

His best friend grabbed the hand of a girl he didn't recognize to take him into his class. The man just stood there, he was still thinking about what his friend said earlier which made him sick to hear.

"All women are the same, no one is right," said Alvin.

"Who said? There's something true about what my girl said, she's always there for me," said her friend.

"You don't know what he's doing behind you," said Alvin.

"Don't compare my girl to your previous girl, she's different from your girl. I told you before that she was just using you, she just didn't want to listen to what I said, so now you regret it, right? " The man just remained silent, it's true, why didn't he just listen to his friend's words earlier? It certainly wouldn't have happened like this

"Vin, I suggest you open your heart so that another woman can win your heart again." Angga's advice to his friend is to open his heart again, don't let his heart close because of the woman in his past.

"I will never open my heart to another woman again," the man left his friend.

"It's hard to talk to the ice cube," muttered Angga, who had seen his friend's back starting to move away.

"Thank you, Sis, for helping me," said Adira, thanking the man very much for helping him earlier.

"You're welcome, oh yes, we haven't met yet," said the man, wanting to get to know Adira more closely.

"Yeah, I forgot, hehe," said Adira, chuckling.

"Meet me, Arka Wijaya." Arka stretched out his hand to shake his hand, and he returned the greeting.

"Adira Ravindra Fairuz." Adira shook the man's hand, looking at him with a smile.

"A beautiful name like the person," Arka joked, making Dira blush at him.

"You could, oh yes, how old is she?" asked Arka, he wanted to know the girl's age.

"I'm 19 years old if you are," Adira answered, saying that she was still 19 years old, and soon she would graduate from school.

"I'm 18 years old so I call you brother because you're older," said Adira, she didn't think that the man was older than her.

"Just call me Arka," said Arka, that he only wanted to be called by his name.

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