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On the night before her wedding, she discovered that her fiancé was having an affair with her stepsister, so she went to register her marriage at the Civil Bureau with a stranger in anger. The next morning, she regretted it and wanted a divorce when she sobered up, but the stranger started to act pitifully. She got kicked out of her home by her parents and only had her flash marriage husband to accompany her. Until one day, she found out that her flash marriage husband was not as ordinary as she thought.


Chapter 1 Flash Marriage


Amelia woke up from a drunken stupor, her head pounding. It took her a while to open her blurry eyes.

She furrowed her brow and rubbed her aching head with her hand.

As she moved, she realized she was holding something in her hand. She looked up and was stunned.

It was... a marriage certificate!!!


All that had been forgotten for a whole night rushed into her mind.

Last night, she saw her fiancé sleeping with his step-sister, Chloe, so she went to a bar to get drunk.

After getting drunk, she randomly pulled a man to the civil affairs bureau to get a marriage certificate.

Just as she was thinking about it, she stared at the marriage certificate, which had a photo of her and a man on it.

In the photo, she was drunk, her face flushed, and she was smiling like an idiot.

Her gaze fell on the man's name.

Zachary Wilson!

Why did this name sound familiar?

Just as she was about to recall the young man's information, a magnetic and hoarse male voice came into her ears.


She was startled, and the marriage certificate fell to the ground. She stared at the person who spoke.

Wasn't this her husband on the marriage certificate?!

"You, you, why are you here?" She stuttered out a sentence.

She secretly looked at herself under the covers.

Hmm, this wasn't the clothes she wore last night.

She lost her virginity!

Looking at him in shock, she asked, "What did we do last night?"

The man put on his coat, walked towards her, and looked down at her, pretending not to know, "What did we do?"

Amelia finally got a good look at him.

His features were exquisite, with an innate air of nobility about him. His deep, unfathomable eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts.

Who was this person? She felt like she had seen him somewhere before.

Or was it just because he was handsome that she felt a sense of familiarity?

" You don't know what I meant by 'that thing'?" Amelia was about to roll her eyes at him.

The thought of herself marrying a male PR she randomly picked up at a bar, and even losing her virginity to him, made her heart sink.

If her parents found out, wouldn't they just kill her outright?

"What thing?"

"Look, let's go to the Civil Affairs Bureau and get a divorce certificate later, okay? I was drunk last night and my brain wasn't working..." Amelia ran her fingers through her messy hair, this was the only solution she could think of.

Seeing him not saying anything, she furrowed her brows and racked her brain before saying, "If you feel like you're losing out, I can give you money as the cost of last night's trouble."

The man, who was usually expressionless, twitched his lips at this and looked at her with interest, saying, "Last night, you forced me to quit my job at the bar and marry you. If I didn't comply, you would have made it impossible for me to live in this city."

He paused and continued, "Now that you've had your fun, you want to divorce me. Do you think I'm easy to play with? Or do you think people in my line of work don't deserve respect?"

Last night, Amelia held onto him and let him leave. She even took him to the Civil Affairs Bureau next to the bar. When he refused to leave at first, she cried and rolled on the ground, making it seem like he was the one bullying her.

After they got their marriage certificate and returned to the hotel, she vomited all over herself. He called for a hotel staff to help her change clothes, but she just went to sleep, leaving him to clean up the mess.

He spent the whole night exhausted and couldn't even sleep. And now she wakes up and denies everything?

Amelia felt uneasy after hearing him speak. Was she really that terrible?

Feeling embarrassed and at a loss for words, she was about to say something when her phone rang.

"Amelia, where were you all night? Have you forgotten that today is your wedding with Robert? Hurry up and come back!" Her mother's impatient and angry voice came through the phone. Amelia's face turned ugly, and the embarrassment disappeared instantly.

Last night, her fiancé, Robert, told her stepsister, who had a different father, that he didn't want to marry her. He was only with her to get her shares. He didn't even like her, a stupid woman who only cared about studying and working!

How could they still have the face to hold the wedding today?

"Mom, I'll come back now," she replied coldly.

She would go back, but not to get married. She was going to break off the engagement!

Looking at Zachary, she said, "We're not getting divorced, but you have to come home with me to meet my parents!"

Compared to Robert, this man had nothing going for him except for his poor family background and job.

She would let Robert know that it wasn't that she didn't like him, but that she despised him for being a scumbag who eats his cake and wants to have it too!

She just married a male PR, and won't be with that son of a bitch!

Zachary raised his eyebrows and glanced at the woman in front of him, a hint of amusement flashing in his eyes.

"Good girl. Shall we be on our way now? I have a lot of things to do later in the day." He said, walking out of the door.

Poor Amelia! She didn't have the chance to freshen up. She hurriedly wore back her dress which was lying on the cupboard, and went outside to meet Zachary.

"You're 10 mins late." He complained.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting." She apologized.

Together, they walked down the road and flagged down a taxi.

"Old dumpty street."

They got in, and the taxi man drove in silence.

After getting to Amelia's house, she asked Zachary to wait for her outside.

On opening the door, she was welcomed with the unexpected.

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