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Attracted To The Alpha: A Rogue Plight

Attracted To The Alpha: A Rogue Plight



Katie Wright desperately needed money to treat her brother, so she took up her past alias as an assassin. She gets a job to kill the alpha of the Silver wolf pack, who is feared and revered as indomitable in the world of shifters, and messes up, all because she stared into his inhumanely wicked eyes, she barely escapes getting captured and that was the mark beginning of problems. Her past as an assassin began to haunt her, she's chased after by past enemies her sick brother gets kidnapped, and the alpha she failed to kill, captures her. Find out how she'd be able to save her brother, handle her past enemies, and how she'll deal with her ever-growing attraction for the silver-eyed werewolf Bryan Conner. "What do you want from me?" "I want you. The moment you shot at me, you were already mine." What kinda Alpha was this? her wolf for loving every bit of him.

Chapter 1 Peter's Ailment

Katie had a gut feeling something was wrong or more like something bad was going to happen. It was like an itch she couldn't scratch. 'Vague and annoying.'

She didn't know the specifics but experience told her not to ignore it.

"Peter go take off your uniform no school for you today," she said to her brother who was sitting in the living room.

"But we have a test today," Peter replied.

"You can always retake the test." Katie said and then furrowed her brow, "Shouldn't you be asking me why I told you to stay,"

"I don't need to, you know I find school boring and annoying."

"Well, that's because you have no friends. I told you to try to make at least one. Make things more bearable."

Being alone wasn't fun.

Katie knew that first hand, as she was a Loner. Loners were shifters without a pack. Outcast, unwanted. Every shifter treats them with wary. Why? Because a huge percentage of them were unrestrained and resorted to violent means to make a living. With Katie being amongst the majority.

"No one will befriend me," Peter sighed, "Everyone thinks I'm a freak, which I am,"

"You're not a freak you're a werewolf," Katie corrected

"Even a freak amongst werewolf,"

"You, when did you become so emo?"

"I believe puberty is at work here. I'm growing up, thick voice, strange dreams, fantasizing about girls, growing hair in weird places such as my--"

"Alright enough I get it." Katie hurriedly interrupted and Peter chuckled, but a headache interrupted his laughter causing him to clutch his head in pain. Katie then hurried towards him. "Peter, are you alright?" Katie asked holding his arm

"Yeah am fine," Peter said but Katie was unconvinced.

"It's back again isn't it?" Katie asked with a frown but Peter didn't give her an answer, which confirmed it.

It wasn't ideal for a werewolf to shift at a young age but Peter got his wolf around the age of 10.

His wolf had forcefully come out to protect him when he was assaulted, and that had led to the constant headache.

Katie had taken him to a healer, and she was informed that his mental health would keep deteriorating until his mind turned blank, and he became a dunce. She had paid a huge sum to treat him and the healer had promised it would be effective, so what was this now? The bastard had lied to her. She should have known better than to trust a piece of thrash loner like him.

Peter noticing Katie's worried look said. "Sis, I'm fine Don't worry about me?"

"No. That won't do. Let's just go see the healer. Since you aren't going to school in the first place we could take that as your excuse for skipping,"

"What about work then?"

"Work comes later."

"But it's a waste of time, you could use the time to make money, I'm totally fine. It might just be because slept late reading that's all," Peter said with a smile trying to convince her but Katie frowned noting his frail skin.

He was clearly saying this, so he wouldn't be a burden. Even if she took him to a healer she had no money to pay. She planned to handle this was to threaten the healer for doing a shitty job.

"Wait, did you say you were reading? What a load of bull--"

"Oh would look at the time" Pater interrupted nervously, "Arent you late for work?"

Katie gave Peter a look and glanced at the time. 'Shit' she really was late for work. She hurriedly took her bag and tentatively reached out to Peter and ruffled his brown hair. "I'm sorry I can't take better care of you."

"What are you apologizing for you're doing enough,"

" Take care of yourself till I get back alright? " Katie said feeling heaviness in her stomach. She promised herself to take him to see the healer soon, but first, she needed to earn some money or they'd both sleep on an empty stomach.


At work, Katie dumped the trash into the garbage dump at the back of the convenience store. As she walked back in, her wolf's fur suddenly perked up in wary and Katie looked back wondering what the threat was.

She could sense someone or something watching her, it was a weird presence and she couldn't quite pinpoint the position as it came from everywhere.

'Who could it possibly be?'

Katie wondered, her eyes narrowing as she looked around. Her thoughts raced to make sense of the situation.

But a voice interrupted her thought.

"Katie," Oprah called. "What are you doing?"

"Oh it's nothing, just taking in the view," Katie replied but Oprah noticed her unease.

"Hmm, I don't think so. Maybe I should just take a peek," Oprah said and her eyes glowed silver. Oprah was a Mindflayer and could read people's minds but it required eye contact, so Katie hurried to hide her face.

"Don't you dare, I'll kill you if you try it,"

"Alright alright...I'm just joking geez. Do you have to resort to death threats all the time?" Oprah chuckled, "Just want to let you know the boss wants to see you and you know he has a short fuse, "

"Don't worry, I'll be there soon," Katie said but her mind was clearly somewhere else.

"Are you sure you're alright? " Oprah asked once.

"Yeah... It's nothing, seriously. Let's go " Katie said holding Oprah's shoulder and leading her inside. The presence had disappeared when Oprah arrived.

Once the day ended she declined Oprah's invitation to go to the nightclub. She was big on places like that, as the last time she went, she broke the hand of a drunk man who tried to touch her, causing a scene. So she avoided clubs, but Oprah never ceased asking her.

They were both loners and supernatural creatures who worked with humans just so they could live. Though they weren't particularly close they had each other back during work and would have been more close if Katie didn't build walls.

On the way back home, she sensed the weird presence once again, and this time it was close. She could hear footsteps approaching her. Someone was following and was not being stealthy about it.

Katie then walked into an alley and the cloaked figure tailing her revealed himself, from his physique, one could tell he was a man.

He followed Katie into the alley but grunted as he was met with an empty lane. Next, a cold dagger was placed on his neck and Katie whispered into his ear, "How did you find me?"

The cloaked figure smiled looking more amused than terrified before speaking, "I see you haven't gotten rusty, Katie Wright."

"I asked you a fucking question," Katie growled in annoyance pressing the dagger deeper into his skin until it drew blood.

Her wolf didn't like the vibes the stranger was giving. She couldn't scent him, almost like he had no presence. No, it was all over the place and chilling.

"The association has a mission for you," the mystery man said.

Association? She hadn't heard that in a long time. After she became a loner and found herself starving with no place to sleep. She decided to best way to survive was to use what she had. She was good at hunting and a skilled fighter so she decided to utilize it by joining an assassination group. She took on missions hunting down shifter after shifter but took missions when her target was someone she deemed should die.

But then she made a huge mistake when she killed an alpha of a pack of jackals, and that led to the loss of innocent people.

Overwhelmed with guilt, Katie decided to throw in the towel and went off-grid.

But now, her past had found her.

Katie let go of the agent and he turned towards her.

"I'm done, retired, now get lost," Katie said her chin quivering.

"I can't do that Miss Katie. Retirement doesn't work that way. You did the mission half-assedly and ran off without making a report. You broke protocols,"

Memories of the last mission began to flood in and it made Katie uneasy.

"You know what fuck you and your protocols. I'm tired of listening to your bullshit." She lashed out but the agent was unmoved.

"Listen Katie. You should be grateful the association didn't put a bounty on your head. You messed up and the association seeks repayment. This is them being considerate since you were one of the best. You can either accept it and proceed back to your mundane life or decline it and get hunted down."

"Are you threatening me?" Katie growled but the agent simply shrugged, "Call it whatever you want. Just contact us whenever you're ready preferably soon, and do not try to run. The association will be watching your every move, along with the kid."

Katie's eyes bulged and her posture stiffened, "You what the hell did you just say?"

"I hope to hear from you soon," the cloaked man said ignoring her question, and walked away.

"Wait!" Katie moved to grab his shoulder but she met thin air. The cloaked figure disappeared like he wasn't there leaving Katie shaken.

This was bad.

They knew about Peter which meant it was most likely they knew where she lived.

With a sense of urgency, Katie hurried home, her heart racing.

She ran downtown the street like she was being chased. Extreme worry fueled her every step. She should have known something like this was going to happen, and just stayed at home like her instinct had warned her. But she ignored it like a fool.

On reaching her apartment, she saw the door was slightly ajar and her heart sank fearing the worst. Katie hurried in, and the sight she saw filled her with dread. Right in the hallway was Peter lying on the floor, groaning loudly in pain.

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