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I Reject you, Alpha Isaac.

I Reject you, Alpha Isaac.



Claudia's parents died because of false accusations and Claudia became a slave to the pack. She only hoped that she could leave the pack when she became an adult. So when she found out that her mate was the son of the Alpha of the pack, she chose to reject her Alpha mate. As the future Alpha of the pack, Isaac had been loved by everyone since he was born, with his handsome looks and good qualities of kindness and enthusiasm. When he found out that his mate was a slave of the pack, he was disappointed, but he couldn't help but pay attention to Claudia. Until he was rejected by Claudia, he went completely crazy. Claudia, who rejected her mate, discovered the secret of her birth, and as the daughter of a witch, she had a powerful mind-reading ability and became the famous negotiator. Two years later, the Moon Goddess gave her a second chance, but Claudia found that her mate was still Isaac. What else will happen between them? In the face of Isaac's strong personality change, will Claudia choose to redeem him or reject him again?


Claudia's POV

"Bitch! Slut!"

The heels crushed hard against my palms and I curled up on the floor. I've heard these insults so many times that they couldn't even divert my attention from the physical pain.

Fiona grabbed my hair and yanked me off the floor, so that I had to look up at her and her minions' gorgeous and arrogant faces.

"You know very well why you're getting beaten," she looked at her friends.

The minions echoed with much more exaggerated expressions. "Of course, because she is a daughter of a bitch and a traitor."

"You don't deserve to live in the wolf pack, go to hell."

With that, another slap came to my face and Fiona let go of my hair as my body slammed hard into the ground. I could still feel the sharp pain of Fiona's four foot heels kicking me in the back, during the flurry of punches and kicks.


They obviously didn't expect my sudden outburst, and Fiona questioned, "What did you say?"

"I said my parents are not traitors!"

I tried to say it as firmly and forcefully as I could, but someone had just kicked me in the throat and the defense sounded very weak.

Even though I was beaten to the point of unconsciousness by now, I could still feel the anger in them. They were angry at my defense of my parents, and what made them angrier was the fact that a slave of low status had dared to defy them.

Actually, I would have been much less abused since childhood if I hadn't believed so strongly in my parents.

As loyalty was very important to the Blood moon pack, they were angry with me, the daughter of a traitor. I would have died in the wild, if it was not so cruel to exile an unsuspecting little girl. Blood moon's Alpha allowed me to work in the pack house in exchange for staying alive until I left the pack at 18,but that didn't stop them from hating me, just like today, and every day before.

In fact, I couldn't hold it up before they launched their first attack. But if I passed out so soon, the She wolves would continue their abuse when I woke up. After a short time, the sound of their cursing grew distant, the pain in my body subsided, and the cold and darkness wrapped around me.

"I may die." With that thought, a faint "Stop" reached my ears before I was completely plunged into darkness. Whether to call it luck or misfortune, I awoke from the embrace of death. I braced myself up to get off the floor, only to realize that my right hand was broken, and I tried to see myself in the reflection of the stainless steel pan next to me.

The reflection in the stainless steel pan, showed a girl with bruises all over her thin and dry body. I didn't know if it was because of malnutrition or my long dry hair that was dusty and gray, covering half of my face.

I suddenly remembered the reason I was still alive. Had I been hallucinating before I passed out? I heard that someone saved me. The voice sounded familiar, but would anyone in this pack house dare to go against Fiona, to save me? I couldn't help but scoff at the stupid idea.

I was about to leave the kitchen when I realized that the door was locked tightly. Without thinking, I knew it was a prank by Fiona and her friends and that I would have to wait until tomorrow morning. The temperature in the kitchen was getting colder as the night wore on, and I had to curl up into a ball as much as I could, but my teeth were still clinking together uncontrollably.

I often remember my parents, the "traitor" parents who gave me a happy warm home until I was six, who looked after me like a princess, just like Fiona, except I wasn't mean and vicious as Fiona.

Fiona had actually shown her dislike for me when I was a child, and my father was a Beta of the Blood moon pack. I was still so naive to take her as a friend back then, until that thing happened. It was only when I became a slave while she became a Beta's daughter that she showed her true colors.

In fact, most of the wolves in this pack were avoiding me like some kind of plague. But only Fiona often organized her friends and tried to torment me in every way possible.

My heart sank again at the thought of my parents. They were the most gentle people in the world, and memories of my mother's soft embrace and my father's palm made tears well up in my eyes. I sobbed and couldn't stop, and then I didn't know if it was the lack of oxygen or the pain in my body that made me pass out again.


The early morning sun woke me up. It was already time to make breakfast. If I delayed the meal, I would be beaten again. I looked at my right hand, which was swollen from the fracture. I had no choice but to use my left hand to prepare as best I could.


The door was suddenly opened and the person who came in was definitely in the top three of the "People I don't want to see" list. Isaac was Alpha Andre's son but he was not as wicked as Fiona when it came to bullying me, he just acted casual. But as soon as his golden brown eyes saw me, I was going to suffer, just like I was now.

Isaac looked like he had just woken up from a nap. His messy long chestnut hair added a wildness to his deep, handsome face, that even if he wasn't the son of the alpha, the ladies surrounding him would continue to be infatuated with him because of his appearance.

He ordered me to make a bacon and scrambled egg, which I struggled to do with my left hand to serve him. He looked at me with a disgusted look, reached over and knocked over the plate out of my hand.

"You look too dirty. How am I supposed to eat the food you make?"

He pointed to the food and broken pieces of the plate on the floor, "Now you've made a mess on the floor too. Clean this place up before someone comes."

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