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The Substitute Luna (Alpha King)

The Substitute Luna (Alpha King)



The hero was the Alpha King's most remarkable son, the strongest werewolf fighter, and the heir to the Alpha King. The wolfsbane goddess of the pack had predicted that the hero would never have his mate, which became an obstacle for him to inherit the throne. Therefore, after the hero became an adult, the Alpha King organized a mating assembly every year to let all the mateless werewolves come to participate in the hope that the hero could marry a suitable werewolf, who was the future Luna. How is the next?

Chapter 1 One

In the recesses of history that now lie in the mists of time, there is a magnificent and mysterious period known as the Middle Ages. This period, covering roughly the 5th to 15th centuries takes us to a different world, where life and civilization flourished under the shadow of castles and tall towers.

Long ago, in a world full of magic and diversity, four distinct races - Humans, Vampires, Werewolves, and Dwarves - lived together in fragile harmony. They share the vast earth peacefully, respecting each other's uniqueness. But, as happens in the timeline of every civilization, that balance cannot last forever.

The war wiped out everything, and that era of harmony became a memory lost among the historical records. Shadows of conflict and tension flash across the horizon. Discord arose from the growing rift between the four races, creeping in slowly like invisible weeds. In 580 AD, the year when the four races isolated themselves from other races, one race considered the other race to be despicable, history could not save harmony between races for 200 years. This period is known as the Age of Alienation.

"Oi, Noah! It's almost time! The full moon is starting to appear, our troops are waiting. When do you want to see the fireplace?" said Arthur while throwing pebbles at Noah.

Noah, who had had enough of staring at the fireplace, got up and spread his arms, preparing to lead the raid into the Kingdom of Elaria with Arthur. "Your people have had a lot of coffee, Arthur?" said Noah.

"We are strong without even eating! Nothing can stop us from taking back what is ours!" Arthur said enthusiastically.

"You human. Remember, our enemies also benefit at night, you know. They can kill a hundred people even if they're sleepy, hahaha," said Noah again.

"Don't be arrogant because you are a Werewolf. Do you want to compete to see who can cut the most vampires?" Arthur challenged.

Noah smiled enthusiastically at Arthur's challenge and clenched his fists. "The one who kills the least treats four casks of ale!" said Noah.

Noah took four steps past where Arthur was standing, steadied his footing, raised his head towards the full moon then let out a loud howl. Noah's pupils, which were originally brown, turned red when he released his howl.

Not long after Noah howled, the forest trees roared violently, and the leaves of the trees whipped violently after being passed by something that was moving incredibly fast. It was so fast, that waves of wind blew hard toward Noah and Arthur along with their movements, but the gusts didn't make them move.

From behind the dense forest, a group of Werewolves emerged, their steps agile and graceful even though their bodies were covered in thick fur. Their every step was full of wild grace, and their eyes glowed blue. "Change, save your energy. We will release our strength with Arthur's troops," Noah ordered hundreds of Werewolves.

Hearing Noah's orders, the Werewolves transformed into their original forms, then they knelt before Noah. "We are ready to accept your orders, King Noah," said one of the Werewolves politely.

"What about our territory?" asked Noah.

"Everything has been taken care of, Your Majesty. The Queen also took part in helping eradicate the intruders," he answered.

Meanwhile, In the spacious throne room, Cedric Klein was sitting relaxed cross-legged on his throne while reading a book accompanied by a cup of Chamomile Tea and the scent of fragrant candles fragrant with flowers placed beautifully around the throne room.

In the midst of solemn reading, a woman came into the throne room to report to Cedric. "Dad, the border guards said they heard loud howls from the east," he explained politely.

Cedric, who heard this news, casually looked forward and closed his book slowly. "It's here, okay? Do your siblings know, Anya?" Cedric asked.

"Yes, Dad. Lillian has moved with our troops, while Thea followed with her troops. Can I come down with you, father?" Anya answered.

Cedric put his right hand forward, Anya quickly grabbed Cedric's hand and kissed it. "We are nobles, Anya. And the favorite task as a noble is selection. Let them finish off the weak enemies, while the rest will be your share," explained Cedric.

After the Age of Alienation had lasted for 200 years, mainland Europe was divided into four regions, four regions separated by the main wind direction, each of which was controlled by one race. One of the four races that inhabit mainland Europe is the Werewolf Race, which controls the Western region of Europe, the Dawnshade Forest.

Under the moonlight obscured by black clouds, a great battle was immediately held in the middle of the wide circular arena, with torches placed in every corner of the arena stands. The arena was filled with crowds and enthusiasm from the spectators who came to watch. At the front of the arena stands, there was a special bench, a bench reserved for the most respected person in the Dawnshade Forest, King Tobias.

The enthusiasm of the audience became even more intense when the King, wearing a Bearskin Coat, arrived, approached a special bench, and stood proudly in front of his people. "The People of Dawnshade! My people who are blessed by divinity! The Unification Ceremony will soon arrive. The time has come for my heir to choose Luna. However! As Leader of the Werewolves, I will prove that my heir is worthy of carrying out the duties as Alpha! Watch! The battle between the best Generals The Kruger Clan is fighting my son! Watch! Proof of Alpha's worthiness!" shouted the King, who was greeted by loud cheers from his people.

After giving his speech, King Tobias began to sit in his chair, preparing to watch his son's eligibility test. The two fighters had entered the Arena, and both of them stood proudly in the right and left corners, preparing to fight with all their strength.

"This is no longer training, son. Your opponent has already had many battles outside of Dawnshade," said Ares, the wolf who resided in Noah's body.

Noah didn't budge and continued to glare at his opponent. "I understand, he is a great opponent. But I can't disappoint my father," said Noah.

"It's true that we shouldn't underestimate our opponents, but even though we lack experience, your strength is above them, because there are two wolves in your body, Noah," said Pandora, the second wolf who inhabited Noah's body.

"Hey, never mind, Pandora! It's not good to fuel this kid's ego. Half of Dawnshade will perish if he can't control his power!" Ares argued.

"Haha, that's true. But it would be good for Noah to show two wolves inside his body so that the Kruger Clan and all the people of Dawnshade can see how strong King Tobias' successor is," said Pandora again.

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