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In Love With The Cold-Hearted CEO

In Love With The Cold-Hearted CEO



Something is definitely wrong.. Something is not right.... Ethan Kim is not only the grandson to the forex empire,but what more his grandfather made an arranged marriage for him... What was this he was not only furious but filled with distain, hating and cursing maliciously at her presence,but his he doing the right thing by his actions or regret it.... Miso is the adopted daughter of the Kim family,unloved by the rest but doted upon by her grandfather,upon her return she left not wanting to have anything more to do with them... In the midst of their journey a secret is stumbled upon,a rival arrived and they are thrown under the bus to take the fall or retreat... Only one person calls the shot? But who is he....

Chapter 1 Meeting


Apart ♥️

💠💠In love with the cold hearted CEO 💠💠

THEME;His innocent wife

Prologue 🌺🌺

By Empress story land ❣️🇳🇬


•••••••••••••••Seoul~South Korean •••••••••

The alarm clock blared loudly,making a loud noise,a man's groan could be heard as he hitted the clock shutting it down....the room was soon quite but the man still laid on the bed without showing any reaction of getting up...

A knock was heard,and the man opened his eyes,his cold blue eyes glaring sharply at the door and with a cold voice ordered....

" get away from the door,your disturbing my sleep"

The Butler trembled fearing for his life he knew better than anyone his master hated being disturb when sleeping unless that person had a dead wish.....

" speak'

" it's from the old master,he wants you to come home"


" sir.....

" I heard you,get lost"

He fired angrily,the butler quickly rushed away for his dear life ...the man signed again and lifted himself up from his sleeping position to sit on the bed making the blanket slide down revealing his naked chest,his fair skin and taunt muscle....showing he looked down his gaze deep,a single expression could not be found on his face signing with another annoyance,he grabbed his phone beside the lamp stand and opened, scrolling through the contacts and tapping on a number and as soon as the car went through......

📲 Ethan Kim ,how dare you not pick up my calls..

The old man voice roared with rage and Ethan pulled the phone away from his ear and twitched his lips....

📲 sorry old man...

📲Old man how dare you!you better get your ass right here this instant...

📲 .......

The old man didn't care and continuing talking..

📲 I found you a perfect bride come home this instant...

His aura Change, darkly and he wanted to resort but his grandfather cut off the phone....

📲 .......

Well since the old man wanted a grandchild so badly he would just play along,then come up with a perfect plan to divorce the woman they brought.....

Getting out of bed,he made for the bathroom to take a cold shower and got ready to leave,but what he didn't know was that he was about to meet a surprise and also the beginning of his hate love relationship .....

World Apart🥀🥀

💠💠In love with the cold hearted CEO 💠💠

Theme;His innocent wife

Episode 1🌺2

A black sport car drove into the compound and the family butler quickly notified the old man of Ethan's arrival.....as soon as Ethan parked the car he closed the door with a bang frightening the guards,his gaze was too cold making them trembled...

" welcome back young master"

The Butler greeted only to be met with a cold and silent reply but he just smiled, making Ethan more annoyed...

" where's the old man"

" the sitting room"

Ethan walked in his steps heavy as his black boot hit on the tiles floor,he entered and was more than annoyed to see visitors his glare towards his grandfather was menacing,but the man ignored him....

Ming looked up and sighted him, gushing happily and walked towards him,but his cold response shook her off but she didn't mind..

" Oppa"

She called shyly trying to touch his arm, but he moved his arm to the side...and uttered coldly...

" don't touch me"

" oh you're finally here,took you long enough,come have a sit"

The old man pointed towards a seat , without looking at him and sipping out of his tea , Ethan glance at him once more and with a sign sat down,ming sat opposite him and quickly opened up bootlicking the old man who saw through her intentions but just smiled, Ethan only sneered in distaste.....

"So what am I doing here again"

Ethan asked raising his beautiful eyebrow questionly,the old man ignored and the confused ming looked at them both.....their curiousity soon got satisfied when a young beautiful girl not less than twenty years entered the room, she was wearing a white shirt,blue jeans and sneakers,a black bag was strapped on her back,her hair rolled into buns,a mask was covering her face.....


The beautiful crisp voice rang out, stunning the people in the room except for the old man who was grinning happily....

"Miso , you're here,come come child"..

"Miso, wasn't it the girl grandfather took in as his goddaughter"

Ethan eyes flashed with a glint and he looked at her,even ming was in a bad mood...

" what was this w*tch doing here"

She thought angrily,but smiled and greeted Miso who ignored her...

" Miso,hi am Ming"

" ok"

Miso cold replied made her stunned and she didn't even bother to look at Ethan who eyes had gotten darker......the girls cold eyes bear some warmth when she greeted the old man sitting beside him, the old man was grinning happily,the difference was clear making ming jealous.....

" she was the daughter of a rich man and the heir to the business empire,how dare that b*tch compete with her"

She cursed at Miso a thousand time in her heart......

"Helabeoji (grandpa) how's is your health"

" silly child ,now you remember this old man,huh!!!!"

Grandpa huffed and Miso knew she had to coax him again,she rolled her eyes at his attitude and held his hand shaking it slowly and speaking pitfully blinking her eyes...

"Helabeoji, don't be angry ok".....

" fine ,fine"......

" your the best"

Miso smiled through her mask,her eyes forming a crescent shape making her look more alluring, Ethan watch in daze but soon control himself, Ming clenched her fist so tight her nails was digging into her palm....with a forced smile she greeted the old man who nodded nonchalantly and walked out of the mansion, vowing that no one would have Ethan's attention but her.....

" don't you have respect"

Ethan cold voice asked Miso who didn't even spare him a glance...

" Helabeoji,what did you call me back for"

Miso asked the old man gently making Ethan scoff in disbelief....

" did this mosquito just ignored him,how rude"

" Miso"

" yes Helabeoji"

" when I took you in,you say you were going to make it up to me"

" yes,I did"

She muttered confused wondering what it had to do with the issues on ground..

" I want you and Ethan to get married,that has always been my wish,you can make it up to me by giving me a grandchild"

The man ordered in such a way Miso couldn't reject him.....

" ok helabeoji,I understand we just have to ask of his opinion"

" no need for his stupid opinion"

Ethan "........"


Ethan was boiling with fury,was he some sort of tool,this old man must be crazy if he thought he could bend him to his wishes....

" am I a birthing tool,why should I get married to a classless lady like her"

Miso gaze towards him coldly and mockingly, making Ethan annoyed....

" do you think if it wasn't for Helabeoji,do you think I would get married to a emotionless ice berg like you"

" hehe...."ethan smirked viciously and looked at her, Miso stared back her gaze never wavering....

" its sl*t like you who think they can keep me tamed,your wrong I will never marry a snoop and pretentious golddigger,even without grandpa backing do you think you would have ended up better "

He spoke with intentional taunt in his tone, Miso eyes turned colder and the old man was furious, making him hit his hand on the table...

" Ethan,how dare you talk like that to her, apologize right now "

" and why should I "..

Ethan hadn't finished his reply when he was splashed with coffee luckily it wasn't hot but warm,but the scent of the liquid made Ethan disgusted...

" how dare you splash me ,are you an idiot"

" I should have splashed more than a coffee,I should have beaten you up for talking to helabeoji like that,you irresponsible pineapple face jerk"

Miso yelled at him emotionally not giving him any face leaving Ethan stunned.....

The Butler who was bringing in Miso luggages with some servants and the head maid looked at her in surprise...

" did she just called him irresponsible"

"Pineapple face"

" jerk"

They'll looked at each other and trembled slightly knowing henceforth the silent house won't be peaceful anymore with two hot head's......

Meanwhile grandpa continued watching them and enjoying his tea, Ethan every reactions made him happy....

" serves the brat right,he finally met his match"...

















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Other books by Oluba

His crazy Mafia Tomboy

His crazy Mafia Tomboy



🏴‍☠️HIS CRAZY MAFIA TOMBOY 🏴‍☠️ 💙 DO NOT PLAGIARIZE💙 TAGS; Mafia,death,love triangle, betrayal, secrets, hatred, jealousy, dispute , romance, revenge.. RATED 🔞 🖋️WRITTEN BY EMPRESS STORYLAND 🖋️ 🍷🍷 SYNOPSIS 🍷🍷 Zoe is a nineteen year old who lost her mom ,foster mom actually to a plane crash,her foster father Clark 🏴‍☠️HIS CRAZY MAFIA TOMBOY 🏴‍☠️ 💙 DO NOT PLAGIARIZE💙 TAGS; Mafia,death,love triangle, betrayal, secrets, hatred, jealousy, dispute , romance, revenge.. RATED 🔞 🖋️WRITTEN BY EMPRESS STORYLAND 🖋️ 🍷🍷 SYNOPSIS 🍷🍷 her stepmom Lena who had two kids, Brian and Cynthia...,they made her life a living hell,unlike her siblings she was smart and finished college earlier...she hated them all,her selfish father and his family...due to this she left for the army camp at the age of seventeen but who knows when she cane back a big surprise was waiting for her..... Axel is the third son to Don Cyprus one of the richest and deadliest mafia in the whole of Australia,he was rumored to be cold,heartless freak and ugly monster unlike his two older siblings Byran and jasper.....,he was poisoned when he was three years old making him weak as he had to hide from the outside world to recuperate making him seems pathetic and only useful for his position nothing else.... When two forces collided,one is a iceberg and the other is cold and ruthless,what will be the outcome,will they fall out of fall for each other......... 🖋️ EXTRACT FROM THE STORY 🖋️ Zoe looked down at the masked figure and signed in annoyance," this freak was giving her headache what else did he want than to frustrate her life" She really wished to strangle him but control her emotions then threw the basket filled with rose petals on the floor as she glared at him... "Here's your rose petals,have a nice cool shower to calm your nerves and please don't disturb me again" She muttered coldly and turned to leave only for Axel to stretch his hand grabbing her leg and pulling her into the pool... SPLASH!!!! Zoe swam to the end of the pool, shaking slightly,her clothes sticking to her body,she didn't notice Axel moved closely towards her,she turned only to bump into his hard chest making her gasp in shock... " What are you doing" " What does it look like am doing" "You"Zoe raised her head slightly only for her lips to be sealed with his, making her froze,he pinched her butt making her gasp and he took the opportunity sliding his tongue .. (🏴‍☠️HIS CRAZY MAFIA TOMBOY 🏴‍☠️ 💙 DO NOT PLAGIARIZE💙 TAGS; Mafia,death,love triangle, betrayal, secrets, hatred, jealousy, dispute , romance, revenge.. RATED 🔞 🖋️WRITTEN BY EMPRESS STORYLAND 🖋️ 🍷🍷 SYNOPSIS 🍷🍷) into her mouth as he groaned... "Her first kiss" She thought angrily and started ..hitting his chest but he won't burge,"wasn't he sick how could he have the strength to kiss her now", Axel didn't let her go as he greedily devour her lips,his hands caress her butt... "Huh.... Zoe moaned and bit her lips from letting the sounds out, Axel saw this and smirked and he suddenly pinched her n*pples making her cried out and he sallowed her moans..... In the dark corners a man stood as he watch them with anger,his finger clenched tightly with jealousy,"how dare Axel touch her ,how dare he kiss her,Zoe was his and only his".... ....... Wanna know more🍷 grab your popcorn's and cola on this beautiful ride 📝📖.. Encourage with likes and comments ❣️ Love you ❣️💗❤️‍🔥





IMMORTALITY PROLOGUE The prison door opened with a creak and food was thrown at them.. Immediately the bucket of food landed with some of the context spilling on the floor the prisoner started fighting. The prison room was soon filled with smell of blood,people punching each other , biting and kicking to get themselves feed. Soon bodies laid on the floor and the prison room became quite,only Kai didn't move an inch when they were fighting. The young masters of the Ning city laughed at their misfortune. That was it,humans lives were just worthless to them,today was the end of the six month and it was going to be another killing hunt, No prey would be hunted expect the slaves themselves, clenching his fist he raised his masked face and glared at the four young masters who stared at them in distain. Kai smirked they really would have it this time,kissing the necklace around his neck,he stretch and jumped from were he was. " Kai have this" Kai turned to look at Wang stunned " Here " Another one offered food. He stared at them,his eyes red with unshed tears,after Ariel's death,he ..... Wang smiled tenderly at him and placed the food in his hand. " But .... The rest looked at her and smiled,and she signed annoyed at the smirked on their faces. " You are still a kid" Kai glared at Krish looking unhappy The rest burst into laughter,the once gloomy atmosphere turned joyful. ____THE HUNTING STAGE____ " Was was going on" " Weren't they supposed to beg for mercy" They looked stunned and angry. There prey was supposed to be begging for mercy,not laughing. " Let them be" " They won't be so happy soon" Drew replied " You right" Knight smirked evilly Only Bruce and alpha looked at the masked Kai with a complicated gaze. " This young boy seems interesting" Bruce thought his eyes sparkling while alpha just stared coldly at the scene before him. " How about we keep the survivor and train them as shadow guards" Bruce suggested " Brilliant" " It's a waste to kill him" " Then it's decided. Knight turned to one of the guards. " Release the wolves" The guard trembled slightly and went to carry out his order,they all grabbed their bow and arrows, climbing unto there horses and waiting for the hunt to begin.... ____PRISON ROOM____ The remain prisoners of fourty comprising of male and females stood up praying to survive this disaster. Kai and the rest just looked coldly at the door which opened,the chains bounding them had been removed. They all walked out supporting each other,they had gotten to half the field and some have started smiling happily. " This was it ,freedom" But it was all caught short when they saw packs of hungry looking wolves coming there way and they also heard the galloping of horses. They all frozes,some started trembling and praying for a miracle. When Kai saw the masters pointing the arrows at them,she gave a signal. " Run" The prisoners broke out scattered on the field,this the great hunt began with the wolves and masters hot on their trails.. <<<<<<<<<<<<<Want to read more Invite more people to the page🤗🥰 Encourage with likes and comment.. Empress storyland Follow my second page for more intriguing stories🌹

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In Love With The Cold-Hearted CEO

Chapter 1 Meeting



Chapter 2 Leaving.....



Chapter 3 Encounter



Chapter 4 Feud



Chapter 5 Enemies do cross on a narrow path



Chapter 6 Grandpa is sick



Chapter 7 Cross-road



Chapter 8 Bias



Chapter 9 Proposal



Chapter 10 Exposed



Chapter 11 She knew



Chapter 12 Fools



Chapter 13 Favoritism



Chapter 14 Show stealer



Chapter 15 Heartache



Chapter 16 Bitter sweet kiss



Chapter 17 Taunting



Chapter 18 Grandpa Kim leaves



Chapter 19 The pains



Chapter 20 Pains(2)



Chapter 21 Little mystery



Chapter 22 Bitter sweet reunion



Chapter 23 Viciousness



Chapter 24 Dog fight



Chapter 25 Shocked



Chapter 26 Accident



Chapter 27 Going after them



Chapter 28 Making plans



Chapter 29 Furious Taylor



Chapter 30 Canceled Date



Chapter 31 What did she say



Chapter 32 Eun woo sarcastic remarks



Chapter 33 Illegitimate child



Chapter 34 Rejection



Chapter 35 Revolt



Chapter 36 Under her wings



Chapter 37 A dog and a bitch the perfect combo



Chapter 38 Father and son reunion



Chapter 39 Bloody fight



Chapter 40 You're so evil
