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The Alpha King's Prophecy Mate

The Alpha King's Prophecy Mate



Marty had always wanted a mate, someone who could grant her a little peek to the outside world, her life took another turn when she got to meet Dante, the cold and bad reputed Alpha King as her mate. She found out she was the chosen one of the moon goddess to save a lot of soldiers. Dante eventually accepting his mate, gave him a chance to be loved for the first time in his life. His Beta Theo happens to be the killer of Dante's mother. Dante has been led on by his Beta to think he was the killer of his mother . His guilt made him isolate himself from other people. What happens when the king softens under the affection of the feeble and kind hearted Marty? Would their love thrive even after her prophecy is revealed to the wrong ears?

Chapter 1 Marty's P.O.V

I stood at the balcony, carefully observing the pack members working all over the place trying to get a part of their work done.

I kept wondering what the fuss was all about .My father,the Alpha of Light Moon pack kept barking orders at pack members.

Apparently the Alpha king has been making rounds all over the East Region of packs .it was a tradition for the Alpha king to check on the welfare of the werewolves.

He goes to every pack to see how they are fairing and to check if everything is running smoothly and the pack members are satisfied.

Stories had it that the Alpha king has the right to denounce an Alpha's position if he notices any mistreatment or disunity in a park.

Even as Alpha born , everyone still tried their best to not be on the Alpha king bad side.

The way my father speaks of him with hate and fear.He portrays him as a ruthless and blood sucking animal,one that doesn't show mercy.

Since the announcement of the Alpha king's arrival, rumors have spread fast like wildfire . People had different narratives about some which I believed tho.

Someone said he never smiles no Matter the circumstance

Another said he is quick to snap a wolf's neck if he was having a bad day.

Another said he always dressed himself in a cloak because he was a vampire and having direct contact with the sun would be unbearable for him.

I gasp when I heard the word,at that instant I knew it was a lie .I have never met the Alpha king but in the werewolves community,they don't allow close contact with vampires, In Fact they were sworn enemies and they never co_exist.

And if truly the Alpha king was a vampire,his scent would have given him away

And he would have been killed long ago

Nobody really knows what he looks like, still sharing the narrative of his looks too.He was said to be a weird person.

After his father's death,he sacked most of the workers and only had a few servants at his beck and call. He lives at the outskirts of the East Region,only seen during his customary rounds.

My dad, Alpha Gerald was not someone I would call a good Alpha,he cares solely about himself and his mate.

My momma died a few years after my birth and my dad was left to sulk for the loss of his mate.

I noticed my mother's friend was frequenting the pack house where my father's chambers were located .I was just a child and I didn't know what was going on .

A year after my mom's death.a Luna ceremony was held and Helen, my mother's friend, was marked by my dad and pronounced the Luna of the Light moon pack.

In the werewolves community they are the soulmates and acquired mates .

The mom is my dad's soulmate.Their union was ordained by the Moon goddess.There are fated mates

Acquired mateship is done when a wolf doesn't get to meet their other half fast or they fall in love with someone that isn't their mate but most people use it for their selfish interest in power just like my step mom.

My father showers favor on his mate.i also have a step sister who is just few years younger than me

I won't say am being maltreated but I don't feel like I belong here.with everything going on I would have preferred if my mom was still alive

Years have passed and I am now a grown up staring down at the mess unfolding in front of me in preparation for the arrival of our honorable Alpha king.

It's been a week since the preparation of his coming.The light Moon pack is going to be the last pack he visits in the East Region which simply means the seven Alphas in the region will have a meeting after the light Moon pack surveillance by the Alpha king.There are also allowed to come with a few pack members because after the judge ment have been passed,the Light Moon pack will host a little party for the Alpha king.

The meeting is solely for the Alpha King's judgment and analysis on his rounds so far.

I shuddered at the thought of hosting all this powerful people in one place.i never wanted to be in attendance of any events going to hold but with the ball and as the first daughter of Alpha Gerald and the potential Alpha which I know won't be possible because of my father preference for Alisa my step sis

I have to be in attendance unfortunately.

My thoughts wandered back to the Alpha king

"What a weird character"

"Who is weird"

I startled at the obvious presence of another being and I slowly turned around

I breathed in relief when I saw the familiar face of my best friend Eve. We have been friends since we were pups. We shifted together on our eighteenth birthday.

I am the shy and reserved person in the friendship while Eve on the other hand is the life of the party.She keeps telling me to be adventurous but thinking about who my father is and how he doesn't let me step a foot outside of the pack house.

Having only Eve as my friend made it easier for my dad because she is his Beta's daughter and she spends most of her time in my house but stepping outside was prohibited

"What have you been up to" Eve said

I had almost forgot she was standing close to me

"I can't help but watch this" I said pointing downward to the shuffling and bustling

"Ok, have you gotten an outfit for the event"

"Not yet,there is still plenty of time for that"

"Uh.Uh don't start with that bullshit,it's a week from now and I don't want you looking like a maid"

"Appearing like a maid isn't bad at all,I think I like the idea"I joked and Eve rolled her eyes which made me laugh

"You have to look your best who knows you might find your mate "

"It's been four years I shifted and haven't gotten a mate,I don't think am fated to have one"

"Shush don't say that, the moon Goddess never makes a mistake.Everyone is destined to have a mate"

"But it's unusual, even though the pack members don't say it to my face . I hear whispers of my lack of mate"

"Am sure I would have found my mate if I hadn't been confined to this hell hole. Look at me Eve, I've been taught all my life to be a calm and obedient person. I can't explore just like you do. We shifted together but you found your mate earlier and you are even in your breeding period "

"Enough of this emotional talk,you will get dressed, look ravishing and get to meet your mate,am positive about this"

Am sure he will be kind, handsome and a man with an untainted reputation,you will see"

I sighed,I hear this every time there is an event and nothing positive ever comes out of it.

I really want to leave this house.

Don't get me wrong,I am not being maltreated, just that my movements are restricted and carefully monitored as if to prevent me from a dangerous prey waiting to pounce on me.

One time I decided to rebel for the first time and I sneaked out of the house and went to a friend's party without my father's consent .

I was dragged out of the party by my dad's guards.

When I got home,my dad was fuming,I've never seen him so angry

I was thrown into the basement where rogues are kept for two days as my punishment.

"Marty, Marty,you are lost in thought again"

I've been doing this lately getting lost in thought was becoming a habit

"Am sorry, what were u saying "

"Come girl"

She drag me subtly back to my room

Anytime she does this,she wanted to be discreet about a particular information that is about to be divulged

"I want you to stay out of the Alpha King's sight" she said in a hushed voice as if scared he might overhear her

"Why" the question came from a place of curiosity,a part of me knew why ,I just wanted to hear it directly from her.

"I don't know,am sure you have heard some narrative about him,I just want you to be safe,you are more at risk than I am,you know why"

Yeah the unmated female get into danger more than the mated once, this is because the werewolves community can't afford to get saddled with weak warriors because their mates are in danger "

Mates are the other half of wolves.

If found ,they make the significant other stronger.

The loss of one's mate can lead to the death of the other or by chance the weakened state of the person.

"Thanks but are the rumors really true"

" a reasonable amount of people has affirmed,so am sure it is"

"Does the Alpha king have a name "

Our conversation stopped abruptly when we heard footsteps approaching my room. There was a light knock at the other end of the door

"Who is that"


"Come in"

Kathy is a mother figure to me,she practically raised me and she is very loyal to me.

"Marty, Miss"she bowed acknowledging Eve and I

I have given her a firm warning not to address me with formalities

"Your mate awaits your presence" she said directing the news to Eve

"Oops I have to run along,Mateo needs me"

"I will be back by noon,get ready we are getting you a dress today "

"I don't think Dad will allow me go out "

"Look for a way,Bye" she hastily walked out.

I sighed, One day it will be me getting all giddy just by hearing my mate's name.

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The Alpha King's Prophecy Mate

Chapter 1 Marty's P.O.V



Chapter 2 Marty's P.O.V



Chapter 3 Dante's P.O.V



Chapter 4 Marty's P.O.V



Chapter 5 Dante's P.O.V



Chapter 6 Dante's P.O.V



Chapter 7 Marty's P.O.V



Chapter 8 Marty's P.O.V



Chapter 9 Marty's P.O.V



Chapter 10 Dante's P.O.V



Chapter 11 Marty's P.O.V



Chapter 12 Marty's P.O.V



Chapter 13 Dante's P.O.V



Chapter 14 Marty's P.O.V



Chapter 15 Marty's P.O.V



Chapter 16 Marty's P.O.V



Chapter 17 Marty's P.O.V



Chapter 18 Marty's P.O.V



Chapter 19 Dante's P.O.V



Chapter 20 Dante's P.O.V



Chapter 21 Marty's P.O.V



Chapter 22 Marty's P.O.V



Chapter 23 Dante's P.O.V



Chapter 24 Marty's p.o.v



Chapter 25 Marty's p.o.v



Chapter 26 Marty's P.O.V



Chapter 27 Dante's p.o.v



Chapter 28 Marty's p.o.v



Chapter 29 Ryan's p.o.v



Chapter 30 Marty's p.o.v



Chapter 31 Marty's p.o.v



Chapter 32 Dante's p.o.v



Chapter 33 Marty's p.o.v



Chapter 34 Dante's p.o.v



Chapter 35 Dante's p.o.v



Chapter 36 Ryan's p.o.v



Chapter 37 Dante's p.o.v



Chapter 38 Marty's p.o.v



Chapter 39 Dante's p.o.v



Chapter 40 Marty's p.o.v
