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The Alpha Brother's

The Alpha Brother's



"Hon, did you buy anything?" asked my wife. We're here at the grocery store. My husband and I went grocery shopping because the groceries at home are running low. "Yes hon", I answered him "Should we go?", he asked and I just nodded in response. We went to the cashier to pay for what we bought. We immediately paid and left the store. We were about to go to where our car was parked, when I remembered the one our children bought. "Ah hon, I forgot something", I said to my wife. "Hm? What is it?", he asked "Ice cream?", I asked "Ah yeah sure I'll wait for you here", he offered I went back to the store and bought ice cream. I also paid immediately and went out. I walked closer to him. "Got it. Let's go", I told him He was about to open the car door when suddenly we heard a cry. My husband and I looked at each other with shocked faces "Honey", I told him sparingly "What's that noise?" he asked The noise became louder. The noise came from inside our car. My husband immediately opened our car. He was silent for a few seconds. "Hon..." he said "Why? What's wrong?", I asked him and peeked inside. My eyes widened at what I saw. "Its..."I cut off "A baby?" my wife and I shouted to each other..

Chapter 1 Birthday

Chapter 1

Gᴀʙʀɪᴇʟʟᴇ's ᴘᴏᴠ

"Gabrielleeeee!!!", brother Zeki shouted at that

"Give me back my headphones you little!", he shouted at her

"Bleeee!!!", I answered him.

My brother is obviously very annoyed.

"Ah, that's how it is", he said threateningly

I was laughing while running somewhere while my brother was chasing me.

I run as fast as I can, I just can't catch up. While running, I turned to my brother to look at him. Hahaha...he's still after me. I was about to look in front of me when suddenly I bumped into something.

With the force of my bump, I fell down. I looked up to see who I bumped into. It's brother Maki. He was sweating profusely with a headset in his ears.

"Baby are you okay?", he asked and helped me to stand up.

"Yeah I'm fine brother", I answered him

"What are you doing? Why are you so sweaty?", he asked

I was about to answer when he suddenly picked me up.

"Come here you little cat", he joked and tickled me

"Aghhh! Brother stop!", I told him

"You didn't take a bath?", asked my brother

"Of course I did. Let me go!", I answered him

"You're so sour! ", he continued to tickle me while I tried to get away from him. Soon we heard a scream.


Shit its brother Zeki. It's a pity

"Brother let me go!", I shouted to Maki.

"No", he replied sparingly and continued to tickle her

Brother Zeki has arrived with us. Kuya Zeki and Kuya Maki are twins. Twins have different habits.

"Thank goodness Mak", he said to brother Maki while panting on his knees

"what happens you Zek? It's like a ghost is chasing you", he said and took care of me

" I screamed

"This kid stole my headphones!", he said angrily while pointing at me.

My brother stopped tickling me.

"Reciprocate", brother Maki answered simply


"I will really repay", said brother Zeki

He stood next to brother Maki and they both tickled me.

"Big brother is right!", I shouted

They still haven't stopped. Maya²...

"What are you doing?", asked a man.

It's kuya Ranz and kuya Jhiro and kuya Vox are behind him.

"We're punishing Khail. Why?", he said

"Without us?", brother Vox said and gave me a killer smile.

No! Not them too.

They also participated together. My stomach hurts from laughing and tickling them.

"That's enough!!!", I shouted. They also stopped later

I have 5 brothers. Brother Ranz is the eldest. Brother Jhiro followed and brother Vox. Then the twins and then I'm the youngest.

"Brother, did you eat?", I asked them.

"Hey, you're so sweet now," joked brother Vox

"That's my fault!", brother Zeki shouted

"You're the first", I told him

"What am I? It's you! You took it─", brother Zeki interrupted as brother Ran covered his mouth

"Oh that's right. Let's shoot the kid", said brother Ranz

"It's because Gab", he said

"Bleeee...", I teased him

"Aren't you hungry?", asked brother Jhiro

"Let's wait for Dad and Mom", said brother Maki

We talked for a few minutes and then Daddy and Mommy arrived.

"We're home", said Mommy samen

"Mom, Dad", they said brother

I immediately stood up and approached Mommy

"Daddy, Mommy!", I shouted and ran towards them.

Daddy immediately picked me up and hugged me.

"Ah... how are you baby?", asked Daddy while kissing me on the cheek. Mommy is like that too.

"Ahm... no it's not", I answered them

"Hm? Why?", Mommy asked

"It's brother. They hurt me", I answered and gave them a puppy eyes look.

"What? they shouted brother

"Ranz? What did you do to your brother?", Mommy asked her brother.

Hahaha... Brother Ranz is the one who is immediately asked. Why is he the eldest?

"Why me? It's Zeki oh", my brother answered

"me? Gab was the first one", brother Zeki denied

"They tickled Maki the same as Gab, Mom", said brother Jhiro

"Hey, join in!", older brother Maki shouted

"I'm not involved", said brother Vox

"Oh that's right. Let's eat", Daddy offered

"Naya, please, the food is ready", ordered Daddy

We ate and talked afterwards. Having this kind of family is so good. The ones who always support you and are overprotective brothers. I think I'm the happiest person in the world.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, Happy birthday. Happy birthday to you!", I congratulated Mommy.

Today is my 21st birthday. We celebrated today. Only Dad, Mom, Kuya and Nanny are with them. I don't have friends because I don't go out of the house or should I say I don't go out since I was young. I only go out when my brother is with them. We don't even know our neighbors. I'm just staying here at our house playing piano. They said I should be careful especially now because I became an Omega. My brothers are Alpha. A Dominant Alpha.

I'm happy now because I'm with them. They give me they're gift for me. My brothers gave me some jewelry and clothes from Chanel and a new phone. I received a new piano from Mom and Dad.

I enjoy my day right now. I spend most of my time at my piano. At night it's for gadgets. I also fell asleep from exhaustion.

A sunlight strikes in my eyes causing my eyes to open. It's already morning. I immediately got up when someone knocked on my door.

"Come in", he said sleepily

The older brother appeared. They are in school uniform. Yes, they have school because today is Monday.

"Good morning baby", they said brother

"Morning brother", I answered

They stood next to me and kissed my forehead.

"So how's your sleep? Did you see your man in your dream?", brother Vox joked

Brother Zeki hit his shoulder.

"What are you talking about?", asked brother Zeki

"It's just a joke. It's just a joke", he said.

"Let's eat now," said brother Ranz

We went down to the table. I saw Mommy preparing food while Daddy was drinking coffee.

"Good morning", said Mommy

"Good morning Gin", said Daddy

"Morning Mom, morning Dad", I answered and sat down

"Let's eat", said Mommy

They also sat down brother. While eating I thought of going to the seaside. So I asked them brother.

"Brother, can we go to the seaside after we eat?", I asked them

They kept quiet brother. Mom and Dad too.

"Uhm baby I'm sorry", answered older Maki

"Why? I can go out, right Mom? I'm 21 please, even now", I insisted to them

"Gabrielle your brothers have class right now and they are not allowed to be late", Mom explained

"But Mom, it's just now", I tried to tell them.

They are in college, brother. I know they are busy but even now they should take time for this. I really want to go outside but Dad won't allow it if Kuya isn't with me. I only have a tutor. I have been home studying since Grade 1 until now.

"Sorry baby, but we're going tomorrow afternoon", said brother Ranz

"But I want to go right now", I said

"Gin don't be stubborn. Your brothers have class right now", Daddy said almost shouting.

"I won't invite them if you let me, Dad. Why am I not allowed to go out", I replied to Dad.

It's just disgusting. I'm bored here at home. What? Will they keep me here for life? I can't stand it

"Gin, when did you learn to answer to your Daddy?", Mom asked her politely

"Mom I'm already 21! I'm at the right age and mind Mom. I can protect myself. I'm tired here at home Mom. I want to go out like everyone else. It's not because I'm an Omega , you need to lock me up here in our house just to keep me safe. It's annoying!", I shouted at them and walked out.

"Gin! Come back here!", Daddy shouted at me but I was going up to my room.

I stayed here for a few minutes. Soon someone knocked on my door.

"Come in", I said.

Daddy entered. I immediately sat down.

"Dad...", I said modestly

"Gin...", Daddy sat next to me

"I just want to say sorry earlier son. We're not trying to lock you here", Dad explained

"It's fine Dad. I'm sorry too", I said

I made a mistake earlier too.

"You really want to go outside?", asked Dad

"Hmm yeah? But if you don't agree, no", I answered

"You can come with us. I will bring your older brothers", said Dad.

I was surprised by what he said. Really?

"Really Dad?! I can come?", I said

"Yes", Dad answered sparingly

"Thank you Dad", I said

"Your welcome son", he replied.

Dad and I left the room. Brother is still waiting downstairs. I immediately went down to them.

"Brother", I said

"Let's go?", they asked him.

I just nodded. We got out and got into the car. Dad started the engine and left.

We traveled to their school for a few minutes, brother. I look outside while traveling. Nice. People, cars, houses and trees are beautiful to look at. I was amazed at what I was seeing. The children were also c-cute while playing in the playground we passed by.

Maya² we arrived at their school brother. Daddy parked the car next to a small tree. Big brother said goodbye and went inside. I can't read much about their school because ours is far away. We left for home.

I'm in my room right now watching Netflix. Someone knocked at my door. I immediately stood up and closed the door. I saw Mom and Dad

"Mom, Dad...come in", they came in and sat on my bed

"Uhm Gin, your Mommy and I have something to say", said Dad

I was wondering why? Their faces are so happy

"Hmm? What's that Dad?", I asked

"Me and your Dad enrolled you at your brothers' school", Mom said

I was surprised by what Mom said. Am I dreaming? Are they really my parents?

"No way, Mom. Are you serious?", I asked her

"Yes...", Mom answered sparingly

"It's on the house and you can start now", Dad continued while smiling

A smile escaped my mouth. I hug both of them...

"Thank you Dad, thank you Mom", I said

"Your welcome honey", they said

Finally I can go to school. I will also experience the life of a student

To Be Continued...

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