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The Celebrity's Contract Wife

The Celebrity's Contract Wife



Anna found herself torn in between helping her brother get a good medical treatment and her happiness, cheated by her father's secretary Mr Andrew who collaborated with the lawyer out of greed for her father's property. Devastated and helpless she sold the only property given to her by her father's secretary and went to the slum. But when help comes only in the form of forfeiting her happiness and living with a stranger. Will she embrace the opportunity or risk her brother's life in the process? Will she fall in love with the broken hearted billionaire in this farce of a marriage. Find out in the book.

Chapter 1 Anna's P.O.V

"I have an offer"

"What offer"

"Get married to me for a whole year and I will take care of anything you need"

I looked at him confused, how was he able to say this calmly. A second glance at his face showed me he was dead serious.

Who jokes with something like this?

My life has been a living hell since my parents died in a plane crash, my father's secretary put a claim on everything owned by my dad. He brought out a will, saying my father gave that to him and the content of the will was preposterous.

My dad practically gave him everything we owned, leaving me and my brother with just the house we live in.

My dad was wealthy and we were leaving way comfortable than you can ever imagine. I was used to living under my dad's income that I never worked a day in my life.

My brother Adam,an eight year old patient of vertical septal defect, which means he has a hole in his heart. He was diagnosed of this shortly before my parents death.

" There is an abnormal opening in the wall between the main pumping chambers of the heart" the doctor explained to us. I cried all the way home that day.

My dad assured me, he would get a good doctor for the surgery and that I shouldn't worry about anything of the sort. And he and my mom decided to travel out of the country to meet our family doctor and get everything ready over there for the surgery Adam needed.

I was at home that day, watching my favorite series Merlin, suddenly my brother Adam came and sat beside me, insisting I switch the channel to a reporting channel, after all his tears and pleas, I finally accepted and changed it.

The news reporter was talking about a case where a wife stabbed her husband to death and killed her self at the spot.

I missed, angry at the fact, I have to settle for this because my brother wanted it. He has always found news interesting unlike his peers who loved anime cartoons. I guess my dad had a hand in it. My dad was always available to listen or watch the news no matter the circumstance.

The next news popped up, reporting a plane crash from Atlanta to Australia, I was already feeling pity for the dead victims when it clicked in my head.

My mom and dad were going to Australia, that was where the family doctor resided permanently.

I stood up, startled at the reality of what I had just watched. A stray tear dropped from my eyes and I moved away from my brother, not wanting him to see my tears.

" I won't believe this, maybe they took another plane, maybe they changed their minds and flew to another country " I said quietly.

I picked up my phone and called their phones expecting to hear their voices from the other end assuring of their safety.

I never got that assurance.

My parents were only children of their parents and they worked really hard to get us to the stage where we were now . They tried so hard not to make me the only child because they knew how it felt.

My mom and dad tried everything to concieve and they couldn't. After fifteen years of my birth, my mom miraculously got pregnant and gave birth to my brother.

I was elated, as much as I tried not to seem affected that I was the only child of my parents, I was and the arrival of my brother made me very happy.

Their death brought change in the life of my younger brother and I. How could I take care of a sick eight year old. His secretary callously cut us off from our father's hard work insisting this was how my father wanted us to live.

Left with only the house and my brother's illness beingy priority, I searched for a buyer and sold the house. But the buyer bought the house at a cheaper rate. What was the use of being in a large house and no money to show for it.

I started saving for my brother's surgery.

The search for a job begun earnestly, I bought newspapers and applied to different organizations, hoping for a positive response.

After a month, I was already running low on cash, all the office jobs I had applied for weren't saying anything positive.

I bought another newspaper that morning and was going through it when I saw a vacancy of a cleaner needed at a cleaning firm.

At first, I didn't want to accept any domestic jobs, but the pay of this one isn't meager and I have to accept any job because I was running low of cash.

I applied and hoped for the best, taking care of Adam wasn't easy but I knew I could do it.

A week after I applied, I received a call from the cleaning firm."Hello is this Miss Anna"

" Yes"

"I am calling from the Hour cleaning firm, you applied for a job and it has been accepted"

"You are expected at the form tomorrow"

"Thanks, I will be there"

My resumption to the work was met with approval and I was told to start the following day, I didn't know where to keep my brother and I couldn't afford a nanny's fee so I contacted Abby, we have been friends since kindergarten, her parents weren't wealthy but they were leaving comfortably.

She moved out of their house few years ago to live with her boyfriend Jorge.

"Hey Abby"

"Hey girl, how have you been?"

"Well am doing great"

"I want to ask for a favor please"

"Go on"

"I just got employed into a cleaning firm and I need you to please keep watch over my brother till my closing hour"

"Anything for you dear, wish you luck with your new job"

I resumed the following day, since my brother is being taken care of now, at least my mind will be at peace.

So this was my new life now.

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