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The Night With Mr. Billionaire

The Night With Mr. Billionaire



Because of a mission forced to pretend as a hired woman Police lieutenant Xyra Tayco in a popular bar in Makati. He was assigned to find out and identify a mysterious leader of the syndicate nicknamed Mr. Jack the Ripper because of his black panther tattoo with initials J and R on his neck. In her quest, she also meets Zander Montenegro, a rich handsome guy and a well known dominant business man who's got the power to control everything. And for the first time they met, Zander felt a sense of admiration flickered in his eyes when Xyra appeared in the VIP room. It quickly squashed into his mind a sudden thrill of desire that he even bribed and threatened the bar owner in order to lure Xyra into his trap. A desirable trap that makes Xyra's body drawn in so much pleasure by his sinful touch

Chapter 1 the police

Chapter 1

Xyra Pov

I whistled when I entered the police station after the trial in court, our chief immediately called me to send me back to the police station right away, maybe you have something to order me again

hey! To be honest, it's hard to be a policeman, I almost don't have time

take care of my body and face but many people said that I'm beautiful and sexy when I'm dressed pfft they're funny people really like to echo hahaha

"Good then ma'am!"

"Zup buddy!"

"Congratulations ma'am!"

"Congratulations lieutenant!"

The others are still saluting so I just smile at the ones I meet who are greeting them

me until I met corporal Rey Chavez, he smiled at me

It's like he could be a toothpaste model, his chinito eyes match the shape of his face, they are as red as apples that are good to kiss, in fact, I have a crush on the corporal, it's just that he doesn't look at me like a woman. It's like I need to get dressed hahaha

"Lieutenant Tayco Are you okay?"


My daydreaming stopped when he called me a little louder

so I was ashamed to look at him

Lieutenant, the chief is calling you to his office I just nodded shyly to him and hurried to leave and didn't look back at him until I got to the office

of our chief of police I held my breath before knocking

three times and saluted even if he didn't

seen said at the same time

" 2nd lieutenant Xyra

Tayco permission to enter your office sir!"

I waited a few seconds before him

said that I can come in

when I entered I saw you happy

face of our boss

"Thank you Xyra for

doing a great job and it's my honor that one

you are my children

I smiled at him

"Thank you, sir, I wouldn't have been this good if it wasn't for you, remember you were one of the ones who trained me"

I even winked at him so he just laughed.

"By the way Xyra I know you just finished a case but we have a problem and only you know if you can handle it

it's a mission"

I stood up straight

I can hear the seriousness of our chief

"what is it sir?" My answer

"Later night the leader of a very heavy syndicate called The Phoenix will show up so this leader of theirs called Jack the ripper is very wise so don't know

what kind of person he is and what he is not

his face will be seen by anyone based on the gathered information of

Jack the Ripper will show up with people who have our asset later

strong influence on the Government and others

billionaire businessman we don't know and maybe he has a proposal for them."

"So how can you tell that he is Jack the Ripper?" I asked the chief

"Meyron has a black panther tattoo on the back of his neck," answered sir, so I just nodded

"Only four of you know

this mission it is very confidential xyra but only you and josh will enter that bar and in order for you to enter the VIP room where the meeting will take place you have to pretend that Ricky is a paid woman he will monitor you on the computer and Josh is the waiter in case something bad happens to you and Ryan is the observer outside and he is the

drive a car so you can leave easily"

"What sir if we see Jack the Ripper will he be caught?

us?" I asked him

"No! Not right now, the important thing is that we get to know Jack the personality

Ripper and find out what his plan is why he sent influential people and billionaire businessmen to that bar I Trust you Xyra I believed in your ability Take care Goodluck! " So Saludo was my only answer before leaving his office

I breathed a few breaths as I faced that bar that our boss said staring at a hiring sign, I'm really lucky and everything went according to plan, I won't have a hard time going in if work doesn't really call, I really want to back out hayst! That josh is a good guy, he applied this morning, he got in right away, I wish I could have suggested to the boss that he applied for a macho dancer hahaha I just laughed at what I was thinking, I stopped imagining a gay person talking to me

"Hi sister! I've been seeing you staring at that sign for a while," said the gay man in front of me, pointing to a sign with a hiring sign on it.

"Ah, I'm planning to apply" I answered hesitantly

"That's right, sister! We really need a worker right now, especially since we have a heavy guest tonight" he replied artfully.

"So beautiful sister, can you help me?

I need to go to work, I really need a job" I pangechos to the gay man I was talking to

"Hmm?" (raising his eyebrows and looking at me) you're beautiful and sexy, but you're not fashionable in your clothes, oh he's your hired! "

I pretended to cry and even hugged the gay artist "thank you, thank you, you are really an angel for me"

After the award winning performance hahaha they let me into the bar to prepare and orient me on what I should and shouldn't do and the gay man I talked to earlier is the owner of this bar so I'm really lucky and I'm one when he chose to entertain the guests tonight in the VIP room because of my apology earlier, I begged that if possible, I would just come to the table and he agreed, so everything is according to the plan, the audio recorder that Josh had also placed in the VIP room earlier everything is already settled, my only problem is how to look good and attract customers, I think I still need a youtube tutorial

its already 8:00 in the evening and in a few minutes the big guests will arrive at this bar, we are almost in a hurry to arrange and everything should be well fixed by the arrival of the guests so here I am thinking sitting in front of the Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I never thought that I would look like this and that I was wearing this short, to be honest, it's my first time wearing this kind of clothes. My parents raised me to dress decently.

"Girls! Be ready, the other guests are already here but their other colleagues are still waiting, so that they don't get bored in the VIP room, I need 7 girls to entertain them first, is it okay Girls?" One of the people at the bar said organized us

"Yes Mom!" We answered together

"Then I need to choose 7 girls hmm?" He looked at us all

I heard my colleagues here whispering that they wish they would be chosen because they say they will earn a lot and that Mr. Montenegro would choose them! Women like this cling to the knife, there are many legal jobs but the ones you want are easy to earn but I don't blame them I don't know what is the real reason why they entered the job to that's why I don't judge them

"You! "I was surprised when the gay organizer taught me

"So Girls (He clapped) you know what you're going to do" He pushed me out at the same time

When we entered the VIP room, I looked around to see a large TV screen and a long table and a sofa where seven men were sitting. You can see from their clothes and posture that they are not ordinary people.

This is it! When I was tempted to look at them and bit my lip I still knew hahahaha so almost all seven of them looked at me and the one in a coat in the mid 60s came to me and asked me to sit next to him with his hands that grabbed me and held me in his arms he still me because of the shock I didn't object yet

Zander Pov

I keep myself busy scrolling on my phone. I don't want to waste my precious time talking to those bastard politicians sitting beside me.

I'm only here at this bar because someones invited me because there are big proposals and they say my business will grow and also to satisy my needs this evening which is Girls.

I stopped reading on my cellphone when I felt the door open to signal that someone was coming in

there's a Girl who catch my attention a very beautiful girl with attractive eyes Her hair was midnight-black and it flowed over her shoulders she wore an alluring clothes in a seductive way

I feel my buddy grow down there when she bites her lips in a seductive way

I don't like seeing her like that with another man looking which is those crazy bastard politicians

Congressman Mariano stood up to make him sit down but I couldn't agree so I just sat him down and kissed him

I saw shock written on her face which is I found it cute hahaha

I called my personal buddy guard and whispered that I would get this girl in just a minute, but my buddy guard came back and said that this girl is off limits, which makes me angry.

"fuck just name his price 1 million 10 ? million or else will destroy all his business tell hime " Screamed when he answered so everyone in this room was surprised even the girl because of my annoyance was surprised.

To Be Continued...

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Other books by Angel08

I Was Jealous Of My Boyfriend's Best Friend

I Was Jealous Of My Boyfriend's Best Friend



I am now walking towards the pool area of ​​my boyfriend's house, we have been a couple for 3 years and by the grace of God our relationship is still going strong. "Good morning ma'am" greeted me a maid in this house "Good morning too, is your sir in the pool area?" I ask here "Yes, ma'am, sir is with his girl friend" he answered, I was a little stunned when I heard that my boyfriend's friend was here "That's right, I'll go see them there" I said and walked away My boyfriend's female friend is the person I'm jealous of because since he came back from the State, he always has the boyfriend's time that should be mine How many times have I caught them hugging and my boyfriend always tells me that I have nothing to worry about because it's just a friendly hug and has no other meaning but sometimes I can't help but feel jealous and hurt I stopped when I was walking when I saw my boyfriend in the distance hugging your friend and.... And that's not all because they kissed, I held my breath while watching them both "W-what a p-FRIEND is p-for them?" I stammered to myself as I watched them from a distance Sob Sob I wipe my tears while still watching them. "I don't know what I did wrong for you to do this thing to me Akhil?" I said while my tears didn't stop and I continued to watch them from afar Sob Sob I left the place crying and walked away while my tears continued to break. I saw the assistant I talked to earlier, so I quickly wiped my tears and acted as if nothing had happened. "Ma'am?" I smiled when you called me "I'm not going to disturb Akhil, it looks like he and his friend are talking about something, I'll go first" I promised and started walking but I also stopped and called the assistant again "Just wait!" I called here and he stopped "What is that ma'am?" This question made me smile "Can you...oh don't tell Akhil that I came here?" Please, he looked at me in surprise, so I smiled at him and spoke again "Maybe if he finds out that I came here and then I didn't even approach him, he'll be flattered, so please don't tell me?" I begged her with a smile, she smiled at me and nodded "Alright, ma'am, you can count on me" He said and left The smile on my lips earlier has now been replaced by continuous drops of tears Sobbing "Stop it Reign.... Don't cry here sob you have to p-stop Reign this is not the right place sob" I let myself go and wipe my tears I took a deep breath before walking out of the house while my tears continue to flow........

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