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Found By The Alpha

Found By The Alpha



Raline had just been decided by her future husband one day before the wedding. She felt embarrassed and she ran away into the forest which was quite far away. There she saw a strange mirror and she penetrated but it was different from the previous forest. The atmosphere is so different. Raline meets a pack of wolves. Even though she was hiding, it turned out that Raline was also seen, she was afraid. Charles, the strongest Alpha there then came to save Raline. But it turns out that Charles used Raline to give him children and then gave sleeping pills and slept with Raline. What happened to Raline next? Will Raline realize the child in her womb?

Chapter 1 1

"I can't stop thinking about a jerk like him! How could he cut me off when the wedding was tomorrow? What about the guests who have been invited? My parents?" said a girl in a low voice.

The girl's face looks very sad. The girl has just been decided by her lover, and even worse, tomorrow their wedding will be held. Wouldn't that make Raline embarrassed?

"Where should I go? I don't think I can go back there when the event takes place tomorrow. Married without a groom?" muttered the girl in a desperate tone.

Unknowingly, drop by drop, Raline's tears rolled down her smooth cheeks because she felt embarrassed and also did not want to show her face again to her friends and relatives. The girl ran aimlessly into the forest area.

Indeed, before releasing her bachelor days, she and her friends wanted to build tents in a forest quite far from the countryside. Of course, Raline's future husband and friends also joined.

But suddenly Raline's boyfriend said that he had broken up with Raline. At first, Raline didn't believe everything was just bullshit. The wedding is only tomorrow, and how can her courtship say that? Therefore, Raline thinks it's just a joke.


But in fact, what her boyfriend said was true, ah, to be precise, ex-boyfriend. He asked Raline to break up her relationship, which had been going on for years. She doesn't know what made her ex-husband-to-be decide on her. It was clear Raline's feelings were sick, not to mention the embarrassment that must be borne by himself and her extended family.

Raline kept running more profoundly into the forest. Raline hoped she could disappear from this world immediately so she wouldn't be ashamed. Yes, it seems like disappearing isn't such a bad idea. Disappear from this world for a moment.

The girl's feet kept walking, hitting all the leaves before her. But Raline's steps stopped when she saw an apparent mirror. "Whose mirror?" thought Raline.

"Is there anyone here?" In Raline's monologue to herself, the girl's head was looking around for someone. But in this forest, there is no one. This made Raline more curious. Then whose glass? Who put the glass here?

The mirror also looked clean, like new. Raline, curious, just got closer to the mirror, which caught her attention. Raline looked at herself, who was messed up through the mirror, with puffy eyes, messy hair, and don't forget the sweat pouring down her face.

"Tomorrow should be my happy day wearing a wedding dress," said the girl.

But what can she do? Now it's all just wishful thinking. Raline exhaled heavily. After that, she was about to touch her face through the reflection of the mirror in front of her.

But Raline couldn't feel anything, as if her hand could penetrate the mirror. Raline immediately pulled her hand back and took a few steps backward to make Raline fall to the ground.

"What was that?" she asked herself. Raline saw her hand, which was still intact as usual, but Raline was sure that earlier, her hand could penetrate the mirror.

Raline, increasingly curious about us, got up from her seat and stood in front of the mirror again. Now Raline put her hand back into the mirror, and sure enough! The mirror cannot be touched.

Raline pulled her hand again, and her hand was normal with great curiosity. Finally, Raline entered the mirror. Raline didn't feel anything at all, but she felt like she was in a different world.

She doesn't know, but it's extraordinary. Raline stared at all corners of the forest. This time, the forest was different from a few minutes ago. This time the forest she saw was very dense with trees that seemed to have lived for hundreds of years.

"Where am I?" she asked with a hunting breath.

Raline timidly stepped her feet to investigate this forest. Her body was always on alert to protect herself whenever a wild animal was ready to pounce on her.

Raline tightly squeezed her clothes when she heard the howling of wild animals. Where exactly is she? Why is this place so scary?

The howling of the wolf was heard again, making Raline scared. Raline immediately put her body on alert. Raline's eyes suddenly caught a bunch of wild stars that were now walking toward her.

"Wolf!" Shouted Raline with a body that was already shaking. Will her life end here?

The wolf was getting closer to Raline with its increasingly clear howl. There are not only one or two wolves, but several. Will this time Raline be finished by the beast?

Raline tried to run as hard as she could, but the wolves didn't seem to allow Raline to escape. The hungry wolves kept coming towards Raline, following where Raline ran.

Raline's breath was running fast. Who knows how much longer she will be able to run like this? Her tears have also dropped while the beautiful girl's face has turned white. "God, please help me!"

Raline kept running while chanting prayers to survive the beast's pursuit. Raline, who felt she could no longer run, hid behind a big tree. She doesn't know. Raline is tired, for now, to run again; she is not strong enough.

If you continue to be forced to run, Raline might faint. But Raline's calm only lasted a few minutes. Raline stiffened again when the wolves found her. Now the distance between her and the wolf is not far. Oh, god, is this the end of Raline's life?

Raline kept walking backward to escape the wolves chasing her, but the conditions didn't support her for the news. Behind her, there were already several wolves. She could say the herd of beasts was now surrounding Raline.

"What else is this? Am I going to end up here?" she mutteretremblinglyce.

Raline was scared. The beast was also quite big, twice that of Raline's body, even three times that of Raline's. It seems there is no hope for Raline to run away from the pursuit of these hungry wolves.

The wolves were getting closer to Raline. The wolves compactly surrounded Raline, which made the girl limp in place. It felt like Raline was no longer strong enough to support her weight. Raline squeezed her clothes tightly. It seems that choosing to hide was a big mistake. Raline should have just kept running if it was like this.

"Y-you? N-no! Impossible!" Raline shouted hysterically.

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